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Twilight Imperium VII: Revelations - Game Thread

#341 User is offline   Imperial Historian 

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Posted 13 April 2021 - 05:14 PM

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Activate cormund, gain 1 TG build destroyer


Victory Points: 9

Strategy Card:
Command Pools: 3T | 5F | 1S
Goods: 0/3 C | 2TG
Relic Fragments: 0C | 0H | 0I | 0U
Action Cards: 0
Promissory Notes: 4 Argent , 2 Ul
Secret Objectives: 2 fulfilled | 1 unfulfilled

+ Cormund (2/0)
+ Valk (2/0)
+ Ang (2/0)
+ Arnor(2/1)
+ Avar (1/1)
+ Lor(1/2)
+ Ylir (0/2)

+ Sarween Tools -- When 1 or more of your units use PRODUCTION, reduce the combined cost of the produced units by 1.
+ Aerie Hololattice Other players cannot move ships through systems that contain your structures. Each planet that contains 1 or more of your structures gains the PRODUCTION 1 ability as if it were a unit
+ Plasma Scoring -- When 1 or more of your units use BOMBARDMENT or SPACE CANNON, 1 of those rolls may roll 1 additional die.
+ AI Development Algorithm -- When you research a unit upgrade technology, you may exhaust this card to ignore any 1 prerequisite. When 1 or more of your units use Production, you may exhaust this card to reduce the combined cost of the produced units by the number of unit upgrade technologies that you own.
+ Deep Space Cannon -- upgrades PDS to PDS II
+ War Suns - upgrades to Warsun
+ strike wing alpha II

+ Trillossa Aun Mirik (AGENT) -- When a player produces ground forces in a system: You may exhaust this card; that player may place those units on any planets they control in that system and any adjacent systems.
+ Trrakan Aun Zulok (COMMANDER) -- When 1 or more of your units make a roll for a unit ability: You may choose 1 of those units to roll 1 additional die.
+ Purged Mirik Aun Sissiri (HERO) -- ACTION: Move any number of your ships from any systems to any number of other systems that contain 1 of your command tokens and no other players' ships. Then, purge this card.

+ (PROMISSORY NOTE) Ul Alliance -- When 1 or more of your units use PRODUCTION: You may gain 1 trade good + (PROMISSORY NOTE) UL Support for the Thone
+ (FULFILLED SECRET OBJECTIVE) Turn Their Fleets to Dust -- 1VP -- Action Phase -- Use Space Cannon to destroy the last of a player's ships in a system.
+ (FULFILLED SO) Foster Cohesion -- 1VP -- Status Phase -- Be neighbors with all other players.

#342 User is offline   Khellendros 

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Posted 13 April 2021 - 06:59 PM

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Victory Points: 8

Strategy Card: POLITICS
Command Pools: 2T | 5F | 0S
Goods: 0/3 C | 1 TG
Relic Fragments: 0C | 0H | 0I | 0U
Action Cards: 3
Promissory Notes: 4 Saar, 1 Naaz-Rokha, 1 Winnu, 1 Ul
Secret Objectives: 2 fulfilled | 1 unfulfilled

+ Ragh (2/1)
+ Lisis II (1/0)
+ Hope's End (3/0)
+ Vorhal (1/3) (green tech, terraformed)
+ Ba'kal (3/2)
+ Loki (1/2)
+ Abaddon (1/2)

+ Antimass Deflectors -- Your ships can move into and through asteroid fields. When other players' units use SPACE CANNON against your units, apply -1 to the result of each die roll.
+ Gravity Drive -- After you activate a system, apply +1 to the move value of 1 of your ships during this tactical action.
+ Chaos Mapping -- Other players cannot activate asteroid fields that contain 1 or more of your ships. At the start of your turn during the action phase, you may produce 1 unit in a system that contains at least 1 of your units that has Production.
+ Light/Wave Deflector -- Your ships can move through systems that contain other player's ships.

