Imperial Historian, on 07 February 2019 - 08:53 AM, said:
Tapper, on 07 February 2019 - 08:41 AM, said:
D, on 07 February 2019 - 06:49 AM, said:
Tapper, on 07 February 2019 - 05:14 AM, said:
D, on 06 February 2019 - 11:00 PM, said:
Imperial Historian, on 06 February 2019 - 10:28 PM, said:
And it's at this point that I suppose I should point out that since I haven't played the Mentak Promise of Protection yet I could technically still trade it to someone else. If the Hacan anticipate such a relationship turning sour and being pillaged quite a bit, I could perhaps be persuaded to trade it away.
I would be very interested.
By all means, do some mathy mathy to figure out what it's worth to me / worth to you and make an offer.
I had some overnight thoughts.
They lead me to conclude I am once again in familiar territory where I reject common wisdom/pricing
I would happily pay you 7 TG for your racial PN.
I don't think I would offer more than 6 for the Mentak PN, considering their piracy is more of an inconvenience (need to make more trades) than an unescapable blade of Damocles.
So, IMHO you are asking the wrong person to make an offer.
I think the better deal for you is asking the Mentak what it is worth to them for you to NOT exchange their racial PN with me for 6 TG.
For me, the downside of a vampiric Mentak sugarbaby might just mean that I may not be able to acquire the full 6 TG a turn, but perhaps only 5 (a loss of 1 TG a turn, but equal to buying the PN for 6, assuming we go 7 rounds this game).
They stand much more to lose with that exchange than I do: after all, bordering Hacan is likely worth 2-5 TG a turn for IH (2-3 TG leeched on transactions, plus a trade with me which they pirate, essentially making it a 3:1 exchange).
If you want to buy it for 6TG go for it. I'm quite happy for the hacan to have it as it means more trades are likely to happen, which means ultimately more TG for me.
I expect I'll get a similar yield of TG from d'rek, and it means the VP potential of the jol nar is slightly reduced.
I'm also up for a deal with you Tapper where you pay me, I don't loot you and you get to accumulate TG at will.
Ultimately I think you are of like minded with me and that you'd rather not pay something upfront rather than a steady yield over the game.
I definitely agree with you on the part in italics.