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Mezla's Thought Police
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560 (0.08 per day)
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The Phoenix Inn (131 posts)
02-July 06
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User is offline Yesterday, 06:38 PM

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Member Title:
High Fist
Age Unknown
Birthday Unknown

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  1. In Topic: What's messing with your groove?

    24 April 2024 - 10:33 AM

    View PostLady Bliss, on 24 April 2024 - 01:52 AM, said:

    Has anyone had excessive iron in their blood? A bit freaked out…

    Most of my family are carriers of one or both of the genes for this condition - Haemochromatosis. This means about a quarter of us actually have it. In fact it's very prevalent in Ireland genetically speaking so far from unusual here.
    Nothing to worry about, it is generally very easy to manage, they'll take a pint of blood or so each month until your Iron levels look right. It takes years for iron levels to build up to anything dangerous. It's more serious for men than for women, simply because women up until menopause have a built-in monthly iron safety valve.

    The largest pain is that you'll need to get your levels checked every 6 months or so afterwards.

    Absolutely no big deal in most cases.


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  1. Photo


    07 Nov 2020 - 20:40
    Good to see that you still live.
  2. Photo


    27 Apr 2018 - 09:06
    Y U neg me? :(
    Or is it the Irish way of showing approval? Damn, now I can't be sure of anything ...
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    02 Apr 2012 - 05:42
    Happy birthday, you German-difiling man-god. ;)
  4. Photo


    20 Feb 2012 - 16:53
    You know because of you I know have it in my head that all German's prefer it from behind. I sometimes inform people of this fact before I catch myself when German people or Germany is mentioned. Thanks to you I have caused many an awkward silence.
  5. Photo


    20 Feb 2012 - 16:01
    You say such hurtful things :P
  6. Photo


    07 Apr 2011 - 09:39
    He kinda looks like the perfect mardi gras mascot...
  7. Photo


    05 Apr 2011 - 11:20
    Shake it Batman, shake it!
  8. Photo


    03 May 2010 - 07:45
  9. Photo

    Mezla PigDog 

    25 Feb 2010 - 16:18
    The Wry giveth and the Wry taketh away!
  10. Photo

    Mezla PigDog 

    23 Feb 2010 - 23:43
    All I'm getting of the rep you gave me is "You're just trying to justify the future sw..." Sw? Swinging incident? Swedish made penis enlarger? I'm sure it was hilarious regardless! Damn character limit!
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