+ Captain Mendosa (AGENT) -- After a player activates a system: You may exhaust this card to increase the move value of 1 of that player's ships to match the move value of the ship on the game board that has the highest move value.
+ Rowl Sarrig (COMMANDER) -- When you produce fighters or infantry: You may place each of those units at any of your space docks that are not blockaded.

+ (HOPE'S END) Imperial Arms Vault -- You may exhaust this card at the end of your turn to place 1 mech from your reinforcements on any planet you control, or draw 1 action card.
+ (PROMISSORY NOTE) Naaz-Rokha Support for the Throne
+ Custodians Token
+ (FULFILLED SO) Unveil Flagship -- 1VP -- Action Phase -- Win a space combat in a system that contains your flagship. You cannot score this objective if your flagship is destroyed in the combat.
+ (FULFILLED SO) Stake Your Claim -- 1VP -- Status Phase -- Control a planet in a system that contains a planet controlled by another player.
+ (UNFULFILLED SO) Fuel the War Machine -- 1VP -- Status Phase -- Have 3 space docks on the game board.
"I think I've made a terrible error of judgement."

#343 User is offline   Morgoth 

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Posted 14 April 2021 - 06:59 AM

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Exhaust Transport Diodes - Move 4 GFs from Naazir to Vefut.

Activate Rigel -
- Move 1 Carrier II, 2 Fighters, 2 Destroyers and 4 GFs from Vefutt II
- Move 1 carrier,, 1 GF and 3 mechs from MR (2 uninjured)

Space Cannon Offense:
Twelve: 3x PDS(6) -> [10][1][6] -> 2 hits

Morgoth destroys 2 fighters.


(Eidolons become Z-Grav Eidolons)

Round 1

2x DestroyerII(8) -> [3][9] -> 1 hit
2x CarrierII(9) -> [9][6] -> 1 hit
3x Z-GravEidolon(2*8) -> [3][7][5][5][3][3]

3x carrierII(9) -> [1][8][4]

Twelve destroys 2 carriers.

Round 2

2x DestroyerII(8) -> [9][8] -> 2 hits
2x CarrierII(9) -> [7][5]
3x Z-GravEidolon(2*8) -> [2][4][9][6][7][8] -> 2 hits

1x carrierII(9) -> [10] -> 1 hit

Morgoth sustains damage on a Z-Grav Eidolon. Twelve destroys his carrier.

Morgoth wins the space combat.
(Z-Grav Eidolons become Eidolons)

Invade Rigel 1
1 gf 1 damaged mech

Space Cannon Defense:
Twelve: 1x PDS(6) -> [3]

Morgoth establishes control of Rigel I. Twelve's PDS is destroyed.

Invade Rigel 2
2 GF and 1 Mech

Space Cannon Defense:
Twelve: 1x PDS(6) -> [9] -> 1 hit

Morgoth sustains damage on 1 Eidolon.


Round 1

1x Eidolon(2*6) -> [9][6] -> 2 hits
2x Infantry(8) -> [10][4] -> 1 hit

2x Infantry(8) -> [1][8] -> 1 hit

Morgoth destroys 1 infantry. Twelve destroys 2 infantry.

Morgoth wins the ground combat, establishes control, Twelve's PDS is destroyed.

Invade Rigel 3
2 GF and 1 Mech(damaged)

Space Cannon Defense:
Twelve: 1x PDS(6) -> [6] -> 1 hit

Morgoth destroys 1 infantry.


Round 1

1x Eidolon(2*6) -> [10][10] -> 2 hits
1x Infantry(8) -> [3]

2x Infantry(8) -> [1][6]

Twelve destroys 2 infantry.

Morgoth wins the ground combat, establishes control, Twelve's PDS is destroyed.

EXPLORATIONS (from N-R commander):

Rigel I -> EH03 | Core Mine | If you have at least 1 mech on this planet, or if you remove 1 infantry from this planet, gain 1 trade good.

Rigel II -> EI07 | Functioning Base | You may gain 1 commodity, or you may spend 1 trade good or 1 commodity to draw 1 action card.

Rigel III -> EI05 | Biotic Research Facility | ATTACH: | This planet has a green technology specialty; if this planet already has a technology specialty, this planet's resource and influence values are each increased by 1 instead.


