Victory Points: 4
Strategy Card: Leadership
Command Pool 2T | 4F |1S
Goods: 0/2 C | 4TG
Relic Fragments: 0C | 0H | 0I | 0U
Action Cards 7
Promissory Notes: 2 L1Z1X, 1 Sardakk, 1 Vul Raith, 1 Letnev
Secret Objectives: 1 fulfilled | 1 unfulfilled
0.0.0 (5/0)
Arinam (1/2)
Meer (0/4, red tech)
Tar'mann (2/2, green skip) Cybernetic Research Facility
Corneeq (1/4) Paradise World
Resculon (2/0)
Hope's End (3/0)
Mallice (0/3)
Neural Motivator -- During the status phase, draw 2 action cards instead of 1.
Plasma Scoring -- When 1 or more of your units use BOMBARDMENT or SPACE CANNON, 1 of those rolls may roll 1 additional die.
Sarween Tools -- When 1 or more of your units use PRODUCTION, reduce the combined cost of the produced units by 1.
Antimass Deflectors -- Your ships can move into and through asteroid fields. When other players' units use SPACE CANNON against your units, apply -1 to the result of each die roll.
Gravity Drive -- After you activate a system, apply +1 to the move value of 1 of your ships during this tactical action.
+ Super-Dreadnought II -- Upgrades your Super-Dreadnought I blueprints to Super-Dreadnought II.
+ Stasis Capsules -- Upgrades your Cruiser blueprints to Cruiser II.
+ I48S (AGENT) -- After a player activates a system: You may exhaust this card to allow that player to replace 1 of their infantry in the active system with 1 mech from their reinforcements.
+ 2RAM (COMMANDER) -- Units that have PLANETARY SHIELD do not prevent you from using Bombardment.
+ The Helmsman (HERO) -- Have 3 Scored Objectives} ACTION: Choose 1 system that does not contain other players' ships; you may move your flagship and any number of your dreadnoughts from other systems into the chosen system. Then, purge this card.
+ The Helmsman (HERO) -- Have 3 Scored Objectives} ACTION: Choose 1 system that does not contain other players' ships; you may move your flagship and any number of your dreadnoughts from other systems into the chosen system. Then, purge this card.
+ (HOPE'S END) Imperial Arms Vault -- You may exhaust this card at the end of your turn to place 1 mech from your reinforcements on any planet you control, or draw 1 action card
+ (MALLICE) Exterrix Headquarters -- You may exhaust this card at the end of your turn to gain 2 trade goods or convert all of your commodities into trade goods
+ (PROMISSORY NOTE) Muaat Support for the Throne
+ (PROMISSORY NOTE) TRADE CONVOYS | Place this card face-up in your play area. While this card is in your play area, you may negotiate transactions with players who are not your neighbor. If you activate a system that contains 1 or more of the Hacan player's units, return this card to the Hacan player.
+ (FULFILLED SO) Strengthen Bond -- 1VP -- Status Phase -- Have another player's promissory note in your play area.