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Reaper's Gale Prologue

#321 User is offline   Murrin 

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Posted 20 October 2006 - 09:23 PM

That would be because they're all K'Chain Chemalle, short tail or no. Nah'ruk means 'short-tail', but you don't replace the "Chemalle" bit with it. They're K'Chain Chemalle Nah'ruk, or just Nah'ruk.

#322 User is offline   Kallor 

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Posted 21 October 2006 - 05:42 AM

ths post is way late, but i know of a second way out of dragnipur; though it would take the assistance of a particular mage.

#323 User is offline   Hume 

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Posted 21 October 2006 - 05:48 AM

Kallor;125841 said:

i know of a second way out of dragnipur; though it would take the assistance of a particular mage.

The obvious answer is Quick Ben. And in all likelyhood probably him.

But im inclined to think it would be someone else. Bottle maybe...

Also says that we get a POV from someone else that goes into Dragnipur along with a mage. How or why this person goes into Dragnipur is anyones guess though.
Or its possibly someone already in Dragnipur that gets rescued. Draconus maybe.

Good to know an extra little sneak peek though.

cheers ! :D

#324 User is offline   Dolorous Menhir 

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Posted 21 October 2006 - 11:04 AM

Is Rake not a more obvious candidate?

#325 User is offline   Izingad 

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Posted 21 October 2006 - 12:50 PM

If Rake went into his own sword those within would kill him, if...... they could reach.

#326 User is offline   The Rope 

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Posted 22 October 2006 - 11:26 PM

could the mage be pust? shadow is related to darkness, and we have seen how powerful Pust is "ST choose well for Magi" or something like that...

#327 User is offline   SilchasRuin 

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Posted 23 October 2006 - 10:56 PM

i would expect rake would sense the presence of the magi of shadow

and i dont think he would be too happy about it

my guess is quick ben hes the slyest one

#328 User is offline   Xaspian 

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Posted 25 October 2006 - 03:07 PM

Relax take it Easy;125842 said:

Also says that we get a POV from someone else that goes into Dragnipur along with a mage. How or why this person goes into Dragnipur is anyones guess though.

Couldn't it just be Paran again, taking a companion with him? Why would it have to be someone else?

And surely Kruppe is a possibility for the mage? He probably visits it for picnics on holidays, anyway...

#329 User is offline   Dolorous Menhir 

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Posted 25 October 2006 - 05:02 PM

Kruppe's strength lies in his mind, not his magery (I think). I don't see him pulling off huge sorcerous feats like entering Dragnipur.

#330 User is offline   SilchasRuin 

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Posted 25 October 2006 - 11:09 PM

perhaps its in the mind not the magery i woukd have thought he had abetter chance than tayschrenn with all his power just because of his wits

#331 User is offline   polishgenius 

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Posted 26 October 2006 - 11:18 AM

Dolorous Menhir;127382 said:

Kruppe's strength lies in his mind, not his magery (I think). I don't see him pulling off huge sorcerous feats like entering Dragnipur.

Paran entered it by complete accident. So I don't see why Kruppe couldn't figure a way in.
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#332 User is offline   Xaspian 

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Posted 26 October 2006 - 11:48 AM

Kruppe has the audacity to do it, and could probably pull it off. Remember the way he watlzed past Raest in the Azath to speak to Paran? He could probably get his way into anywhere.

#333 User is offline   Izingad 

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Posted 26 October 2006 - 12:58 PM

So it could be Qucik, Kruppe, and Ganoes who could enter; and, Ganoes and Karsa that could unleash chained prisoners within Dragnipur. Once again, convergence has punched many holes in the myth of Dragnipur-the all powerful chainer of souls.......question: with such a moniker could not the magi of the House of Chains USE the sword as tool for the Crippled One? And by Magi I guess I mean The Reaver or the Knight.


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Posted 26 October 2006 - 09:24 PM

Kallor;125841 said:

ths post is way late, but i know of a second way out of dragnipur; though it would take the assistance of a particular mage.

Why on earth do you all listen to him?..... ;)

#335 User is offline   Locke Reaper 

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Posted 29 October 2006 - 08:23 AM

Just a question, if all the elder gods are so damn powerful why are they tip-toeing around in the shadows? They seem to be taking out a large nr of very powerful players and have there own agenda but i can't seem to place them in the scheme of things.

