Reputation: 6
- Group:
- Malaz Regular
- Active Posts:
- 24 (0 per day)
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- General Book Topics (7 posts)
- Joined:
- 26-January 09
- Profile Views:
- 4,485
- Last Active:
- Jan 22 2012 06:07 AM
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My Information
- Member Title:
- Rider in the Vedith Swift
- Age:
- Age Unknown
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- Birthday Unknown
- Location:
- Ottawa
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About Me
Being optimistic's worthless if it means ignoring the suffering of the world. Worse than worthless. It's bloody evil. And being pessimistic, well, that's just
the first step on the path, and it's a path that might take you down Hood's road, or it takes you to a place where you can settle into doing what you can,
hold fast in your fight against the suffering. And that's an honest place, Cuttle.
the first step on the path, and it's a path that might take you down Hood's road, or it takes you to a place where you can settle into doing what you can,
hold fast in your fight against the suffering. And that's an honest place, Cuttle.
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