Victory Points: 7

Strategy Card: Warfare
Command Pools: 7T | 4F | 0S
Goods: 0/3 C | 0 TG
Relic Fragments: 0C | 0H | 0I | 0U
Action Cards: 7
Promissory Notes: 3 Naaz-Rokha, 1 Saar, 1 Empyrean
Secret Objectives: 1 fulfilled | 2 unfulfilled

+ Naazir (2/1)
+ Rokha (1/2)
+ Archon Veil (1/3, blue spec.)
+ Vefut II (3/4)
+ Quann (2/1)

+ Mecatol Rex (1/6)

+Scanlink Drone Network -- When you activate a system, you may explore 1 planet in that system which contains 1 or more of your units.
+ Transport Diodes -- You may exhaust this card at the start of your turn during the action phase; remove up to 4 of your ground forces from the game board and place them on 1 or more planets you control
+ Sarween Tools -- When 1 or more of your units use PRODUCTION, reduce the combined cost of the produced units by 1.
+ Psychoarchaeology -- You can use technology specialties on planets you control without exhausting them, even if those planets are exhausted. During the Action Phase, you can exhaust planets you control that have technology specialties to gain 1 trade good.
+ Hyper Metabolism -- During the status phase, gain 3 command tokens instead of 2.
+ Pre-Fab Arcologies - After you explore a planet, ready that planet.
+ AI Development Algorithm -- When you research a unit upgrade technology, you may exhaust this card to ignore any 1 prerequisite. When 1 or more of your units use Production, you may exhaust this card to reduce the combined cost of the produced units by the number of unit upgrade technologies that you own.

+ Carrier II
+ Fighter II
+ Automated Defense Turrets -- Upgrades your Destroyer blueprints to Destroyer II.

+ Garv and Gunn (AGENT) -- At the end of a player's turn: You may exhaust this card to allow that player to explore 1 of their planets.
+ Dart and Tai (COMMANDER) -- After you gain control of a planet that was controlled by another player: You may explore that planet.
+ Hesh and Pit (HERO) -- ACTION: Gain 1 relic and perform the secondary ability of up to 2 readied or unchosen strategy cards; during this action, spend command tokens from your reinforcements instead of your strategy pool. Then, purge this card.

+ (PROMISSORY NOTE) Saar Support for the Throne
+ (PROMISSORY NOTE) Empyrean Dark Pact -- When you give a number of commodities to the Empyrean player equal to your maximum commodity value, you each gain 1 trade good. If you activate a system that contains 1 or more of the Empyrean player's units, return this card to the Empyrean player.
+ (PROMISSORY NOTE) Empyrean alliance.
+ (RELIC) Shard of the Throne -- When you gain this card, gain 1 victory point; when you lose this card, lose 1 victory point. When a player gains control of a legendary planet you control or a planet you control in your home system, that player gains this card.
+ (RELIC) The Obsidian -- When you gain this card, draw 1 secret objective. You can have 1 additional scored or unscored secret objective.
+ (RELIC) Scepter of Emelpar | When you would spend a token from your strategy pool, you may exhaust this card to spend a token from your reinforcements instead.

+ (FULFILLED SO) Fight With Precision -- 1VP -- Action Phase -- Use ANTI-FIGHTER BARRAGE to destroy the last of a player's fighters in a system.

This post has been edited by D'rek: 14 April 2021 - 04:52 PM

Take good care to keep relations civil
It's decent in the first of gentlemen
To speak friendly, Even to the devil

#344 User is offline   Imperial Historian 

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Posted 14 April 2021 - 08:21 AM

Activate winnu, move everything in arnor lor to winnu, fight!

Space Cannon Offense:
Twelve: 1x PDS(6) -> [6] -> 1 hit

IH sustains damage on his dreadnought.


Round 1

Anti-fighter Barrage:

1x Destroyer(9*2) -> [2][9] -> 1 hit

2x StrikeWingAlphaII(6*3) + Plasma Scoring + Argent Cmdr -> [1][2][8][3][10][3][1][5] -> 2 hits

IH destroys 1 fighter.
Twelve destroys 1 fighter and his dreadnought becomes damaged.

