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Anyone else not excited for this? Rate Topic: -----

#1 User is offline   Mythodikal 

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Posted 25 October 2019 - 05:24 AM

Hi everybody,

I'm just curious if anyone else is somewhat "meh" about the idea of this series? First off I will say that as the series went along I grew to enjoy Karsa more and more. I do think a lot of that had to do with the interactions he had in the greater world as the story developed. With that said, the start of House of Chains is one of the story lines that I find most difficult to trudge through. I think the only story line that I found more tedious was the Tiste Andii story line of Toll the Hounds.

As far as the Toblakai story lines, I only found it interesting when Karsa's story line interacted with other more civilized characters. The contradiction and just how bad ass he could be was what intrigued me. I am going to read the prologue that has been released, but I really worry about a large investment into the Toblakai people. Like I said, maybe I am totally wrong about what these stories shall entail, but I really have no excitement for a trilogy based on the conquests of the mostly limited characters of the Toblakai.

I was definitely one of the people that complained about the frequently didactic messages of the Tiste Andii 2 novels, but the parts that weren't all about sorrow and the "nature of people" I found very interesting. I was looking forward to seeing where the story went in what is such an important history of the "Malazan world". As for the Toblakai... I hope I am proven wrong and that there is a large historical importance, whether it be of the past, or of the future beyond the stories of the Book of the Fallen.

Just curious of everyone else's thoughts.


#2 User is offline   Mythodikal 

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Posted 25 October 2019 - 05:56 AM

Quick follow up... I read the prologue, and I read a few more threads and I do see a bit of potential. As I say that, the potential that I see is the re-emergence of characters based in Genebackis and how they might be involved. This brings me back to the point of being excited about the potential of interaction of non Toblakai characters. So I guess I am saying I am excited for all of the potential return characters and possible new characters in the Genebackis cities... Potentially half of a book being focused on the interactions of Toblakai characters and them attacking the "southern children"... meh...

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Posted 25 October 2019 - 06:42 PM

You might be happy to know that Erikson has said that Karsa may not even make an appearance in the first book of the new trilogy.

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Posted 25 October 2019 - 06:51 PM

i remain utterly excited for this.

#5 User is offline   nacht 

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Posted 26 October 2019 - 07:22 AM

Yeah, not excited. Could not finish the prolouge. To be honest, it seemed confusing to me. Actually the Toblakai are very confusing to me.
In addition I can't get over the fact that "Walk in Shadow" is indefinitely postponed. Lot of good stuff was supposed to happen including the development of Edgewalker. what happens to Draconus, the growth of Anomander

While an Artist has the prerogative to work on whatever he wants, SE has always been humble and appreciate his fans. So his explanation is inconsistent with his character and it is weird that he would lose his confidence on this.
I believe history will treat the Kharkanas triology very kindly. With some good editing it would have easily beaten the Lord of the Rings for greatness. The story lines are incredible especially the god characters (for ex. whatever little we saw of Ardata is so incredible, or Triss, Skillen, Krul truly magnificient)


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Posted 26 October 2019 - 03:34 PM

I’m also not entirely psyched on reading about Toblakai.... their parts were my least favorite in the series. But I’m hopeful for the other characters.
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Posted 27 October 2019 - 11:55 AM

View Postnacht, on 26 October 2019 - 07:22 AM, said:

In addition I can't get over the fact that "Walk in Shadow" is indefinitely postponed. Lot of good stuff was supposed to happen including the development of Edgewalker. what happens to Draconus, the growth of Anomander

While an Artist has the prerogative to work on whatever he wants, SE has always been humble and appreciate his fans. So his explanation is inconsistent with his character and it is weird that he would lose his confidence on this.

Reading between the lines, I think it's clear that the publishers felt that the first two books had not only sold disappointingly, they had sold extremely poorly (as in, maybe not even breaking even) and they may have not even agreed to publish the third book if Erikson had not agreed to switch to what they saw as a much more marketable project, with the promise that, assuming it did well, he could go back and finish Walk in Shadow later.
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Posted 27 October 2019 - 05:51 PM

I don't even think its between the lines... SE was clear that FALL sold poorly, especially since ICE's DEADHOUSE LANDING was released around the same time and sold very well.

#9 User is offline   gandrin 

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Posted 31 October 2019 - 03:03 PM

I admit I had to force myself to keep reading Kharkhanas books at times. So morose. Nobody to cheer for, and nothing to cheer about.

But the Toblakai prelude was awesome!

Over the past 10 years I think about these series all the time, and Karsa is one of the most prominent figures. Sure, he's no true hero. But he's awesome.

And just as a reminder, one of my best memories of him is this passage, which I think really tells where the trilogy is going.

