twelve, on 14 August 2019 - 07:19 PM, said:
Tattersail_, on 14 August 2019 - 07:12 PM, said:
Nom as you have my votes for the agenda phase it should not hinder you either.
@Blend I did wait before you exhausted Mec Rex first.
So I'd appreciate actually being able to fulfil a planned move without hiccups.
Specifics would be nice as you haven't done anything yet and as far as good will by allowing me to park where I'm at I asked if there were any objections and was told there wasn't any.
I assume he's going to make a move on Mecatol Rex given he's stated that he waited until I had exhausted it.
For my part - I cleared it out expecting Twelve to come in, but I have no issues with it being Tatts that comes in!