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Twilight Imperium (Game 3) - Chat Thread

#1 User is offline   Galactic Council 

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Posted 29 January 2019 - 02:06 PM

For all their might, influence, and seemingly unstoppable spread, the Arborec never reached Mecatol Rex. As such, their imperial sovereignty was never officially recognised by the other races. More than a touch of xenophobic hostility against such a 'different' species played its part as well in this decision. So when the Jol-Nar reappeared from their deep underwater laboratories, proclaiming that they had concocted a 'miracle' weedkiller with which to combat the sentient plants, the other races were more than happy to welcome them back into the galactic fold. Thus, the Arborec interregnum, and the tranquil peace it had brought, proved all too brief. Entire planets were ecologically devastated, for the Jol-Nar solution made no exception between Arborec and other plant life. Pushed all the way back to their home system, the Arborec sued for peace. But, if plants could plot vengeance, then that is surely what they now did.

The Arborec Annihilation, as it came to be known, hid yet other dramatic events. The Saar had disappeared, nobody knew where, nor did anyone much care. The Xxcha, too, had seemingly vanished. Rumours abounded that, disgusted by the violent actions of the other races, they had found a way to construct an impenetrable opaque field around their entire home system - the ultimate insurance of privacy. Likewise, the Ghosts of Creuss - with their ever-impenetrable intentions - suddenly closed off their wormholes and dimensional tears. No trace or evidence of them could be found in the galactic ether - it was as if the other races had suffered from a collective hallucination.

A different set of events enveloped the L1z1x Mindnet. The screams of horror and abject terror emanating from their homeworld did not register at all with the other races, so preoccupied were they with the Arborec. A pity. Else they might have been more prepared for the return of the Nekro Virus.

Neither were the L1Z1X the only ones to be reacquainted with an old foe. The Jol-Nar had taken a calculated gamble when reemerging from their self-imposed exile. They knew enough to understand what would happen should they leave the safety of their aquatic environments, but the lure of the Mecatol throne was too great. Calculations were made, and the risk was deemed acceptable. And in another part of the galaxy, the stars themselves appeared to grow brighter, fiercer, angrier. The Embers of Muaat would not pass on this opportunity to incinerate their former slavemasters.

The new political climate presented new opportunities for the old races. The Winnu had breathed a sigh of relief when they found out that the Xxcha obstacle was gone, and set their sights firmly on Mecatol Rex once again. The Hacan and the Mentak once again turned their minds to what they did best, making a profit from the ambitions of the other races, whilst all the time looking for their own opportunity to steal the throne - the Mentak had come so agonisingly close last time, there was no reason why they could not do so again. As usual, the Solarians had learned nothing from their setbacks and faults, and made ready to try again.

And in a not-so-distant corner of the galaxy, a fleet of trade ships and their escort were blown into millions of pieces as massive war ships flew past without care. They called themselves a Barony now, but soon, very soon, they would be the Letnev Imperium.

Rules, reference, and players can be found in the posts below.

This post has been edited by Galactic Council: 29 January 2019 - 02:08 PM


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Posted 29 January 2019 - 02:13 PM

Fantasy Flight has a Learn to Play guide which you can download here.

We will be playing with some relatively small rule variations on that, but it is still a good idea for you to read that whole document.

If you want a basic outline of the game first, read the General Course section below, then read the Learn to Play guide linked above, and then finally read the Forum House Rules section. If you think you can handle it without the overview then skip that, jump straight into the Learn toPlay guide and then read the Forum House Rules section.


General Course of the Game

The game is broken into multiple Game Rounds. Each Game Round has several Phases:

Strategy Phase - The main part of the Strategy Phase is that each player picks up one Strategy Card. Strategy Cards determine turn order during the Action Phase and grant the player access to one particular Strategic Action. The player who is The Speaker chooses their Strategy Card first, and selection then proceeds clockwise. Additionally, there are a few cards, technologies, and racial abilities that resolve during the Strategy Phase.

