Activate - wormhole A system.
Move carrier, dreadnought, 5 fighters and 3 cruisers from Lodor
Play action card BU | Morale Boost | At the start of a combat round: | Apply +1 to the result of each of your unit's combat rolls during this combat round.
Morgoth: 1 Dreadnought + 1 Carrier + 3 Cruiser + 5 Fighter
IH: 2 SuperdreadnoughtII(both damaged) + 1 Cruiser + 1 DestroyerII
Round 1
Anti-Fighter Barrage:
IH: 1 DestroyerII(6*3) -> [7][10][4] -> 2 hits
Morgoth destroys 2 fighters
IH announces a retreat
+ 1 Dreadnought(5) -> [6] --moraleboost-> [7] -> 1 hit
+ 1 Carrier(9) -> [2] --moraleboost-> [3]
+ 3 Cruiser(7) -> [2][7][7] --moraleboost-> [3][8][8] -> 2 hits
+ 3 Fighter(9) -> [10][5][1] --moraleboost-> [11][6][2] -> 1 hit
+ 2 SuperdreadnoughtII(4) -> [7][6] -> 2 hits
+ 1 Cruiser(7) -> [8] -> 1 hit
+ 1 DestroyerII(8) -> [2]
IH destroys all his ships.
Morgoth destroys 2 fighters and sustains damage on his dreadnought.
Morgoth wins the space combat.
IH's infantry in the system have no capacity and are destroyed.
Victory Points: 4 (2 PO, 1 SO, 1 sftt)
Strategy Card:
Command Pools: 3T | 5F | 0S
Goods: 0/3 C | 0 TG
Action Cards: 14
Promissory Notes: 4 Yssaril, 1 Winnu, 1 Naalu
Secret Objectives: 1 fulfilled | 2 unfulfilled
+Shalloq (1/2)
+ Neural Motivator - During the status phase, draw 2 action cards instead of 1.
+ Transparasteel Plating - During your turn of the action phase, players that have passed cannot play action cards.
+ Hyper metabolism - During the status phase, gain 3 command counters instead of 2.
+ Sarween tools - When one or more of your units use production, reduce the combined cost of the produced unist by 1.
+ Transit Diodeds - You may exhaust this card at the start of your turn during the action phase; remove up to 4 of your ground forces from the game board and place them on 1 or more planets you control.
+ Antimass deflectors - your ships can move into and through asteroid fields. When other players' units use SPACE CANNON against your units, apply -1 to the result of each die roll.
+ Plasma Scoring - When 1 or more of your units use BOMBARDMENT or SPACE CANNON, 1 of those rolls may roll 1 additional die.
+ MINISTER OF INDUSTRY (LAW) -- When Morgoth places a space dock in a system, their units in that system use Production abilities.
+ (Fulfilled SO) Adapt New Strategies
+ Winnu Support For The Throne - 1 VP
This post has been edited by D'rek: 17 October 2020 - 07:14 PM