Graablick, on 31 July 2012 - 12:43 AM, said:
I would rather read the last Night angelbook than the blade itself. But then again i love tKKC.
thanks, well, actually there's so many good stuff there in the book, i just got so much irritated by Denna's existence, I'm already at the Felurian story arc, and I hope the 3rd day is good, and to finally show him, being this KingKiller, that's what I'm actually just waiting,
Briar King, on 31 July 2012 - 01:50 AM, said:
I'd go with Night Angel until you get the next few Dresden books.
I just started Calibans War: The Expanse 2. I've not read a SF book in yrs really until late 2011 with the Kovacs books. Both of those series have really shocked me. I may go on a SF spree after I finish up these new Fantasy bks I got.
yeah, I'm actually excited, and it took this much longer to finish, and I'm now seriously considering picking up the Black Prism, thanks BK, and i know the Blinding Knife is just coming, isn't it,
It's not who I am underneath.. but what i do that defines me - Batman, Batman Begins; 'Without our deaths, sir, there would be no crime. Thus, no punishment to match,' 'Mortal Sword - '
'We are done, my friend. Now, in this manner, we choose the meaning of our deaths' - Mortal Sword Brukhalian to Veteran Nilbanas, siege of Capustan
'Ippen shinde miru (want to try dying this once) ?' - Jigoku Shoujo (Hell Girl)