Tatts is currently at 7VP. We've stopped him from being able to score the 2VP PO. He doesn't have enough planets to claim the more planets than 2 neighbours PO. His only Space Dock is locked down, so he won't be able to build ships to reach 5 non-fighter ships but he COULD move ships around in his existing hexes to gain that one, so assume he gets that PO - 1VP. He also has 1 unfulfilled SO, so potentially he could gain 2VPs in the upcoming status phase, which would put him at 9VPs.
Morgoth is currently at 6VP. He only has 3 structures on the board, so not a risk for the 2VP PO. He has 8 planets which is more than Tatts or I, so he could score the more planets than 2 of your neighbors PO. He also has enough for the 8 resource PO if he doesn't exhaust any of his currently readied planets and doesn't lose any of his TGs. So guaranteed 1 of those 2 POs are getting scored. He has 2 unfulfilled SOs so he could potentially score 2VPs this status phase, which would put him at 8VP. Easy enough to take away one of those VPs by taking a planet in his currently poorly defended home system, but I suspect it won't be undefended for much longer.
Twelve is currently at 5VP. After IH's most recent move, he's down to 5 structures. If I were to take his Homeworld, it would destroy 2 more, putting him at 3. He could then take it back with the forces on Mecatol Rex and put down 3 structures, then just take Primor and put down another one. Of course, he'd then lose my Support for the Throne, which would bump him down by 1VP. So he'll pretty much be able to score the 2VP PO even if I take his homeworld. He has no SOs, but will likely draw one this round. So potentially he could gain 3VPs this round, putting him at 8VP, 7VP if he gets a shit SO. 7/6 if I do go for his homeworld and he has to take it back from me.
IH is currently at 5VP. He has 8 structures on the board and the only way to stop him scoring the 2VP PO would be for someone to take out at least 2 of them. That means either his 3 planet system or his home system. I can't reach his home system, and I think the only other person with LIght/Wave is Khell, who also can't reach his home system, even with Aetherstream, not to mention the deterrent of the 10 or so PDS shots anyone trying that will have to endure. So no stopping him from gaining the 2VP PO. He can also score the Outer Rim PO now that he has taken Arnor/Lor if we somehow manage to prevent him from scoring the 2VP PO. He has 1 unfulfilled SO, so another potential point sitting in his hand. So worst case he gains 3VP this round, putting him at 8VP.
Khell is currently at 6VP. He only has 4 structures on the board, so no 2VP PO for him this round. He *might* be able to get the Outer Rims PO, doesn't currently have enough TGs for the spend 3/3/3 objective, but could easily attain the 5 non-fighters objective, so let's assume 1VP for Khell this round. He has 2 unfulfilled SOs, but shouldn't be able to afford either of them. That would bring him to 7VP this round.
I'm currently at 5VP. I currently don't qualify for any of the POs I haven't scored. I would need 1 additional TG and have none of my readied planets be taken from me to score the spend 3/3/3 objective, or I produce at home to build 5 destroyers or something to meet the 5 non-fighter ships objective. I have 1 SO which I will definitely be scoring this round, and will be drawing another. So assuming I don't do anything about Twelve and just think about the VPs I need, I would end this round at 7VP. If I did something about Twelve's homeworld, I'd lose a VP from Twelve's Support for the Throne and only gain 1 VP from the SOs so would end the round at 5VP.
Based on the above, I'm going to be producing at home as my last action otherwise I really have no hope of winning. I'll still be in last place, but no one else will be above 8VP except Tatts who we've pretty much already done what we can about, and likely a few of you can't score your SOs, so will be in the same position as I am.
It then comes to what the new PO is and whether we can stop Twelve from pulling off an Imperial win in the first turn of the next action phase.
This post has been edited by Blend: 02 March 2021 - 10:03 PM