Maark Abbott, on 13 September 2019 - 12:38 PM, said:
It's not a case of me deeming the noted segments as filler, it's the fact that they added nothing of any note or worth. Stunningly detailed? No. I dispute that entirely.
You read book 1 (or 2) of a 10 book series...the stuff you think is filler is shit he's placing for future needs...This is his bread and butter of how he writes. There is stuff in Mistborn 1 (for example) that does't pay off till Mistborn 3. You can certainly check out if it pleases you, but assuming you can call it filler at this point is a mistake.
Maark Abbott, on 13 September 2019 - 12:38 PM, said:
Stormlight isn't a magnum opus. It's more like a solero left in the sun too long covered in flies and slightly greened by algae. Had it been pared down to maybe the 400 pages which were actually worth the time, I could perhaps have enjoyed it. I wanted to enjoy it, because I'd enjoyed everything else he'd written to that point, but when it's so evident that an author just doesn't care? No. I don't regret yeeting that fetid thing out of my house for an instant.
Again, he's finished 3 books of 10. These claims are a quite a bit unfounded. I'm not at all a stranger to the sloggier bits of his storytelling, but if his other series is any indication, most of this will pay off down the line. We should wait until then to pass summary judgement on it.
And when I say Magnum Opus, I'm not talking about how we perceive it...I'm talking about it being the main series of books that will engage and connect the entire universe he's created across everything he's written since ELANTRIS. For
all the Cosmere books, this 10-volume work will be the codex, as such I expect he's putting every care into it that he can to make sure everything synchs up.
"When the last tree has fallen, and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no." ~Aurora
"Someone will always try to sell you despair, just so they don't feel alone." ~Ursula Vernon