Malazan Empire: Shiara - Viewing Profile - Malazan Empire

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User Rating: *****

Reputation: 801 Rep Panther, Rrrrow!
Team Quick Ben
Active Posts:
1,764 (0.24 per day)
Most Active In:
The Phoenix Inn (1330 posts)
30-September 04
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User is offline Jan 05 2024 08:20 AM

My Information

Member Title:
High Scribe of Team Quick Ben
39 years old
December 12, 1984
Brisbane, Australia

Contact Information

Click here to e-mail me
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Website URL  http://

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  1. Photo

    Studious Lock 

    01 Feb 2012 - 01:22
    they are both black labradors :) oh and thanks! that was my 30 rep :P
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    31 Jan 2012 - 07:09
    Did I, perchance drunkenly mail, text or call you about Brisbane some time last week?
    In a fit of devilish cunning I cleared all my call and text data to ensure I wouldn't know what I was at. But I do recall thinking you or cents would be the person to contact regarding flying and travelling around Australia
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    15 Jan 2012 - 05:11
    Actually, I found FOUR copies - three in the new cover art and one in the original - I was thinking of buying the original coverart one for myself but as I went to the checkout I noticed it had some internal trauma and decided against it. So I stood it on the nearby display cabinet for all to see :D
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    Mrs Savagely Wishy Washy 

    10 Nov 2011 - 11:27
    ... it is epic. and depressing. ta!
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    28 Jul 2011 - 09:51
    Sorry, wasn't ignoring you on chat, just as I was about to respond the computer decided now would be a good time to go crazy. Enjoy dinner!
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    27 May 2011 - 11:12
    Repping Coco for a slander about my age, eh? :P
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    12 Apr 2011 - 19:42
    Since you didn't respond I offered the choice to Laura, who opted for TWOK. So if you would like the autographed copy of Hero of Ages, let me know your specs for personalization!
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    12 Apr 2011 - 04:36
    Would you rather have TWOK or Hero of Ages? I'm assuming you already own the latter, but in hardback? Let me know.
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    04 Apr 2011 - 06:02
    Haha, Luc does look like Illy!
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    04 Apr 2011 - 06:01
    You no have me as friend :(
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    01 Apr 2011 - 08:02
    Is that illy in your pic? what? when? how? huh?
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    11 Mar 2011 - 10:25
    Just thought I'd leave my mark. In a nice way. ;)
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