Action Phase - This phase is the "guts" of the game. One-by-one, each player performs an Action or passes, until all players have passed. (Unlike Eclipse, there are no "reactions" - once you have passed you can never perform another Action, though you can still use any (non-Action) special abilities or play (non-Action) cards.) Most Actions performed will be Tactical Actions, but various cards, technologies, and racial abilities can grant additional Actions - look for any text which says "As an Action, do ______". Additionally, all players will have one Strategy Action to perform from their chosen Strategy Card and they *must* perform it before they can pass (it does not have to be the last action performed beforepassing).

Status Phase - This phase serves as both scoring and cleanup. First, each player can score points for fulfilling one Public Objective and/or one Secret Objective (if you qualify for multiple Public Objectives, you have to pick one and hope you still qualify for the second next round). Then a new Public Objective is revealed, everyone gets a free Action Card, ships are repaired, planets are refreshed, and Strategy Cards are returned to the supply.

Agenda Phase - This is the political phase, where players use the influence of their dominion to shape galaxy-wide legislation. Players will have a certain number of votes they can cast (based on the influence of the planets they control and other bonuses), and there will be two political Agendas up for debate in each Agenda Phase which the players must split their vote between. This phase does not occur at the start of the game - it only gets added once someone removes the Custodian tile from Mecatol Rex.

So a typical (3-player) game will look something like this:

Round 1

**Strategy Phase

****Everyone picks a Strategy Card

**Action Phase

****Alice: Strategic Action - Diplomacy

****Bob: Tactical Action

****Cindy: Tactical Action

****Alice: Tactical Action

****Bob: Strategic Action - Technology

****Cindy: Production Biomes (an action granted by a Hacan racial technology)

****Alice: Pass

****Bob: Tactical Action

****Cindy: Strategic Action - Imperial

****Bob: Pass

****Cindy: Pass

**Status Phase

****Everyone scores objectives (if they can)

****New public objective revealed

****Everyone gets an action card

****Cleanup and refresh

Round 2

**Strategy Phase

****Everyone picks a Strategy Card

**Action Phase

****Bob: Strategic Action - Trade

****Alice: Tactical Action

****Cindy: Strategic Action - Imperial

****Bob: Tactical Action

****Alice: Strategic Action - Technology

****Cindy: Production Biomes

****Bob: Pass

****Alice: Tactical Action

****Cindy: Pass

****Alice: Tactical Action

****Alice: Orbital Drop (an action granted by Sol's racial ability)

****Alice: Tactical Action

****Alice: Pass

**Status Phase

****Everyone scores objectives (if they can)

****New public objective revealed

****Everyone gets an action card

****Cleanup and refresh

**Agenda Phase

****Politics happens

Round 3...

Objectives, Points, and Scoring

The game keeps on going through successive rounds until someone reaches enough points to win. We will be playing to 12 Victory Points.

There are a handful of Public Objectives available at the start of the game, and a new Public Objective is revealed after round. Players also have Secret Objectives (up to a maximum of three). You can acquire more Secret Objectives using the Imperial strategy card. Additionally, if you control Mecatol Rex you can gain 1 VP by using the Imperial strategy card.

Twilight Imperium tends to be shorter than you think. It is easy to get distracted by expanding your empire, warring with other players, pursuing technologies, or building more units "just in case", rather than focusing on objectives and victory points. Because there are limitations on how many objectives you can fulfill each round, you can pay dearly for neglecting objectives and being unable to catch up fast enough later on.

Lastly: note that you cannot score Public Objectives when you do not control all the planets of your home system (unless you are Saar). You *can* still score Secret Objectives and gain VP using the Imperial card.


Forum House Rules

1. Deferred Secondaries

When a player performs a Strategic Action they execute the Primary part of the strategy card and everyone else has the opportunity to execute the Secondary part of the card.