Announce Retreats:

Twelve plays:


EN | Rout | At the start of the "Announce Retreats" step of space combat, if you are the defender: | Your opponent must announce a retreat, if able.

Morgoth plays:


CE | Sabotage | When another player plays an action card other than "Sabotage": | Cancel that action card.

Rout is cancelled.

No retreats are announced.

Combat Rolls:

1x WarSun(3*3) -> [1][8][3] -> 2 hits
1x Dreadnought(5) -> [3]
2x StrikeWingAlphaII(7) -> [8][5] -> 1 hit
1x Carrier(9) -> [2]
7x Fighter(9) -> [3][6][9][5][1][9][4] -> 2 hits

1x Dreadnought(5) -> [7] --Rickar--> [9] -> 1 hit
1x Cruiser(7) -> [7] --Rickar--> [9] -> 1 hit
1x Destroyer(9) -> [2] --Rickar--> [4]

IH destroys 2 fighters. Twelve destroys all his ships.

IH wins the space combat.


1x WarSun(3*3) + Plasma Scoring + Argent Cmdr -> [8][6][9][1][4] -> 4 hits
1x Dreadnought(5) -> [5] -> 1 hit

Twelve sustains damage on 3 mechs and destroys 2 infantry.

Commit ground forces: IH commits 2 mechs and 3 infantry to Winnu

Space Cannon Defense:
Twelve: 1xPDS(6) -> [8] -> 1 hit

IH sustains damage on 1 mech.


Round 1

2x AerieSentinel(6) -> [5][5]
3x infantry(8) -> [6][5][10] -> 1 hit

3x Reclaimer(6) -> [1][2][8] ---Rickar---> [3][4][10] -> 1 hit
3x Infantry(8) -> [7][2][6] ---Rickar---> [9][4][8] -> 2 hits

IH destroys 2 infantry and sustains damage on 1 mech. Twelve destroys 1 infantry.

Round 2

2x AerieSentinel(6) -> [7][8] -> 2 hits
1x Infantry(8) -> [8] -> 1 hit

3x Reclaimer(6) -> [3][3][6] ---Rickar---> [5][5][8] -> 1 hit
2x Infantry(8) -> [6][1] ---Rickar---> [8][2] -> 1 hit

IH destroys 1 infantry and 1 mech. Twelve destroys 2 infantry and 1 mech.

Round 3

1x AerieSentinel(6) -> [4]

2x Reclaimer(6) -> [3][8] ---Rickar---> [5][10] -> 1 hit

IH destroys 1 mech.

Twelve wins the ground combat.

This post has been edited by D'rek: 14 April 2021 - 04:03 PM


#345 User is offline   D'rek 

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Posted 14 April 2021 - 03:57 PM

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Updated Map:
(Correction: Twelve has only 2 mechs on Winnu, not 3)

This post has been edited by D'rek: 14 April 2021 - 04:04 PM

View Postworrywort, on 14 September 2012 - 08:07 PM, said:

I kinda love it when D'rek unleashes her nerd wrath, as I knew she would here. Sorry innocent bystanders, but someone's gotta be the kindling.

#346 User is offline   D'rek 

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Posted 14 April 2021 - 06:28 PM

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Tactical Action

ACTIVATE Perimeter



AX | Flank Speed | After you activate a system: | Apply +1 to the move value of each of your ships during this tactical action.

..from Mecatol Rex: 1 destroyer, 1 carrier {w/ 1 Mech}
..from Quann: 2 dreadnoughts


Round 1

No retreats. No AFB.

2x Dreadnought(5) -> [4][3]
1x DestroyerII(8) -> [10] -> 1 hit
1x CarrierII(9) -> [4]
1x Z-GravEidolon(8*2) -> [10][3] -> 1 hit

1x SaturnEngineI(7) -> [9] -> 1 hit

Morgoth sustains damage on 1 dreadnought. Tatts destroys his cruiesr.

