Ten most powerful mages
Posted 19 March 2008 - 02:19 AM
Who do you think are the ten most powerful human mages we've seen so far?
Discounting all other abilities (sword skill, shapeshifting and Brain's)
This is how I think the list should go...
1.Quick Ben
Discounting all other abilities (sword skill, shapeshifting and Brain's)
This is how I think the list should go...
1.Quick Ben
Everyday I ask myself, where has the peanut butter gone?
Posted 19 March 2008 - 02:42 AM
I think you are off by a fair bit. Where are Beak, Sormo, the Tanno spiritwalker who gave the Bridge Burner's thier song (forget his name off hand)? I would put Sinn below all of those. Placing Nil and Nether (both wickans) above the greatest Wickan sorceror does not make sense either.
Tay is tough to place, as we've never seen a situation to compare him to anyone else.
I would go:
1) Quick Ben
2) the Tanno spirit walker
3) Tayschrenn
4) Pust
5) Sormo
6) Beak
7) Sinn
8) Tattersail
9) Bottle
10) Cowl
Of course, if we are including NoK that list changes dramatically.
Tay is tough to place, as we've never seen a situation to compare him to anyone else.
I would go:
1) Quick Ben
2) the Tanno spirit walker
3) Tayschrenn
4) Pust
5) Sormo
6) Beak
7) Sinn
8) Tattersail
9) Bottle
10) Cowl
Of course, if we are including NoK that list changes dramatically.
Posted 19 March 2008 - 02:45 AM
They don't count as they are now dead or children, which means they are currently rather weak also perhaps that Jhistal fellow should go above nil or nether.
Everyday I ask myself, where has the peanut butter gone?
Posted 19 March 2008 - 03:24 AM
1. QB
2. kimloc (the spirit walker)
3 beak
4 tays (obo and agayla)
5 pust
6 kuru qan
7 sormo
8 sinn
9 bottle
10 cowl
cant believe y'all fergot that thar ceda.
2. kimloc (the spirit walker)
3 beak
4 tays (obo and agayla)
5 pust
6 kuru qan
7 sormo
8 sinn
9 bottle
10 cowl
cant believe y'all fergot that thar ceda.
There's a fine line between genius and insanity. I have erased this line.
- Oscar Levant
- Oscar Levant
Posted 19 March 2008 - 03:40 AM
Tarr;277024 said:
They don't count as they are now dead or children, which means they are currently rather weak also perhaps that Jhistal fellow should go above nil or nether.
If you are only looking at those still alive you need to specify such. Either way Kimloc is still alive iirc.
And I can't believe I forgot the Ceda either

Posted 19 March 2008 - 03:55 AM
I think you guys are discounting Tays to much,
I would put him first, I think he will suprise us even more in future books
0- Rake 1/2- Envy
1. Tays
2. QB
3. Ceda
ect ect
I would put him first, I think he will suprise us even more in future books
0- Rake 1/2- Envy
1. Tays
2. QB
3. Ceda
ect ect
You can't find me because I'm lost in the music
Posted 19 March 2008 - 04:35 AM
No way does Tay go above QB.
Even if he has 3 high warrens, he doesn't have as many as Quick, nor does he have the cunning to back them up.
While he is no doubt powerful, he can't beat Quick.
1. QB
2. Tie - Rake/Kuru Qan
3. Tay
4. Beak
5. Sormo
6. Pust
7. Cowl
8. Bottle
9. Sinn
This is only counting people that we have seen, and can reasonably be compared - i.e. Obo and Agayla are out, as the only action they have seen was in NoK, and they didn't actually do anything beyond being recognised by (a possibly less experienced) Tay as equals.
Even if he has 3 high warrens, he doesn't have as many as Quick, nor does he have the cunning to back them up.
While he is no doubt powerful, he can't beat Quick.
1. QB
2. Tie - Rake/Kuru Qan
3. Tay
4. Beak
5. Sormo
6. Pust
7. Cowl
8. Bottle
9. Sinn
This is only counting people that we have seen, and can reasonably be compared - i.e. Obo and Agayla are out, as the only action they have seen was in NoK, and they didn't actually do anything beyond being recognised by (a possibly less experienced) Tay as equals.
Shinrei said:
<Vote Silencer> For not garnering any heat or any love for that matter. And I'm being serious here, it's like a mental block that is there, and you just keep forgetting it.
Posted 19 March 2008 - 05:30 AM
Well, both Rake and Envy are out of the running, as the OP stated we were looking at humans only.
Posted 19 March 2008 - 05:33 AM
Gwynn ap Nudd;277077 said:
Well, both Rake and Envy are out of the running, as the OP stated we were looking at humans only.
damn racist

but thats why I had them in numbers 0 and 1/2 just more place holders really...
You can't find me because I'm lost in the music
Posted 19 March 2008 - 07:20 AM
The problem with this topic... is that we run out of mages.
But Quick's my main man.
But Quick's my main man.