In the rules-as-written, this all happens right away: Cindy says she's performing the Technology strategy, she immediately executes the Primary effect for herself (gaining 1 tech and spending 6 resources to gain a second tech); immediately after that Alice decides to execute the Secondary (spending a command token and 4 resources to gain a tech); also immediately Bob chooses not to do the Secondary of the card. Only after all of that does the turn pass from Cindy to the next player.

This will slow down the game every time a Strategic Action is performed as we wait for all players to check-in, and the Secondary effects typically have little game impact.

Therefore, executing the Secondary effect of all Strategy Cards will be moved to the start of the player's turn. E.g.: Cindy does theTechnology strategic action and executes the Primary, then her turn is over. On Alice's turn she can do the Technology Secondary, then proceed with her own action. If Alice also does a Strategic Action, then on Bob's turn he can do both the Secondary effects from Cindy and Alice's Strategic Actions (or just one, or neither) before he then performs his own action.

To prevent any "luck" from when players do/don'tcheck-in on the forum, all Secondary effects *must* be deferred like this - even if you happen to be online right after a Strategic Action is performed you have to wait until your turn to do the Secondary. Furthermore, if you have multiple Secondary effects to execute before your turn you must perform them in the same order that their Primary effects were executed.

This will slightly devalue the Secondary effects of Politics, Construction, and Warfare, and make trading commodities a bit more logistically annoying, but I think overall it will be a very minor balance impact and a very helpful game-speed improvement.

2. Simultaneous Voting

In the rules-as-written, voting on the Agendas in the Agenda Phase goes player-by-player, one-at-a-time with the Speaker last, first one Agenda and then the next.

This is great for finnagling last-minute deals out of the later voters, but will also take a lot of time waiting for players, so instead we will use a secret, simultaneous ballot. All players will PM me their votes (split between the two Agendas) and once they're all in I'll reveal the results.

Of course, the amount of influence each player has is public knowledge, and you're free to state which way you'll be voting. It should absolutely still be possible and profitable to bribe and otherwise make arrangements for players to vote the way you want them to.

This devalues being The Speaker a bit, since you no longer get to be the final vote. But: The Speaker still picks Strategy Card first, and all tied votes will still resolve in favour of The Speaker.

3. Agenda Reveals

The agendas for the upcoming Agenda phase will only be revealed at the beginning of the Status Phase.

Both agendas will be revealed at the same time, and voting will otherwise remain the same as in the previous game.

Any action cards or abilities that affect the agendas MUST be played during the Status Phase. This includes the Nekro Virus "GalacticThreat" ability, the Xxcha "Quash" ability, VETO action cards, RIDER action cards, and any other abilities or action cards I may have missed.

This post has been edited by Galactic Council: 29 January 2019 - 02:23 PM


#3 User is offline   D'rek 

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Posted 29 January 2019 - 02:15 PM

View PostGalactic Council, on 29 January 2019 - 02:06 PM, said:

[i]For all their might, influence, and seemingly unstoppable spread, the Arborec never reached Mecatol Rex. As such, their imperial sovereignty was never officially recognised by the other races.

Ooooooooo shots fired

View Postworrywort, on 14 September 2012 - 08:07 PM, said:

I kinda love it when D'rek unleashes her nerd wrath, as I knew she would here. Sorry innocent bystanders, but someone's gotta be the kindling.

