so I'm about to finish The Crippled God any week now and was wondering how much would I miss if I skipped the Kharkanas Trilogy + the novels and just straight up continued with The Witness Trilogy? Would you say the Kharkanas Trilogy and the novels are a must-read for a fan of this world, before continuing with The God is Not Willing?
I would just like to start The Witness Trilogy now, so for once I would be able to join the discussion in time with other forum members here. Whereas with MBotF I am a over decade late to the party

PS. Those of you with hardcover editions of the books: which publisher has the nicest editions, Bantam Press, Tor Books or Transworld Publishers Ltd? Bantam Press hardcover is available in Amazon, whereas Tor Books hardcover arrives in November.. (I only have TOR paperbacks of MBotF)
Best regards,me
Edit: Found a hardcover version from a third publisher.
This post has been edited by Not-So-Great-Raven: 18 August 2021 - 11:14 AM