Imperial Historian, on 14 September 2020 - 06:03 PM, said:
D'rek I would give tatts my commodities instead of morgoth. Technically I wouldn't have done a deal with morgoth or tatts where i refreshed them before they gave me a TG, but I can't be bothered arguing it further since the deal as written is effectively the same as me giving him 2 TG and refreshing.
Morgoth, on 14 September 2020 - 06:09 PM, said:
Imperial Historian, on 14 September 2020 - 05:48 PM, said:
Morgoth, on 14 September 2020 - 05:40 PM, said:
Imperial Historian, on 14 September 2020 - 05:21 PM, said:
No that is incorrect, on your turn when you do your secondary I would immediately cash in your trade agreement. I can't cash in your trade agreement before you go.
I am only doing binding deals where possible (see what happens with twelve for nonbinding deals) , since you didn't have a TG a deal where you gave me a TG wouldn't be binding. Wheras a deal where you give me your trade agreement is binding and is effectively the same.
Your move as written doesn't work. I will not accept a deal for a TG after the fact, so you can either do the TA deal, or pay for trade secondary with a CT.
I never agreed to do a trade agreement trade though. I specifically said yes to what twelve offered just above me. Refresh for 1 tg.
but I realise you didn't offer what I thought you offered, so I'll redo my turn.
I misunderstood then
no worries, it all worked out in the end.
Ok so if you two are saying this:
Imperial Historian, on 14 September 2020 - 03:31 PM, said:
Play Trade, gain 3 TG, refresh commodities
Swear at blend and begrudgingly give him a free refresh
Trade Morgoth 2 commodities for Trade Agreement - give him free refresh
Trade Tatts 3 TG for Trade Agreement - give him free refresh
Give Twelve a free refresh, for promise of 1TG when next able
is valid/correct/agreed upon, then this:
Morgoth, on 14 September 2020 - 05:07 PM, said:
Trade secondary - refresh commodities for free. Give 1 commodity to IH.
Trade 2:2 with twelve.
Is no longer valid as IH immediately plays that trade agreement to take Morgoth's commodities when he refreshes. That leaves Morgoth with just the 2 trade goods he got from IH on IH's turn - no commodities and also not enough TG to both give 1 to IH and 2 to Twelve.