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Posted 29 January 2019 - 02:50 PM

Handy References/Lookup


Strategy Cards

Planet Symbols



All Steps in a Tactical Action

1) Activation (put a command token from your Tactic Pool in the system being activated)

2) Movement
..i) Move Ships (you can move any ship into the activated system, as long as it has enough Move to get there and you don't exceed your Fleet Pool)
..ii) Space Cannon Offense (Active Player) (the active player's PDSs can fire at enemy ships in the activated system)
..iii) Space Cannon Offense (Others) (proceeding clockwise from the active player, all non-active players with PDSs in range of the activated system can fire upon the active player's fleet)

3) Space Combat
..i) Anti-Fighter Barrage <-- a "round" of Space Combat begins here, but Anti-Fighter Barrage only happens in the first round
..ii) Announce Retreats
..iii) Make Combat Rolls
..iv) Assign Hits
..v) Retreat <-- if both sides still have ships after this step, go back to (i)

4) Invasion
..i) Bombardment
..ii) Commit Ground Forces (choose what Infantry will be sent to which planets)
..iii) Space Cannon Defense (any PDSs on a planet being invaded can use their Space Cannon ability to fire upon the invading ground forces once)
..iv) Ground Combat <-- this step is a "round" of Ground Combat (repeat combat rounds until one side is wiped out)
..v) Establish Control

5) Production (use the Production ability of any Space Docks/Floating Factories/Letani Warriors in the system to build units)

Status Phase Order

1) Score Objectives
2) Reveal Public Objective
3) Draw Action Cards
4) Remove Command Tokens
5) Gain and Redistribute Tokens
6) Ready Cards
7) Repair Units
8) Return Strategy Cards


List of Technologies


Racial Technologies:




List of Secret Objectives


List of Action Cards


This post has been edited by Galactic Council: 29 January 2019 - 02:55 PM


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Posted 29 January 2019 - 03:06 PM

UNIT REFERENCES===========================================================

Basic Units:
These are the basic units that you'll find on most race sheets, but some races have unique, superior versions instead.

Some general advice:
Cruisers, Dreadnoughts and War Suns (and Flagships for most races) are your heavy hitters that can reliably get a decent number of hits in each combat round. Cruisers are cheaper and more mobile, while War Suns are costlier (and require the technology to build) but even stronger, while Dreadnoughts are a middle-ground. You can use a lot of Cruisers for about the same effectiveness as Dreadnoughts or War Suns, but you'll need a much larger fleet supply to make that work. War Suns, Dreadnoughts, and upgraded Cruisers can all carry a small amount of Infantry or Fighters, too, meaning you can invade planets without even bringing a Carrier or have a few Fighters with them to take some hits, too.
Fighters can't be relied upon to actually deal much damage since they're combat rating is so bad, so more often they act as a meat shield for your more expensive and effective ships. They're especially effective as meat shields not only because they're cheap but also because they don't use up fleet supply so you can bring a lot of them. If you get Advanced Fighters or have the Naalu special fighters a swarm of Fighters can become very threatening all by itself.
Carriers are slow, expensive, and suck at fighting so you're really only using them because you need to. But having a Carrier with four meat-shield Fighters or bringing a bunch of Infantry to ensure you get that planet is often worth the hassle. That being said, it's not an uncommon strategy to eschew upgrading your Carriers and try to transition to just transporting your Infantry solely through Cruisers and Dreadnoughts later in the game, especially when playing a race that can get a lot of fleet supply.
Destroyers aren't all that great in combat compared to the fairly-similar Cruiser. They're main role in combat is their Anti-Fighter Barrage ability to try and reduce the enemy's meat shield of Fighters so your bigger ships can then fire at will on the enemy's big ships. That being said, with a movement of 2 and the cheapest non-Fighter ship, Destroyers can also be very useful for blocking empty space around your borders or other light maneuvers.

Upgraded Units:
You can upgrade your unit blueprints by researching the associated technology - e.g. as soon as you research Stasis Capsules the Cruiser II blueprint is placed over top of the Cruiser blueprint on your race sheets and all your Cruisers immediately become Cruiser IIs.
Everyone has access to all of these generic unit upgrades. But, if your race has a superior starting unit it will also have a superior upgrade technology with the same prerequisites (so for example if you are Sardakk N'orr you start with Exotriremes instead of Dreadnoughts, and the prerequisites needed to upgrade them to Exotrireme II is the same as it would be to upgrade them to Dreadnought II, so there'd never be a reason to get Dreadnought II instead of Exotrireme II).

