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In Topic: The Russia Politics and War in Ukraine Thread
19 January 2025 - 12:42 PM
Well Putin thinks Western countries are weak sissy girls who will bow before if he kills some of them and makes it clear he will kill more of them if they don't do as he says. Add the fact that I'm seeing more countrymen saying how Ukraine isn't our problem and why should we get involved, despite it being right next door to us. Despite Moldova being next to us and they have issues with Russia etc. I've heard plenty of dumb idiots going on about how Putin is a real man (because of course that crowd would drink russian kool-aid).
There are always some significant minority of stupid people, in this case including Putin who obviously haven't learned anything about how democracies have ganged up and defeated basically every challenger since the first world war.
For the regular folks I always wonder what they really complain about, the current expenditure on aid to ukraine is basically barely measurable on the economic output of the nations supporting ukraine and obviously enough to stop Russia for as long as Ukraine can and are willing to pay the hard cost of war.
Much of the support for ukraine especially in the USA could even be seen as economic stimulus as very large part of the money end up in arms manufacturing outside the ukraine.
Sure we are probably paying somewhat higher energy prices in Europe but at least around here its a minor inconvenience not exactly a hardship. -
In Topic: Reading at t'moment?
16 January 2025 - 02:02 PM
Going through Wind and Truth, its pretty decent but Sanderson should probably prune the character gallery. We don't need the POW of every secondary character and that is one of the reason these books bloat and could probably be half the length with much the same result. At the same time this series is an impressive deep dive in another world and probably the closest we get to Wheel of Time in these days both the good and the bad.
polishgenius, on 16 January 2025 - 11:52 AM, said:
Now I'm reading In a Garden Burning Gold, by Rory Power, a book which early doors is coming off like a cross between Guy Gavriel Kay and The Library at Mount Char, and if that seems unlikely to you, well, try it yourself and tell me otherwise.
On that recommendation its added to the reading list. -
In Topic: Reading at t'moment?
13 January 2025 - 07:30 PM
So with Lord of Light over and being as brilliant as every time. One of the rare books which is a piece of art/poetry, thought provoking and entertaining.
I just started with Wind and Truth...gods is it really a 64h listen or is something wrong with audible. That must be some kind of record and this will not be a quick "read". -
In Topic: Need a new series.
12 January 2025 - 07:14 PM
If you love Morgan and Blackwinged you need the Low Town Trilogy.
If you love Cook and Erikson you need Miles Cameron...yes all of it preferably starting with either Against all Gods or the Red Knight. -
In Topic: Reading at t'moment?
11 January 2025 - 09:53 AM
polishgenius, on 10 January 2025 - 07:47 PM, said:
You're all persuading me I made a great choice in never starting Stormlight in the first place.
Adrian Tchaikovsky and Miles Cameron >>>
Probably the saner choice and yeah Miles Cameron is probably the best fantasy writer I've discovered since Erikson, others have individual books that are better but he basically delivers one or two top tier books each year beating any competition by pure productivity.
Chance hasn't added any friends yet.
24 Dec 2021 - 14:48