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User is offline Yesterday, 12:07 PM

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Member Title:
House Knight
Age Unknown
November 2
Deepest Darkest Yorkshire

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  1. In Topic: Reading at t'moment?

    Yesterday, 07:57 AM

    Taken up earbook more recently, and finished a couple:

    Politics on the Edge by Rory Stewart. Read by the author, it's a very good listen, aside from routinely making your despair/rage in equal measure about the state of UK politics. There are definitely people in Westminster who will never speak to Stewart again, but I never felt it comes over as an attack piece and Stewart is self-deprecating enough about his own mistakes and naivete in his career that it doesn't feel like a blind "everyone is wrong but me" at any point. Thanks for the recommendation, Tiste!

    Towers of Midnight. Had a long break from listening to Wheel of Time but finished this one this week. More enjoyable than I remembered, except I still cringe every time Mat ventures any opinion about women. If there's one criticism I could make of Sanderson, he could have toned down the sexist nonsense without losing the characters, but he runs right on with it. Otherwise, he's a vast improvement over the last couple of Robert Jordan books in particular.

    An hour or so into Memory of Light now, and I seem to remember actually really enjoying it when I read it on release. We shall see!

    Non-earbook I'm about half way through Becky Chambers' A Psalm for the Wild Built. It's very her, and it's lovely. A shame it's only short.
  2. In Topic: Whats making you happy right now

    Yesterday, 07:50 AM

    I bought Mr NAB an archery beginner's course for his birthday (we'd talked about giving it a proper go after moving).

    We both passed the course on Wednesday evening, so can now join the club and be insured. We have an appointment to go bow shopping tomorrow morning. I'm so excited! :D
  3. In Topic: Soccer/Football/Futbol/Whatever in general

    16 July 2024 - 12:26 PM

    Southgate's statement was exactly what I expected, thoroughly decent and thanking all the people behind the scenes. I might not have understood all his decisions but I always liked him, he seemed a genuinely decent man and he's dealt with an awful lot of nonsense in his tenure beyond the usual online vitriol. Remember when Boris Johnson thought it was a good idea to fight Marcus Rashford and denounce the England team for taking the knee before their matches?
  4. In Topic: Weinstein Celebrity Dead Pool

    10 July 2024 - 08:15 AM

    Picked up yesterday on some accusations of sexual assault against Neil Gaiman, one recent and one around 20 years ago. There's also a quote which I can't corroborate doing the rounds that when one of the victims approached his ex-wife Amanda Palmer with her story, Palmer claimed she was the 14th woman to have approached her. The timing of the most recent accusation seems to sit neatly with when the two got divorced also.

    For the sake of balance, the original story seems to have come from a heftily right-wing podcast which I hadn't heard of (Tortoise) but who apparently don't have the best record for verifying the things they post, and one of the presenters is Boris Johnson's sister, of all people.
  5. In Topic: The UK Politics Thread

    10 July 2024 - 08:08 AM

    View PostMezla PigDog, on 09 July 2024 - 09:34 PM, said:

    I've been reading snippets of speeches and statements from Starmer and various new Secretaries of State. I forgot what it felt like to have people in positions of power say stuff that I agree with. Or that simply sounds sensible. I keep having a little tear my eye.

    I am more impressed than I thought I would be so far. Some of the political appointments have been extremely progressive - like the Timpson's guy who is big on prisoner rehabilitation and prison reform as a Prisons Minister. And the Attorney General being huge in international law. God, Braverman was Attorney General under Boris. It really does feel like a new dawn.

    Same. It feels like actual adults in charge, and it's such a treat!

    Further to Tiste's comments above, I'm about halfway through Rory Stewart's book. Yes, it will make you very mad about the state of Westminster and the culture therein, but it's also a really good listen and I'm enjoying it.


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  1. Photo


    01 Nov 2023 - 19:29
    happy birthday TRB :)
  2. Photo


    02 Nov 2022 - 09:16
    Thanks! :D
  3. Photo


    01 Nov 2022 - 20:11
    Happy another one :)
  4. Photo


    02 Nov 2021 - 06:38
    Thank you! :D
  5. Photo


    01 Nov 2021 - 20:00
    another one, have a great day
  6. Photo


    01 Nov 2020 - 20:32
    happy birthday falcon girl
  7. Photo


    02 Nov 2018 - 10:23
    Happy birthday Hermione
  8. Photo


    28 Nov 2015 - 19:16
    What Hoosier said. Loved your reading sessions on Youtube. Do you still do them (I ask because I'm hoping for more)
  9. Photo


    07 Aug 2015 - 08:22
    Your videos on YouTube are awesome. It's always different hearing the voices in another person's tone and accent. Really enjoyed them, thanks so much!
  10. Photo


    17 May 2013 - 06:41
    Aww thanks very much, you know those videos only started because the Malazan fans on Tumblr dared me... then they just kept going with request haha! I should really do a new one :)
    How are you? :)
  11. Photo

    Studious Lock 

    17 May 2013 - 00:35
    Hey! Just popping in to say well done on the blog! Also randomly found you on youtube completely by accident. Really enjoyed the quotes vid :)
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