Morgoth wins the space battle.


Morgoth: 2x Dread(5) -> [6][3] -> 1 hit

Tatts' infantry is destroyed.

Morgoth fulfills an SO:


Make an Example of their World -- 1VP -- Action Phase -- Use Bombardment to destroy the last of a player's ground forces on a planet.

+1 VP

Morgoth commits 1 Eidolon to Perimeter.

No ground combat. Morgoth establishes control.



Victory Points: 8

Strategy Card: Warfare
Command Pools: 7T | 4F | 0S
Goods: 0/3 C | 0 TG
Relic Fragments: 0C | 0H | 0I | 0U
Action Cards: 5
Promissory Notes: 3 Naaz-Rokha, 1 Saar, 1 Empyrean
Secret Objectives: 2 fulfilled | 1 unfulfilled

+ Naazir (2/1)
+ Rokha (1/2)
+ Archon Veil (1/3, blue spec.)
+ Vefut II (3/4)
+ Quann (2/1)

+ Mecatol Rex (1/6)

+Scanlink Drone Network -- When you activate a system, you may explore 1 planet in that system which contains 1 or more of your units.
+ Transport Diodes -- You may exhaust this card at the start of your turn during the action phase; remove up to 4 of your ground forces from the game board and place them on 1 or more planets you control
+ Sarween Tools -- When 1 or more of your units use PRODUCTION, reduce the combined cost of the produced units by 1.
+ Psychoarchaeology -- You can use technology specialties on planets you control without exhausting them, even if those planets are exhausted. During the Action Phase, you can exhaust planets you control that have technology specialties to gain 1 trade good.
+ Hyper Metabolism -- During the status phase, gain 3 command tokens instead of 2.
+ Pre-Fab Arcologies - After you explore a planet, ready that planet.
+ AI Development Algorithm -- When you research a unit upgrade technology, you may exhaust this card to ignore any 1 prerequisite. When 1 or more of your units use Production, you may exhaust this card to reduce the combined cost of the produced units by the number of unit upgrade technologies that you own.

+ Carrier II
+ Fighter II
+ Automated Defense Turrets -- Upgrades your Destroyer blueprints to Destroyer II.

+ Garv and Gunn (AGENT) -- At the end of a player's turn: You may exhaust this card to allow that player to explore 1 of their planets.
+ Dart and Tai (COMMANDER) -- After you gain control of a planet that was controlled by another player: You may explore that planet.
+ Hesh and Pit (HERO) -- ACTION: Gain 1 relic and perform the secondary ability of up to 2 readied or unchosen strategy cards; during this action, spend command tokens from your reinforcements instead of your strategy pool. Then, purge this card.

+ (PROMISSORY NOTE) Saar Support for the Throne
+ (PROMISSORY NOTE) Empyrean Dark Pact -- When you give a number of commodities to the Empyrean player equal to your maximum commodity value, you each gain 1 trade good. If you activate a system that contains 1 or more of the Empyrean player's units, return this card to the Empyrean player.
+ (PROMISSORY NOTE) Empyrean alliance.
+ (RELIC) Shard of the Throne -- When you gain this card, gain 1 victory point; when you lose this card, lose 1 victory point. When a player gains control of a legendary planet you control or a planet you control in your home system, that player gains this card.
+ (RELIC) The Obsidian -- When you gain this card, draw 1 secret objective. You can have 1 additional scored or unscored secret objective.
+ (RELIC) Scepter of Emelpar | When you would spend a token from your strategy pool, you may exhaust this card to spend a token from your reinforcements instead.

+ (FULFILLED SO) Fight With Precision -- 1VP -- Action Phase -- Use ANTI-FIGHTER BARRAGE to destroy the last of a player's fighters in a system.
+ (FULFILLED SO) Make an Example of their World -- 1VP -- Action Phase -- Use Bombardment to destroy the last of a player's ground forces on a planet.

This post has been edited by D'rek: 14 April 2021 - 06:30 PM

View Postworrywort, on 14 September 2012 - 08:07 PM, said:

I kinda love it when D'rek unleashes her nerd wrath, as I knew she would here. Sorry innocent bystanders, but someone's gotta be the kindling.

