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In Topic: The East, The West, and Futurology
03 February 2025 - 10:43 PM
Honest Question: Where is China surpassing Canada? Manufacturing, I presume, but that's because they're doing the manufacturing for everyone else. What else?
This is not a trick question, I genuinely want to know. -
In Topic: Weinstein Celebrity Dead Pool
03 February 2025 - 10:38 PM
Civil case? Hopefully a criminal one in the works somewhere. -
In Topic: The East, The West, and Futurology
01 February 2025 - 12:58 AM
Huh... If the impressive part of Deepseek is its low cost, that seems very vulnerable to accounting tricks or just lying about how much things cost. That Angry Voice thing seems like propaganda,it's all 'sanctions aren't working, so please please lift the sanctions'
I'm not Canadian, but Google tells me they have some of the cleanest electricity production in the world at 83% non emitting, and committed to go further? Doesn't seem like they're doing nothing.Canada 2022 - Energy Policy Review.
Geographic dispersal alone isn't enough to indicate prosperity. It's not the same as it twenty years ago, but it doesn't mean that being a low end migrant worker is actually a good place to be. -
In Topic: The East, The West, and Futurology
30 January 2025 - 10:42 PM
If china does have a strengh it’s that it’s one party leadership and president for life let it plan long term. Far longer than the wests maximum of 4-10 years.
Theoretically, but for this to happen the dictatorships have to put their countries interests ahead of their own. I don't know that we've seen a dictatorship actually have any good long term plans. Mostly they just purge their rivals/dissidents/random people or create disastrous agricultural reforms. -
In Topic: The East, The West, and Futurology
30 January 2025 - 07:12 PM
I wonder...
Deepseek has been out like three days, It's far too soon to make a judgement, and even if it is, it doesn't mean that much by itself. It's only a big deal because people are reacting 'wait, China did something well That's not true, that's impossible' when even if it is true, it's only a big deal if you think anything not from the US must necessarily be inferior by default. It is normal to not be at the cutting edge all of the time in all things.
China is pretty opaque by design, it's hard to determine what the truth is. It's difficult to make comparisons when so much information is not available. It's easy to go. wow, that's so great' when you don't see the full consequences. It might be that the assumed consequences are overblown, but it also might be that they're not.We don't know, because of all the censorship.
The West allows people to complain about how oppressed they are, the CCP does not. So it's difficult to say that we have the full picture one way or the other.
They build things fast? Consequences (that we know about? Massive Forced displacement.
Good Covid Lockdown? Even if you assume their numbers are real, sealing people in their homes for months has a host of negative consequences like that urumqi appt fire.
Climate Change? China builds more new coal plants than rest of the world : NPR
Foreign visitors will usually go to the rich prosperous places, visiting a tech hub and calling that representative is like going to Silicon Valley and calling that representative of the average person, it doesn't mean much by itself.
I'm pretty wary of 'getting things done is all that matters, no matter how many dissidents are crushed in the process'. That's how you get dictatorships.
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