D, on 02 November 2020 - 05:14 PM, said:
Final map is updated in the first post
Some post-game questions for you guys:
1) How did posting the maps via google drive work for you? Better, worse, or same as the image-hosting sites we were using before?
I really liked it - I usually had the map open in a separate tab while working through what I could and couldn't do!
2) This time around, I tightened up the house rules into more concise instructions in the Reference Thread. Was that a helpful format? Any changes you'd like to see or consider (especially with the status phase and agenda phase) ?
I honestly didn't even really notice - the only thing that was a little weird this session for me re: house rules was that one action card that I used early game.
3) Was the "Game Rules & Configuration" post in the game thread helpful for keeping you consistent on what cards/rules were and weren't being used? Any confusion occur where you weren't sure which variants we are using, or other ways this could be improved?
I had no issues finding what I needed to find when I needed to find it.
Not sure if there's any point in keeping the old stuff, I see no reason why we would ever need to play without the Omega cards.
I really enjoyed the added action cards, and Magen and X-89 are MUCH more useful now.
We'll have to keep an eye out for additional Omega material, though, as they're supposed to release bits and bobs pretty consistently up until the expansion is released - including some adjustments to POs and SOs if I remember correctly.