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In Topic: The Russia Politics and War in Ukraine Thread
02 March 2025 - 08:00 PM
Werthead, on 02 March 2025 - 07:56 PM, said:
Perun's analysis of NATO's capabilities without the United States.
European military capabilities are still pretty massive. Having the United States on hand is obviously massively preferrable, but in a pinch the non-US component of NATO could still defeat Russia without too much trouble, at least in a conventional war.
Perun is a legend, some good levelheaded and knowledgeable analysis good for anyone who wants a clue. A must watch each sunday
Azath Vitr (D, on 02 March 2025 - 02:31 PM, said:
However, humanoid robots only use about 10% the materials of a car, so it's plausible they could eventually become another 10x cheaper, or $1000 each.
I'd agree for civilian robots, those will eventually move into homes. Probably fairly soon as novelty items and not in the too distant future helping with simple tasks and taking over unskilled work on mass.
But a military robot needs hardened electronics, rugged computers, stronger actuators and motors to handle recoil and other stresses, they are probably not built in cheap plastic, limited protection equal to a bullet proof vest at a minimum, dust, liquid and dirt proofing, redundant sensors so that the robot isn't disabled by one iced up or malfunctioning camera, bigger batteries for longer operations, secure data connections that are at least somewhat jamming proof and the software development will be insane. Gods these things will be expensive so damned expensive that tech firm boards are orgasmic at the thought of selling them in the future. -
In Topic: The Russia Politics and War in Ukraine Thread
02 March 2025 - 07:31 AM
Mentalist, on 02 March 2025 - 02:13 AM, said:
Azath, I say this with the greatest respect.
Muscoviotes say loads of things.
Most of them are not true, and intended to justify creating large budgets that can then be embezzled . If they had even a quarter of the things they were supposedly investing into in 2016, we wouldn't be here in year 4 of the war, watching videos of donkeys and horses carrying ammo to the trenches.
Putler would never agree to have robots in all the key roles, because he is paranoid aboiut technology. He doesn't understand it, he doesn't trust it, and he would never create a a system of perfectly loyal servants that is run by someone other than him . Because whomever holds that remote, stops needing him.
The best evidence is the US can't field anything much better than a mobility aid in the robotic field, russia does not have the expertise or money to make anything better. So when the us marine corps is made up of robots we can start worrying about russia.
All major powers say they will have robotic planes in production sometime within a few decades and that is vastly and I mean orders of magnitudes easier than a robotic soldier that works. Robotic airforces are coming and not that far into the future, robotic brown-water navies are partially here already with Ukraine driving development but robotic armies or even worse security forces that is vaporware right now. Much of it is the same problem self driving cars have but multiplied by infinite possibilities not just avoiding objects on the road and keeping to the lane. -
In Topic: The Russia Politics and War in Ukraine Thread
01 March 2025 - 08:18 PM
Azath Vitr (D, on 01 March 2025 - 07:59 PM, said:
And eventually maintenance robots will render those humans unnecessary.
Yeah we would love those maintenance robots at work but it ain't happening any time soon.
Azath Vitr (D, on 01 March 2025 - 07:59 PM, said:
Soldiers with rifles are getting massacred by drones and tanks when they try to advance. If it isn't already, then it will probably soon be cheaper to just send autonomous tanks and drones. And rocket-launching Shahed drones cost about $35,000 each, while the starting salary for a Russian soldier is apparently about $21,504 a year. If both survive for two years, the drone costs 2*21504-35000 = $8008 less. Granted that's not taking into account the respective costs of rockets, rifles, supplies, etc.
Shahed drones are one use loitering munitions, they are literately fancy guided bombs.
There is no drone currently in production that does the job of a soldier, thought the wheeled/tracked machine gun thingies Ukraine have tested are going in that direction but as mentioned above way too expensive. Not least because they require a machine, an operator and like all other vehicles a maintenance crew.
Will advanced armies start using robots in combat, for sure in specialist roles. But russia isn't going to field robot armies in the next few decades. -
In Topic: The Russia Politics and War in Ukraine Thread
01 March 2025 - 06:57 PM
The main reason we won't see entire robot armies any time soon (and possibly ever) is that average joe is a lot cheaper most of the time. There is no way to get a working military robot replacing a rifleman for the cost of a rifleman in the russian army. Might be possible for one in the western armies but probably not even there yet and that is without going into the questions of robot maintenance (as a professional in that field) I can tell you robots don't just work...they need a lot of help surviving the hazards of constant breakdown of all kinds without people actually trying to destroy them. Now unmanned vehicles and drones piloted from elsewhere that is obviously part of the current and close future. -
In Topic: The USA Politics Thread
01 March 2025 - 09:20 AM
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24 Dec 2021 - 14:48