polishgenius, on 14 March 2021 - 02:33 PM, said:
QuickTidal, on 14 March 2021 - 02:04 PM, said:
Finished CITY OF NIGHT by Michelle West (House War Book 2) and it was WONDERFUL. I hazard to say this is the most complex and enthralling series (often a slow burn though) I've read since Malazan. The first book gave me some issues and I had to work to get through some of it...but I nearly sailed through Book 2.
Started Book 3 HOUSE NAME, after which I'll take a break with anothe book series before reading the SACRED HUNT duology...but this is definitely the next big series I'll be concentrating on finishing for sure.
Hmm interesting. There've been series recently that for me at least fall into the same intensity and, somewhat, complexity of concept (though not sheer size) as Malazan but it'll be nice to try out one that's a good old fashioned epic fantasy. Is Sacred Hunt something within the House War series that one should read in between, or separate and you're just taking a break, seeing that House War is an eight book series?
'the first three books of The House War precede or take place concurrently with all of the other books. So the following reading order is constructed with an eye towards minimizing spoilers and readerly whiplash due to jumping back and forth between books published in the mid-1990s and the end of the 2010s. West’s style has evolved markedly over the course of the series, becoming a more effective version of itself, and the difference is particularly noticeable between the first two books and all the others. [...]
Start here – The House War, Part One
The Hidden City (2008)
City of Night (2009)
House Name (2011)
The first three books of The House War introduce Jewel, her den, the Empire, and the central conflict of the whole story: the fight against Allasakar, the Lord of the Hells, who wants to return to the mortal plane and, well, devour all souls forever.
Skip back – The Sacred Hunt
Hunter’s Oath (1995)
Hunter’s Death (1996)
Here is the first crux in the question of reading order: The Sacred Hunt, specifically Hunter’s Death, spoils House Name and vice
versa. Why am I suggesting you read the books published later first? West herself recommends staring with The Hidden City, and having read the books partly out of order myself, I think The Sacred Hunt is taken better when you’re already grounded in the larger story. The bind-up edition is now the more common[...]
Move forward – The Sun Sword
The Broken Crown (1997)
The Uncrowned King (1998)
The Shining Court (1999)
Sea of Sorrows (2001)
The Riven Shield (2003)
The Sun Sword (2004)
[...] certain references in The Sun Sword made a lot more sense once I’d tracked down Hunter’s Death and then Hunter’s Oath. Jewel is a secondary protagonist in these books, which detail the attempt by demons to suborn the Empire’s perennial foe, the Dominion of Annagar.
Catch up – The House War, Part Two
Skirmish (2012)
Battle (2013)
Oracle (2015)
Firstborn (2019)
War (2019)'