Reputation: 7
- Group:
- Malaz Regular
- Active Posts:
- 175 (0.03 per day)
- Most Active In:
- Games (120 posts)
- Joined:
- 29-January 11
- Profile Views:
- 11,397
- Last Active:
Dec 19 2011 06:21 AM
- Currently:
- Offline
My Information
- Member Title:
- Knight of High House Dark
- Age:
- 36 years old
- Birthday:
- August 10, 1988
- Location:
- Moon's Spawn
- Interests:
- Internets?
Contact Information
- E-mail:
- Private
- Website URL:
Latest Reputation
Current Reputation
About Me
My name is Sam. But you can call me Knight of High house Dark.. if it so pleases thee. or not.. whatever. 
I'm 22 but sometimes I forget and tell people I'm 21 or 5,000 years old to get a kick.
or am I 23? I think the number of years one lives is insignificant, its what that individual goes through in that time that defines their true age.
I am a gamer to say the least. I Mainly delve into RPG and epic story telling sagas. I think i get more out of games than I do from Videos. but I get more out of books than I do games or videos.
I've been reading novels and fantasy epics for as long as I can remember. It's my favourite way to take time away from reality. Steven Erikson has accomplished something no other Author has as of yet. and I find myself completely captivated by his worlds and characters.
well that is all for now. if any one has any questions or things to say, just ask or say. and I'll be checking the forums fairly often.
-Sa..- Knight of High House Dark ;D

I'm 22 but sometimes I forget and tell people I'm 21 or 5,000 years old to get a kick.
or am I 23? I think the number of years one lives is insignificant, its what that individual goes through in that time that defines their true age.
I am a gamer to say the least. I Mainly delve into RPG and epic story telling sagas. I think i get more out of games than I do from Videos. but I get more out of books than I do games or videos.
I've been reading novels and fantasy epics for as long as I can remember. It's my favourite way to take time away from reality. Steven Erikson has accomplished something no other Author has as of yet. and I find myself completely captivated by his worlds and characters.
well that is all for now. if any one has any questions or things to say, just ask or say. and I'll be checking the forums fairly often.
-Sa..- Knight of High House Dark ;D
"There is no struggle too vast, no odds too overwhelming, for ever should we fail- should we fall- we will know that we have lived."
— Anomander Rake
— Anomander Rake
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