twelve, on 03 May 2019 - 02:55 PM, said:
So I'm leaning towards voting for and as it seems that Nom and I have an agreement regarding Rex we need to figure out what to do about imperial. If the new PO is one that IH can score he as the 3rd to pick can grab imperial score it and then score lead from the front during the agenda phase. Morgoth I only attacked and took those planets to slow you down. I know you can easily push me off of them but I would like a deal where you let me leave back to Rex and I'd even be willing to give up my ceasefire to you for it. Because we still need to work together to stop IH and that will require either you or Nom to grab Imperial. I of course would like it and would be willing to give you my racial and pick the strategy card you want so you are only picking 1 slot later. It's probably too much to ask for you to actually move your fleet closer to IH and see about taking his homeworld but there is probably something we can work out.
You do you. I reckon most people have their votes in now. No point talking strategy pick until after agenda phase as you don't know what way it'll turn out. Similarly if you think Morgoth will leave you alone you need to be committed. There's no way you go for that level of punishment and not want to retaliate. As to Nom, his was cryptic. "If he can score VP's elsewhere)" well there's not many more places he can go with that giant fleet that has been edging closer to Rex each round. So you just do you and we'll see were things fall.
Edit; you lost securing my votes for Gwynan advocating for the speaker change. Now I don't care whether Nom moves in on you.
This post has been edited by Tattersail_: 03 May 2019 - 03:01 PM