I love how the covers feature unconcerned 21st century lingerie models dropped into random tracts of wilderness and the same velociraptor shot in its throes of pleasure and then stuffed.
I finished the title masterpiece! It was so terrible it was hilarious, and I do admit some of it echoed deliberate tongue-in-cheek campness (as in atrocious puns like "my muskrat is attracted to your beaver"), but still. Leiah ascended so high up on the pedestal of marysuism that she was rescued by a flock of ANGELS in the end. Also she turned out to be Scotsvampire's 300-years-dead love reborn.
What flung me into sharpening my battleaxe and gathering up a war party of dwarves in berserkergang was the formulaic "stay in the kitchen" portrayal of the heroines. Appears that all the chicks of the previous volumes ended up cooing over various impossible hybrid spawns, or shuddering somewhere behind the coulisses while the males stomped into battle. When Scotsvampire isn't stiff behind the sporran, he blabs about protecting Leiah and yada yada to the point of annoying the listener. The woman, as a default, is depicted as weak and helpless. I assume this is the case with the angel that ended up pushing a stroller through the streets of Inverness as well. Fine, do it with
some of the women; there are such persons that genuinely love to care for babies and let the husband earn the actual living / club the sabletooth tiger menacing the cave senseless. I'm not a Pippi feminist and can admit this. But not psyche of
every woman follows this pattern. It's bloody dreadful stereotyping.
Also the relationship, shoving aside the whole "coincidence" that Leiah was a reincarnation... All they had was a couple of mettwurst eating/hiding games, and she's ready to marry him after
three weeks??? What about everything else in life, like common non-sexual interests? They appeared to have none; not even cuddly co-readings of Malazan by the hearth. What happens when they finally get bored of the taste of sausages and beaver sauce? Another Pust/Mogora? As much as I can master logicality beneath this blonde mop of hair, I cannot comprehend why someone would want to marry a practically unknown man after such a short span of time.
Anyhow, thanks to Apt for this reading challenge that destroyed all my three braincells.

We should do this again sometime, it was fun.
But dinopr0n sounds genuinely scary.
This post has been edited by Kaamos: 06 October 2013 - 02:58 AM