The s1 finale became the s2 premiere which I understand wraps that storyline.
Raven... I don't think much of her comic character would have translated well to TV. I think they did a solid job of creating something that worked. Same for Starfire. If you're a source material purist I can see why you sont like.
Hawk n Dove... yeah, not the strongest part of the series.
For Kory I think it worked. Any issues is purely in how her design was transfered and I don't think it's possible to make her powers look good in live action.
I also loved what they did to Robin's character (and Jason todd, to a degree).
Ravens had many incarnations but she's never been a dumb petulant kid. Quite the opposite. I hated how a conversation goes from hey let's not go into this blind to, how can you tell me we can't do this.
As for hawk and dove, just found the whole love triangle thing annoying and unnecessarily melo dramatic. This isn't a soap. I also in general didn't care for the character.
This post has been edited by LinearPhilosopher: 07 August 2019 - 05:32 PM
Interests:Reading, video games, role playing games, Fountain Pens, journals...
Posted 08 August 2019 - 12:01 PM
I started the newer version of Watership Down. I'm not sold on the CGI rabbits, but the story is solid. 2.5 episodes in out of 4.
“The others followed, and found themselves in a small, stuffy basement, which would have been damp, smelly, close, and dark, were it not, in fact, well-lit, which prevented it from being dark.”
― Steven Brust, The Phoenix Guards
Finished the final season of iZombie. The characters were still wonderful, all the actors charming and giving it their best go, but the plotting for this season just wasn't working. I'd put a lot of it on the show's tiny budget vs its ambition, but previous seasons managed to work around it and this one just felt really hampered by it. Some great/fun stuff still happened, even in the ho-hum finale, but I wish it had gone out on its best foot. Can't be too mad cuz VM4 was so great, I guess.
They came with white hands and left with red hands.
LinearPhilosopher, on 06 August 2019 - 01:56 AM, said:
amphibian, on 06 August 2019 - 12:52 AM, said:
LinearPhilosopher, on 05 August 2019 - 11:37 PM, said:
I just finished season 3 of the wire.
Is there anyone here I can talk about the wire with?
Go for Froggy.
What a season, easily the best season thus far. What a story and what a roller-coaster.
Bunny Colvin, the only cop who gave a dam about doing something meaningful get's completely screwed over by the system as a whole. Everyone wanting to either cover their asses or getting one up in the political game. Fucking carcetti with his grand speech which talks about not using this as an opportunity to spin this for politics. meanwhile he sprang the whole thing as a lead-up to his run for mayor.
Stringer bell, honestly, felt satisfying to have clay davis completely pull the wool over his head. But the shock was the growing divide between Stringer and Avon leading to them killing each other. (not that it wasn't foreshadowed like in the club scene) With brother Mouzone and Omar no less. Was quite the scene. Was happy to see him fall finally.
But at the end, you aren't left any happier overall. yes he fell but now Marlo stanfield come and he's a cold motherfucker. Get rid of one kingpin another one will rise because you're never getting at the root issues. The reason you never get at the real issues is the system lives off the root causes. Without systemic reform, the cycle repeats ad nauseum. It's quite soul crushing.
Someone tries to get something done, and at the end, now it's even worse. You just end up feeling hopeless about the whole thing.
Within this season in specific, the topic of "good police" and "good police work" came up a lot. I really liked the conversation between Carver and Bunny about the distinction about Soldering and Policing. Soldering is about making arrest, busting corners and getting numbers. Policing is about walking your beat and knowing the community. Being in the community. I find that this issue is still alive and well in toronto vis a vis Toronto police and it's relationship with the LGBTQ2A community (or whatever the current acronym is), though nowhere as extreme. Though its sickening to have the higher ups in the show talk about "good policing" when all they care about is their jobs and they do nothing but berate their subordinates, themselves having no solutions either.
Finally, as a whole, as much as im a dyed in the wool Weaboo, No anime has ever grabbed me in the same way. As cool as anime can be, it isnt as visceral as this. It's "real stories" about real issues in a way that anime will never do. As much as I love anime, The Wire stands above it like a colossus, its honestly the best TV i've ever watched.
My fiance lived in Baltimore for ten years in a few different locations. Her opinion is that things are so irretrievably fucked due to the models of how we fund schools (mostly through property taxes), how we fund healthcare and childcare (nearly an "everybody is on their own to cobble whatever they can together" situation), how we fund city works projects (through property taxes), and the deeply entrenched "selling illegal drugs makes you more money" system.
Combine this with wave after waves of Carcetti types who try to stepping stone their way up into power without leaving behind real change across every level of bureaucracy.
