Making progress through the book, I've been making notes as I go along, here is some of the ramble from the earlier chapters:
~ Baudin ending up next to Felisin is obviously by Tavore's design…
It must be heart breaking for Tavore considering this is the last time she sees her sister alive…
Do you believe that Tavore had anything to do with Duiker making the request to Kulp to help rescue Heboric which would knock on to Felisin and Baudin or it is just a coincidence?
I cannot remember if this is confirmed at all later on.
"I am getting bored, Mappo," Icarium said. The six wolves stiffened as one, half flinching. Mappo Runt and Icarium. Ah, we see. Know that we've no quarrel with you. "Wits matched," Mappo said, his grin broadening a moment before disappearing entirely. "Hunt elsewhere, Ryllandaras, before Icarium does Treach a favor." Before you unleash all that I am sworn to prevent. "Am I understood?"
Finally meeting Icarium after what we learned about him in GotM and instantly realise how much of a badass he is due to Ryllandaras reaction to learning who Mappo/Icarium were… this whole interaction is awesome… though also heart breaking as even here we learn how Mappo is fatalistic with what is to come.
Beside the Imperial Historian stood the High Fist's representative, Mallick Rel, his fat, soft hands folded together and resting on his paunch, his skin the color of oiled leather and smelling of Aren perfumes. Mallick Rel looked nothing like the chief adviser to the Seven Cities' commander of the Malazan armies.
Is it just me or do you instantly take a dislike to Rel with the above…
~ SE and his quality writing with Coltaine and his Introduction… a few lines of text we learn a lot about Coltaine and the Wickans… you can be nothing but impressed with how Coltaine turns the situation around and the Wickans mount up…
"You picked the wrong fishermen," Fiddler said, lowering his weapon.
Cheesy line but epic scene…
The entire boat scene with Fiddler, Kalam, Apsalar and Crokus is a joy to read… great moments come thick and fast… Badass Fiddler, Crokus recounting the BB's history, Kalam's ominous…
"It's this, lad. Time's come. I'm going after her."
Empress? How?" "He means," Apsalar said, still smiling a smile that had belonged to her once, long ago, when she'd been…someone else, "that he's going to try and kill her."
"What?" Crokus stood, almost pitching himself over the side. "You? You and a seasick sapper with a broken fiddle strapped to his back? Do you think we're going to help you in this insane, suicidal—"
Oh Crokus, if you only knew… oh wait… you soon learn as we then have Apsalar recalling Kalam's past…
I remember," Apsalar said suddenly, her eyes narrowing on Kalam. Crokus turned to her. "Remember what?" "Kalam. He was a Falah'dan's Dagger, and the Claw gave him command of a Hand. Kalam's a master assassin, Crokus. And Quick Ben—" "Is three thousand leagues away!" Crokus shouted. "He's a squad mage, for Hood's sake! That's it, a squalid little squad mage!" "Not quite," Fiddler said. "And being so far away doesn't mean a thing, son. Quick Ben's our shaved knuckle in the hole." "Your what in the where?" "Shaved knuckle, as in the game of knuckles—a good gambler's usually using a shaved knuckle, as in cheating in the casts, if you know what I mean. As for 'hole,' that'd be Quick Ben's Warren—the one that can put him at Kalam's side in the space of a heartbeat, no matter how far away he happens to be.
Any theories on what warren it is that QB uses to do this? I was wondering if it is Tennes or D'riss, something connected to the land or earth as he uses acorns…
~ The entire council scene is another scene that is a joy to behold, the earlier parts of this book are some of my favourite from throughout the whole series…
~ Big FU slap down to the messenger boy Rel, jog on son!
~ Eleven days, eleven crows, such power from Sorno, this little scene makes the Coltaine moment at the end of the book so much more powerful…
~ Old Guard disappearing / drowning… Hello RotCG!
You assume they were murdered at Laseen's command," Bult said, baring his jagged teeth. "But imagine a circumstance where the Empress's most able commanders simply…disappeared. Leaving her isolated, desperate for able people. You forget, Historian, that before Laseen became Empress, she was close companions with Crust, Urko, Ameron, Dassem and the others. Imagine her now alone, still
feeling the wounds of abandonment."
"And her murder of the other close companions—Kellanved and Dancer—was not something she imagined would affect her friendship with those commanders?" Duiker shook his head, aware of the bitterness in his voice. They were my companions, too.
"Some errors in judgment can never be undone," Bult said. "The Emperor and Dancer were able conquerors, but were they able rulers?" "We'll never know," Duiker snapped. The Wickan's sigh was almost a snort. "No, but if there was one person close to the throne capable of seeing what was to come, it was Laseen."
Sad… I think this schism really was the start of the downfall of the Empire and where shit started to hit the fan… (Referring to the Grub/late Empire reference)
I know one was a consequence of the other but what do you think was the greater cause for the downfall of the Empire… ST/Cots no longer involved or the Old Guard no longer involved…
This post has been edited by champ: 21 February 2020 - 03:51 PM