Tapper, on 01 March 2019 - 08:37 PM, said:
Blend, on 01 March 2019 - 05:53 PM, said:
Tapper, on 01 March 2019 - 05:49 PM, said:
Blend, on 01 March 2019 - 05:42 PM, said:
You know, I could always give Drek War Suns if you all don't want to give me the tech agenda...
Go ahead.
Guess I'll see what Drek / others have to say. Twelve hasn't said much, yet, about this agenda phase. I'm sure people like Tatts and IH might have a problem with squids in war suns. And frankly, you should too. If I give it to Drek, and then to Macaw, it means that there will be three of us with War Suns, which will quickly outstrip the rest of you.
No, what will happen is that D'rek with WS will win faster than D'rek without war suns because they make IH's eventual opposition irrelevant.
I haven't seen anything from you that makes me think WS are going to win you the game, only that they make your military very tough to beat, at significant investment from you so far.
Likewise, for Macaw. They are going to allow him peace of mind against Morgoth and you, nothing more.
Macaw will either face stiff military competition with you or with Morghy, and you are going to be looking at a very long and inconvenient string of planets that create a very long, hard to defend border and you're not even close to something
important like MR.
What is more, your little extortion of "if you don't do as I say, I give X the WS technology" is BS. If you give it now to D'rek, D'reks chances of winning go up - yours get slimmer. It's cutting off your nose to spite your face.
This game is about accruing VPs - I've got my VP gain choices mapped out for the next 2-3 rounds, and whether Drek or Gnaw or anyone else has War Suns shouldn't make any difference to that, so really, maybe it's making Drek's ability to win a bit faster, but it doesn't hurt mine, so who cares? Isn't that the point of a deal? Give them something they can use to win faster so that you can gain something that will allow you to win faster? If I get the tech agenda, it helps me in that I'll have an additional 4 resources each round, at the very least, which means I can build more ships which allows me to continue expanding as I deem necessary.
I also get the bonus of not having to worry overmuch about what's going on on the other side of the galaxy because they'll all be dealing with Jol'Nar with War Suns and a fuckload of planets.
Giving Drek War Suns does nothing to make my chances of winning any slimmer, while having her help me win that agenda DOES help me. Seems like a win/win to me.
And frankly, using my racial as a deterrent has been the most consistent advice I've found on the internet about how to play the Muaat. You may not like it because it's very much extortion, but I don't particularly care whether or not you like it, it's technically legal within the game's rules.
So here we are - you guys can either help vote me in to win that agenda, or I give Drek War Suns in exchange for HER votes. And if she ends up not agreeing, then I'll just throw my votes on something that will be most likely to fuck over the most amount of you!