Just another thing, why do the jaghut seem to be the 'healers' of the warrens?

#336 User is offline   Lord of Salvation 

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Posted 29 October 2006 - 08:28 AM

they dont want to die, and in the mortal/physical realm they are much easier to kill.

#337 User is offline   tiam 

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Posted 29 October 2006 - 09:39 AM

Locke Reaper;128455 said:

Just a question, if all the elder gods are so damn powerful why are they tip-toeing around in the shadows? They seem to be taking out a large nr of very powerful players and have there own agenda but i can't seem to place them in the scheme of things.

Just another thing, why do the jaghut seem to be the 'healers' of the warrens?

They only want to heal OP because it was doomed to die due to the breaches from the Imass. THey dont really care about anything else

#338 User is offline   SilchasRuin 

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Posted 29 October 2006 - 10:05 PM

of the elder gods we only have evidence of 4 still active k'rul is doing all within his powe raltho hes weak from lack of worshippers remember he sort of went dormant because of the lack of them and then was brought back fromt he assasins blood on his belfry

mael is reawakened into activity now.(altho it annoyed me how benign bugg was and then mallick rel was his priest......didnt seem2 fit but the priesthood doesnt necessarily show the god)

sister of cold nights is active throo silverfox isnt she

and kruls a bit limited considering his situation

....and the jaghut arent healing the warrens just burn needed cooling down 2 stop her little servants from melting and 4 cold u need OP

i mentioned K'rul twice second time i meant draconus

#339 User is offline   Aptorian 

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Posted 29 October 2006 - 10:30 PM

Locke Reaper;128455 said:

Just a question, if all the elder gods are so damn powerful why are they tip-toeing around in the shadows? They seem to be taking out a large nr of very powerful players and have there own agenda but i can't seem to place them in the scheme of things.

Just another thing, why do the jaghut seem to be the 'healers' of the warrens?

Besides being afraid of dying as Lord of Salvation said, which is always a risk, there are other reasons.

In MBotF power draws power and a lot of power draws convergence, which is a messy thing. If one God steps into the fray others might do the same. The gods could die, but the sheer amount of havoc that risks being unleashed is far worse.

Remember we have yet to see a god opening up in a fight the same way mages do. Gods killing gods or gods destroying civilisations because they bug them, sets a terrible president. Like Killy said in the prologue, Scabby shattered a realm and that was not something she wanted to se happen again.

If say Hood stepped onto a field of battle and opened a warren of Death Magic I don't think anything at all would be left standing. What happens then if another god steps in to oppose him. Now everyone dies anyway, only pretty much everything in that region of the continent will probably also be annihilated.

The gods besides being happy with their aspect or power also have a responsibilty to their realm or warren. If they die or get weakened, this makes their warren vulnerable. The CG for one could step in but other contenders are around, Gethol, Dragons, what ever entities were trying to gobble up Shadow at the time of the Sundering.

#340 User is offline   Abyss 

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Posted 31 October 2006 - 03:45 PM

Apt;128826 said:

...Remember we have yet to see a god opening up in a fight the same way mages do. Gods killing gods or gods destroying civilisations because they bug them, sets a terrible president. Like Killy said in the prologue, Scabby shattered a realm and that was not something she wanted to se happen again.

If say Hood stepped onto a field of battle and opened a warren of Death Magic I don't think anything at all would be left standing. What happens then if another god steps in to oppose him. ...

I think that this is the main point... gods avoid conflict with other gods because they are afraid of the consequences. Say CG sends his herald, former Jaghut tyrant Gethol, to attack Hood directly. Hood has an alliance going with ST and QoD... so an attack on him could pull in the other two, maybe the Rope, maybe Togg/Federline and Trake... maybe CG intervenes directly, maybe he sends in an allied god or ascendant, things spiral out of control, warrens are damaged, cities shattered, next thing you know the police are called, lawyers get involved, federal charges are, a prosecution follows, the media are there, the ACLU, Tom Cruise makes a statement on Extra!...

- Abyss, figures Paris Hilton gets called by the defence as a character witness.

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