#347 User is offline   Imperial Historian 

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Posted 14 April 2021 - 07:53 PM


#348 User is offline   Morgoth 

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Posted 14 April 2021 - 09:00 PM

Pass for me too

Fulfill SO
Prove Endurance -- 1VP -- Action Phase -- Be the last player to pass during a game round.

This post has been edited by Morgoth: 14 April 2021 - 09:01 PM

Take good care to keep relations civil
It's decent in the first of gentlemen
To speak friendly, Even to the devil

#349 User is offline   D'rek 

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Posted 14 April 2021 - 09:10 PM

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Round 6 - Status Phase

Initiative Order: Twelve > Tattersail > Khellendros > Blend > Morgoth > IH

Upcoming Agendas Revealed:

INCENTIVE PROGRAM | DIRECTIVE | FOR: Draw and reveal 1 stage I public objective from the deck and place it near the public objectives. AGAINST: Draw and reveal 1 stage II public from the deck and place it near the public objectives.

NEXUS SOVEREIGNTY | LAW | FOR: Alpha and beta wormholes in the wormhole nexus have no effect during movement. AGAINST: Place a gamma wormhole token in the Mecatol Rex system.

View Postworrywort, on 14 September 2012 - 08:07 PM, said:

I kinda love it when D'rek unleashes her nerd wrath, as I knew she would here. Sorry innocent bystanders, but someone's gotta be the kindling.

#350 User is offline   twelve 

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Posted 14 April 2021 - 10:29 PM

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Status Phase:

Score Galvanize the People Spend 6 Strategic Command Tokens - 2 VP


Victory Points: 10

Strategy Card: Leadership
Command Pools: 0T | 5F | 0S
Goods: 0/3 C | 0 TG
Relic Fragments: 0C | 0H | 0I | 0U
Action Cards: 2
Promissory Notes: 4 Winnu, 1 Saar, 1 Empyrean
Secret Objectives: 2 fulfilled | 0 unfulfilled

+ Winnu (3/4)
+ Everra (3/1)
+ Lisis (2/2)
+ Velnor (2/1)
+ Mirage (1/2)

+ Dark Energy Tap -- After you perform a tactical action in a system that contains a frontier token, if you have 1 or more ships in that system, explore that token. Your ships can retreat into adjacent systems that do not contain other players' units, even if you do not have units or control planets in that system.
+ Gravity Drive -- After you activate a system, apply +1 to the move value to 1 of your ships during this tactical action.
+XRD Transporters -- Upgrades Carrier blueprint to Carrier II

+ Berekar Berekon (AGENT) -- When 1 or more of a player's units use PRODUCTION: You may exhaust this card to reduce the combined cost of the produced units by 2.
+ Rickar Rickani (COMMANDER) -- During combat: Apply +2 to the result of each of your unit's combat rolls in the Mecatol Rex system, your home system, and each system that contains a legendary planet.

+ (FULFILLED SECRET PUBLIC OBJECTIVE) Produce en Masse -- Have units with a combined PRODUCTION value of at least 8 in a single system.
+ (FULFILLED SECRET OBJECTIVE) Dictate Policy -- Have 3 laws in play
+ (RELIC) The Crown of Thalnos -- During each combat round, this card's owner may reroll any number of their dice, applying +1 to the results; any units that reroll dice but do not produce at least 1 hit are destroyed.
+ Blends SFFT

This post has been edited by twelve: 14 April 2021 - 10:29 PM

I don't know what I'm doing but it sounds good.

#351 User is offline   D'rek 

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Posted 14 April 2021 - 10:50 PM

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Twelve has reached 10 VPs and wins the game. The Winnaran Custodians accede the throne to their superior brethren, the Winnu.

View Postworrywort, on 14 September 2012 - 08:07 PM, said:

I kinda love it when D'rek unleashes her nerd wrath, as I knew she would here. Sorry innocent bystanders, but someone's gotta be the kindling.

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