Macros, on 12 February 2020 - 09:43 PM, said:
Just finished.
So much of this book I love, and so many characters I just want to reach through the book and fucking strangle. I think that's just good writing.
I still maintain Kalam should have topped Lassen, she's a shit Empress. Kellvaned would never have let Rel get his claws in there. Seven cities simply would not have risen, so much of the cluster fuck going in is Laseens inept rule.
I will not be budged on this opinion so don't bother starting

Great writing indeed, thinking about the series as a whole, it's hard to think of two people more hated than Pormqual and Rel...
Traveller, on 12 February 2020 - 11:16 PM, said:
What gets me is the 'unnamed soldiers'.
They crop up throughout the series; marines who get brought in, help out, and usually die fighting, with no further acknowledgement; no names even, but their efforts are often essential. They really help to put faces to the extras, the mass of unrecorded Fallen.
The Lieutenant on the Ragstopper being just the latest one.
It goes back to the great writing by SE... characters that only appear for a few pages, he manages to make you care about them...
And your post instantly makes me think about Tavore's speech to the regulars at the end of tCG (chapter 24)...
When the Adjunct finally spoke, her voice carried firm on the wind. ‘Does anyone know you? You, who stood in the shadows of the heavies and the marines. Who are you?What is your tale? So many have seen you – marching past. Seen you, standing silent and unknown. Even now, your faces are almost lost beneath the rims of your helms.’
She reached the end of the ranks, turned her mount round and began retracing her route. ‘Who are you? I know who you are. What have you done? You have stayed with me since the very beginning…
‘You are the Unwitnessed, but I have seen what you see. I have felt what you feel. And I am as much a stranger to history as any of you.’
That whole speech is an amazing, powerful piece of writing, it messed me up first time reading it, definitely shed a man tear and it really relates to what you posted.