Malazan Empire: Miles_Umile - Viewing Profile - Malazan Empire

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14-June 23
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User is offline Aug 19 2023 12:52 PM

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  1. In Topic: The Red Dead (Redemption) Series

    17 August 2023 - 01:56 PM

    I finally completed RDR2.
    I agree with what Aptorian wrote.
    I haven't played RDR1 so maybe that has to be taken into account, however it's a good game but not a masterpiece, for me. I didn't feel any particular attachment to the main characters. Interested in the story of the gang yes, but it didn't particularly impress me.
    I liked the way the final part of Chapter 6 unfolded, whereas the Epilogue, the way it unfolds and I'm referring to a certain situation, seemed a bit odd to me.

    In my opinion the honour system was avoidable, since (again, my impression) the game wants you to play as an honourable man. You can rob and steal, but it's not worth it, it's more disadvantages than advantages. Robbing a train for a few pennies and then getting a bounty twice the value stolen. Despite the fact that you had the bandana on your face. Also, correct me if I'm wrong, you can only rob banks in story missions. A bummer.
    RDR1 seems more interesting to me as a game and now that they have announced the porting(?) also for PS4 I plan to pick it up later when the price drops.
  2. In Topic: Malazan mod for Rome Remastered

    17 August 2023 - 01:36 PM

    Hello again. I've updated the mod. Among the main changes are the temples which are now dedicated to ascendants such as Oponn, Hood, Burn, Togg etc., renamed 28 regions between names taken from the books and others invented, and renamed the 7 wonders of the world (which give bonuses) into buildings/places inspired by the malazan world.


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    16 Jun 2023 - 22:11
    You're welcome for the welcome :)
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    15 Jun 2023 - 08:11
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