Morgoth, on 01 July 2019 - 06:47 AM, said:
Hey D'rek, I've been a little occupied, but now that I can focus on the game I'd like for us to have a good dialogue going. We're the two factions with a strong ground force focus, and it would be a shame if we spent that advantage nulling out each other. I am assuming you're aiming for MR and I suspect you'll get there before me. If you do I hope we can come to some other agreement that allows me to expand beyond my little corner.
Agreed. Since we both benefit in land combat there's no point in us fighting each other where our bonuses nullify each other out. With the way the slices ended up being built, myself clockwise around the Gnaw all have "left-leaning" setups - that is, an empty hex or hazard to the right of the homeworld and a system we want to colonize to the left. It's an awkward setup, as it means I of course don't want to risk a build-up or a PDS 2 on Lodor that has a huge surface area to my other hexes, likewise for you with Quann, and while there's no planets in the gravity rift Gnaw will surely feel a bit of unease from IH having so many points of entry to his side. I expect it to be claustrophobic and paranoia-inducing, but hopefully we can get along like a bunch of cuddling parantheses ((((
Honestly not sure about MR, yet, Twelve seems like he might want to race there first, and if he does there won't be much point to me trying to take it from him for at least a couple rounds. But even if that's the case and I for some reason have a military itch to scratch I can just hope through the alpha WH to tussle with Gnaw and Twelve's backside, so I don't think we'll have any problems. Hopefully you can do the same.
worrywort, on 14 September 2012 - 08:07 PM, said:
I kinda love it when D'rek unleashes her nerd wrath, as I knew she would here. Sorry innocent bystanders, but someone's gotta be the kindling.