So wife is triple vaxxed, I am double (they open up the boosters for my age soon, but I likely won't get in till early January) vaxxed, my daughter has a single dose, and my son being 3 can't get one yet.
My father-in-law and wife's godparents, and her brother and both this kids are ALL vaxxed, and all were originally coming to Christmas.
Were are all doing a home PCR test that we will drop off to the lab a day before the holiday gathering, just to be sure.
Everyone has agreed to do this. Everyone sensible that is.
Then there's my sister-in-law who is coming in from out of province. She's vaccinated (double), and so is her husband....but her three kids aren't and she's not getting them vaccinated (the husband doesn't want them to be), and her husband refuses to take a rapid test before coming to spend Christmas (calls it ridiculous; they live in a die hard conservative province where I think the conservative media has started to sink into their lives), and the threat is now that he "won't pay for them to come visit family again if we push this" (gotta love how the threat is "if you don't let us do this our way, we will deprive you of our company" knowing how much seeing her means to my wife). The selfishness abounds.
Couple this with the fact that anyone who got AZ and mRNA doses for first and second (that's me and my wife's brother) it SOUNDs like our efficacy is super low against Omicron according to reports out of the UK (I could be wrong, so please correct me if this is not the case). So my wife's brother and his two kids have bailed on Christmas as long as his out-of-province sister is coming and behaving like this....and I respect that and don't blame him at all. He's very much of our minds on this whole thing.
But yeah, now I have the quandary of whether I stay home with my unvaccinated son over Christmas...splitting up my immediate family on literal Christmas Day....something my wife doesn't want to happen...or I just go and expose us to them and their kids when none of them will have done tests.
It sucks that I'm once again between my wife's desire to see her sister (who means a lot to her, even if she feels the sister is being super-selfish and stupid) on the first Christmas without their mother...and possibly compromising mine and my son's safety, and I mean really even my daughter since she's only single-dosed Pfizer so far which it sounds like provides little protection against Omicron.
Oh, and to boot if this comes to a head the sister-in law will 'punish' my wife by going to spend all of their time here in the province with brother-in-law's sister who lives about 2.5 hours from us and not see her at all...
So yeah, selfish middle child fucks the whole thing over again due to not wanting to do the minimal thing we've asked of her....this is not the first time she's doe this.
She's not MY crazy sisters-levels of assholery....but it's not far off.
I hate this timeline.
UPDATE: Pharmacist friend is fitting me in for my booster on the 22nd now, so that's at least some good news.
This post has been edited by QuickTidal: 16 December 2021 - 03:06 PM
"When the last tree has fallen, and the rivers are poisoned, you cannot eat money, oh no." ~Aurora
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