It's a very shitty situation and despite this, Baltimore can be a fun place to live. The food is good, there's decent housing, and there's lots to do.
I would be wary of how Simon and the writers present the newspaper writers and also the way that the show handles teachers through Pryz always rankled. There's a bunch of hagiography going on and the Pryz stuff was flat out not good to do (bc he's a white ex cop who did something very, very bad).
I survived the Permian and all I got was this t-shirt.
So finished up Euphoria. Hated it from the jump, but stayed with it because I wanted to see if the show was trying to accomplish something or say something profound about the high school experience in this current time, as we approach the third decade of the new millennium. It didn't accomplish anything or say anything profound. Its attempt at being edgy was only that, just an attempt at being edgy (and hollow). Even the promised number of penises to air in one episode was a disappointment and a con. Most of them were 'dick pics'. Anyway, I would say avoid Euphoria, it is a terrible attempt at trying to to what ever it is trying to do. But maybe you should check it out, just because you might find something that I missed - probably a shot of a penis.
Finished THE BOYS. Didn’t like it much. The only thing that kept me hanging in there was the presence of Karl Urban...way too over the top, too much gratuitousness, too anti-superhero, and just generally like the kind of shit HBO pushes out just to spark buzz for being edgy. First Amazon original I didn’t like...
Liked UMBRELLA ACADEMY like a thousand times more from a writing angle.
Yeah, that’s right...I just said Gerard Way > Garth Ennis. Come at me!
This post has been edited by QuickTidal: 12 August 2019 - 01:48 AM
"When the last tree has fallen, and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no." ~Aurora
"Someone will always try to sell you despair, just so they don't feel alone." ~Ursula Vernon
This post has been edited by Tsundoku: 12 August 2019 - 11:12 AM
"Fortune favors the bold, though statistics favor the cautious." - Indomitable Courteous (Icy) Fist, The Palace Job - Patrick Weekes
"Well well well ... if it ain't The Invisible C**t." - Billy Butcher, The Boys
"I have strong views about not tempting providence and, as a wise man once said, the difference between luck and a wheelbarrow is, luck doesn’t work if you push it." - Colonel Orhan, Sixteen Ways to Defend a Walled City - KJ Parker
Interests:Reading, video games, role playing games, Fountain Pens, journals...
Posted 12 August 2019 - 12:11 PM
Finished Watership Down, the final scene with the Black Rabbit of Inle got me a little misty eyed. I much prefer the stylistic version from the older movie though.
This post has been edited by acesn8s: 12 August 2019 - 12:11 PM
“The others followed, and found themselves in a small, stuffy basement, which would have been damp, smelly, close, and dark, were it not, in fact, well-lit, which prevented it from being dark.”
― Steven Brust, The Phoenix Guards
Needed a palate cleanser, so I've finally jumped back into THE MAN IN THE HIGH CASTLE season 3 (Season 4, the final season, debuts in Nov!), and enjoying. I really think that aside from Alexa Davelos (Juliana), that Cary Hiroyuki-Tagawa (Tagomi), and Joel Du La Fuente (Kido) are the heart and soul of this show. Also, I'm still crazy impressed that Stephen Root can do drama at this level. Ever since Dodgeball I just assumed he was a strictly comedy dude, but he is impressive here.
"When the last tree has fallen, and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no." ~Aurora
"Someone will always try to sell you despair, just so they don't feel alone." ~Ursula Vernon
LinearPhilosopher, on 06 August 2019 - 01:56 AM, said:
amphibian, on 06 August 2019 - 12:52 AM, said:
LinearPhilosopher, on 05 August 2019 - 11:37 PM, said:
I just finished season 3 of the wire.
Is there anyone here I can talk about the wire with?
Go for Froggy.
What a season, easily the best season thus far. What a story and what a roller-coaster.
Bunny Colvin, the only cop who gave a dam about doing something meaningful get's completely screwed over by the system as a whole. Everyone wanting to either cover their asses or getting one up in the political game. Fucking carcetti with his grand speech which talks about not using this as an opportunity to spin this for politics. meanwhile he sprang the whole thing as a lead-up to his run for mayor.
Stringer bell, honestly, felt satisfying to have clay davis completely pull the wool over his head. But the shock was the growing divide between Stringer and Avon leading to them killing each other. (not that it wasn't foreshadowed like in the club scene) With brother Mouzone and Omar no less. Was quite the scene. Was happy to see him fall finally.