Posted 19 March 2008 - 07:29 AM
Also you forgot Obo, Agayala, Kelanved and even though he was made out of wood, I think Hairlock deserves a mention for his moment in chaos.
1 Kimloc - actually he's a spirit dude, warlock or what not, not a mage.
2 Quick
3 Tay
4 Agayala
5 Obo
6 Kellanved
7 Beak
8 Kuru Quan
9 Pust - actually he's a priest not a mage
10 Sormo - actually he's a warlock not a mage
Most of these names I think can be interchanged with each other since their full potential is dubious.
(I really hate these threads and yet I feel compelled to post in them, sigh)
Also you forgot Obo, Agayala, Kelanved and even though he was made out of wood, I think Hairlock deserves a mention for his moment in chaos.
1 Kimloc - actually he's a spirit dude, warlock or what not, not a mage.
2 Quick
3 Tay
4 Agayala
5 Obo
6 Kellanved
7 Beak
8 Kuru Quan
9 Pust - actually he's a priest not a mage
10 Sormo - actually he's a warlock not a mage
Most of these names I think can be interchanged with each other since their full potential is dubious.
(I really hate these threads and yet I feel compelled to post in them, sigh)
Posted 19 March 2008 - 07:31 AM
Aptorian;277114 said:
Also you forgot Obo, Agayala, Kelanved and even though he was made out of wood, I think Hairlock deserves a mention for his moment in chaos.
Also you forgot Obo, Agayala, Kelanved and even though he was made out of wood, I think Hairlock deserves a mention for his moment in chaos.
and the bone casters unless they dont count because there undead or something
You can't find me because I'm lost in the music
Posted 19 March 2008 - 07:39 AM
They're Imass, not human beings... now Silverfox on the other hand, that's an interesting question.
Posted 19 March 2008 - 08:01 AM
Aptorian;277120 said:
They're Imass, not human beings... now Silverfox on the other hand, that's an interesting question.
now I see you edited your previous post to Dr. Strange, but how did it trinkle down to mine when I quoted you??
Didnt think it worked like that
You can't find me because I'm lost in the music
Posted 19 March 2008 - 08:02 AM
I probably edited it at the very second you pressed quote... or something.
Posted 19 March 2008 - 12:37 PM
As far as I red
1. Eresal
2. Rake
3. Gothos
4. Envy
5. Amanas
Mortals or so:
2.Qick Ben
3.the Tanno spirit walker
4. Pust
5. Bouchalain and Corbal Brouch
6. Ceda
7.Pust's wife
1. Eresal
2. Rake
3. Gothos
4. Envy
5. Amanas
Mortals or so:
2.Qick Ben
3.the Tanno spirit walker
4. Pust
5. Bouchalain and Corbal Brouch
6. Ceda
7.Pust's wife
Posted 19 March 2008 - 01:27 PM
I'd totally forgotten Bauchelin and Korbald Broach. But I think their power lies in their creations, enchantments, demons and general skill... not so much actual power.
Pusts wife, morgora, is a D'ivers witch and as such disqualified from the list... along with the ascendants you also mentioned.
Pusts wife, morgora, is a D'ivers witch and as such disqualified from the list... along with the ascendants you also mentioned.
Posted 19 March 2008 - 02:19 PM
Well, I put her with the mortals, because she is not an ascedent...
Posted 19 March 2008 - 02:21 PM
Why make a distinction between Pust and everyone else just because he is a priest? The Magus of Shadow! Besides, don't 'priests' access the same warrens as mages?
Posted 19 March 2008 - 10:26 PM
When I said mages I meant those who use magic (warlocks, priests and yes even asassins e.g Vorcan).
Soletaken are ok (except eleint) so long as their other forms aren't taken into consideration, as for the dead mages bit fine I retract that so that you can include Beak and co. (and anyone we saw before they ascended, so long as it is their pre ascension power level you're comparing to).
Soletaken are ok (except eleint) so long as their other forms aren't taken into consideration, as for the dead mages bit fine I retract that so that you can include Beak and co. (and anyone we saw before they ascended, so long as it is their pre ascension power level you're comparing to).
Everyday I ask myself, where has the peanut butter gone?