“Karsa reached down, gathered the skeletal figure into his arms, and then settled back. ‘I stepped over corpses on the way here,’ the Toblakai said. ‘People no one cared about, dying alone. In my barbaric village this would never happen, but here in this city, this civilized jewel, it happens all the time. (...) What is your name?’
‘Munug. This night – before I must rise and walk into the temple – I am a village. And you are here, in my arms. You will not die uncared for.’
‘You – you would do this for me? A stranger?’
‘In my village no one is a stranger – and this is what civilization has turned its back on. One day, Munug, I will make a world of villages, and the age of cities will be over. And slavery will be dead, and there shall be no chains – tell your god. Tonight, I am his knight.’
Munug’s shivering was fading. The old man smiled. ‘He knows.’
It wasn’t too much, to take a frail figure into one’s arms for those last moments of life. Better than a cot, or even a bed in a room filled with loved ones. Better, too, than an empty street in the cold rain. To die in someone’s arms – could there be anything more forgiving?
Every savage barbarian in the world knew the truth of this.”


#10 User is offline   Mythodikal 

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Posted 13 April 2021 - 11:56 AM

Ok...ok...okkaaayyyy... I am willing and I am totally excited for this!

#11 User is offline   Messremb 

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Posted 30 June 2021 - 09:58 PM

I'd completely forgotten it was due out until I got an email from Amazon just now to say it has been dispatched. Thank goodness I don't have to re-read multiple books so can jump right in
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Posted 01 July 2021 - 07:46 PM

I still have the wait until 10th of July to get my copy. But I had a first look at the Dramatis Personae. Definitely excited!

#13 User is offline   Dutch 

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Posted 02 July 2021 - 08:38 PM

So, I had pre-ordered the hardcover on bookdepository a number of weeks back for about €25 when it stated that it was available. The paperback was a bit cheaper but I prefer hardcovers when available. So I checked yesterday if it was dispatched and it suddenly said awaiting publication and on the site it now says currently unavailable. To make it worse, the paperback almost doubled in price. from something over €20 to almost €40
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#14 User is offline   worry 

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Posted 04 July 2021 - 02:47 AM

Same! Wonder what's up. (And sorry everybody who got the idea from me!)
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#15 User is offline   Tsundoku 

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Posted 04 July 2021 - 02:51 AM

40 Euro for a paperback? Even for a TPB that's a bit steep.

That's like ... 200 dollarydingas! :shock:
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#16 User is offline   Dutch 

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Posted 04 July 2021 - 12:52 PM

Lowered to 31,22 Euro now, while the hardback that now is set for release at November 9th 2021 is available for 21,13 Euro.

They always have been great, ordered quite some books from them in the past years including the Black Company series, but this was just plain ridiculous.

I have canceled my order through a form on the site giving the reason that the order was still processing while saying that the book was still waiting for publication\ suddenly being currently unavailable.

They replied that my refund was incoming somewhere this week.

Ordered the Hardcover from now for 18 Euro's along with another book and it will be here on Wednesday. Even got the mail that is is dispatched already
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#17 User is offline   Farad 

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Posted 04 July 2021 - 06:22 PM

I was not greatly exited about the book (never fond of Karsa's arc or Toblakai), but after a two pages, I was back in a classical Malazan book : surprise as nothing (and noone)is what it seems to be, great dialogues, characters and stories

So I really advive to read this book

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Posted 04 July 2021 - 07:37 PM

Just put in my cancelation at book depository.

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Posted 04 July 2021 - 09:35 PM

Just finished it up...

One of SE's best books for a long time easily slotting in with his top works. If you were worried where the book may go and how heavy it may be, don't, this is a pure "Malazan" book through and through that gets you turning the page.

We get an awesome mixed bag of new marines to laugh at and laugh with, Stillwater is MVP though, she steals every scene she is in and is hilarious. I thought ICE's Manask was the funniest Malazan character but I'm not so sure now with Stillwater.

The rest of the cast we follow are all great in their own way too, there isn't a single story line or POV that slows down the book either, SE nailed the pacing.

Some big oh shit moments and scenes too that you folk are going to lose your shit over!! Happy reading...

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Posted 05 July 2021 - 02:33 AM

View PostDutch, on 02 July 2021 - 08:38 PM, said:

So, I had pre-ordered the hardcover on bookdepository a number of weeks back for about €25 when it stated that it was available. The paperback was a bit cheaper but I prefer hardcovers when available. So I checked yesterday if it was dispatched and it suddenly said awaiting publication and on the site it now says currently unavailable. To make it worse, the paperback almost doubled in price. from something over €20 to almost €40


I got both the ebook AND the earbook for less than that.


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