But at the end, you aren't left any happier overall. yes he fell but now Marlo stanfield come and he's a cold motherfucker. Get rid of one kingpin another one will rise because you're never getting at the root issues. The reason you never get at the real issues is the system lives off the root causes. Without systemic reform, the cycle repeats ad nauseum. It's quite soul crushing.
Someone tries to get something done, and at the end, now it's even worse. You just end up feeling hopeless about the whole thing.
Within this season in specific, the topic of "good police" and "good police work" came up a lot. I really liked the conversation between Carver and Bunny about the distinction about Soldering and Policing. Soldering is about making arrest, busting corners and getting numbers. Policing is about walking your beat and knowing the community. Being in the community. I find that this issue is still alive and well in toronto vis a vis Toronto police and it's relationship with the LGBTQ2A community (or whatever the current acronym is), though nowhere as extreme. Though its sickening to have the higher ups in the show talk about "good policing" when all they care about is their jobs and they do nothing but berate their subordinates, themselves having no solutions either.
Finally, as a whole, as much as im a dyed in the wool Weaboo, No anime has ever grabbed me in the same way. As cool as anime can be, it isnt as visceral as this. It's "real stories" about real issues in a way that anime will never do. As much as I love anime, The Wire stands above it like a colossus, its honestly the best TV i've ever watched.
My fiance lived in Baltimore for ten years in a few different locations. Her opinion is that things are so irretrievably fucked due to the models of how we fund schools (mostly through property taxes), how we fund healthcare and childcare (nearly an "everybody is on their own to cobble whatever they can together" situation), how we fund city works projects (through property taxes), and the deeply entrenched "selling illegal drugs makes you more money" system.
Combine this with wave after waves of Carcetti types who try to stepping stone their way up into power without leaving behind real change across every level of bureaucracy.
It's a very shitty situation and despite this, Baltimore can be a fun place to live. The food is good, there's decent housing, and there's lots to do.
I would be wary of how Simon and the writers present the newspaper writers and also the way that the show handles teachers through Pryz always rankled. There's a bunch of hagiography going on and the Pryz stuff was flat out not good to do (bc he's a white ex cop who did something very, very bad).
an interesting perspective. A friend of a friend of mine told me how if you see a cop siren, wheras here you think it's a car accdient, over there someone likely got shot. You mind expanding a bit on the teachers with season 4 though? Im intrigued.
In general, i thought this show was less about baltimore in specific, and more about the drug war in general. Baltimore is used as an example because it's what the writers knew, but most if not all of these stories can be related to real world events outside of baltimore. They show how corrupt baltimore politics are, but id wager many of the factors at play in baltimore are at play in any other major city with a crime problem ( or any other problem like gun violence). The stuff with the dock workers can easily be transposed to the various other industries that have floundered in the last decade. The overarching narrative of the show is how the system that is in play is disfunctional, but is disfunctional ina way it continually reinforces itself and is at it's core almost impossible to change. Anyone who deviates too much from the system is simply crushed.
Lt. Daniels early on has to choose between doing good police work, and climbing the ranks. You can get away with some good police work, but too much the system eats you alive.
This post has been edited by LinearPhilosopher: 14 August 2019 - 12:24 AM
Finished THE MAN IN THE HIGH CASTLE S3. Really solidly done throughout. Kept me riveted to the last scene. Can't wait for Season 4 in November.
And as luck would have it, Season 2 of MINDHUNTER dropped on Netflix today! So I already started that and I'm 2 eps in and it's great. They've begun their focus on the side-scenes from Season 1 (BTK killer) a little more now, but knowing BTK was not caught until the 2000's means this will be ultimately frustrating for team (considering we are still in 1979 in show timeline). They've mentioned Georgia now in S2 and so I know we are headed to the meat of the Season story with the Atlanta Child murders, and Wayne Williams. This show is so very Fincher too. Great, if disturbing, stuff.
"When the last tree has fallen, and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no." ~Aurora
"Someone will always try to sell you despair, just so they don't feel alone." ~Ursula Vernon
Finished MINDHUNTER S2. Aside from one really mostly pointless plot line, the rest was pretty solid...but man I legit forgot how frustrating the Atlanta Child Murders case was...even with Williams behind bars, there are so many questions and annoyances. I'm glad they focused on it though because Ressler (The dude Bill is based on), and John Douglas (the dude Holden is based on) really were there, and really were the liaisons to the taskforce in Atlanta. The Manson and Kemper interviews were highlights for the Season.
"When the last tree has fallen, and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no." ~Aurora
"Someone will always try to sell you despair, just so they don't feel alone." ~Ursula Vernon