War Suns (unlockable through tech):

Unique Racial Units' Upgrades:
Many races have their generic units replaced with superior versions of the same unit on their race sheet. Furthermore, all of these unique versions of the unit can be upgraded to an even better unique version by researching the associated tech (which will be one of that race's two special unique technologies.


Cost - how many resources (or trade goods) must be spent in order build the unit.
Combat - The number of stars indicates how many dice to roll when the ship attacks in a combat roll (if no stars it is 1) and the listed number is the minimum die result needed to score a hit. Units with no Combat stat cannot fight in combat rounds.

Move - How many hexes (or through wormholes) a ship can travel. Ships can take any route to an activated system, so if a ship has a Move of 6 and you activate a system adjacent to it it can go on a big loopy journey through other hexes so long as it still finishes its movement in the activated system. If a ship doesn't have enough Move to reach an activated system it cannot be moved as part of that activation.
Capacity - How many Fighters and Ground Forces the unit can carry and support. Ground Forces can be carried in a ship or be landed on planets, and they do not require Capacity when on a planet. Fighters always require Capacity (Advanced Fighters technology changes this) and you cannot build more Fighters if there is not enough free Capacity in the system to support them. If carrying ships get blown up during space combat and you have excess unsupported units, you will have to destroy them until you reach Capacity at the end of space combat. When ships are moving (including being shot by PDSs) Fighters and Ground Forces must be assigned to specific ships carrying them and they die if the particular ship they're on dies.
Production - Production is a unit ability which allows a unit to create new ships on the board. Typically, only Space Docks and the Arborec's ground forces can produce. When it says "Production 5", that means that the Space Dock (or other thing) can create a maximum of 5 units each time it produces (1 unit being 1 piece of plastic, so even though 2 fighters costs 1 resource they are still 2 units). Most Space Docks say "Production X" with X = the resource amount of the planet it is on plus 2. E.g.: a Space Dock built on planet Thibah (resources = 1) has the ability "Production 3" and can create 3 units each time it produces. Bombardment - This is a unit ability, mostly only on Dreadnoughts and War Suns, which allows the ship(s) to fire upon an enemy's ground forces at the start of a planetary invasion. Each unit with Bombardment can only bombard once per activation. The player controlling the ships chooses which planet each ship bombards. Bombardment is not a combat roll, so any modifier to "combat rolls" does not apply. Bombardment 5 --> The ship rolls one die which hits on a 5 or higher
Bombardment 6 (x3) --> The ship rolls three dice, each of which hits on a 6 or higher. (All three dice must target the same planet.)

The X-89 Bacterial Weapon technology upgrades Bombardment to an immediate wipe-out-all-defenders ability (but it gets exhausted, so you can typically only use X-89 once per round).
Planetary Shield - This is a unit ability, mostly only provided by PDSs. If a planet has a unit on it that has the Planetary Shield ability, then Bombardment cannot be used on that planet. Note that War Suns have an ability which disables enemy Planetary Shield. Anti-Fighter Barrage - At the beginning of any Space Combat, Anti-Figher Barrage is used. This allows ships to attack fighters before anything else gets any shots off.
Space Cannon - When you move into a system, the active player can use the "space cannon" abilities on his units in the active system. This means that if a PDSII can reach the system a player has activated from another system, that player can use them to fire upon ships in the activated system. This is also the case if a player has PDS on planets that are currently blockaded by another player who then activates the system to try to retake his or her airspace. Sustain Damage - Ships with sustain damage take 2 hits (or sometimes more if a ship can sustain damage more than once) to kill. The first time they are hit, their ship is flipped (a red X is placed on the ship on the forums) to show that they've sustained damage.

This post has been edited by Galactic Council: 29 January 2019 - 03:24 PM


#6 User is offline   Galactic Council 

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Posted 29 January 2019 - 03:18 PM

Chat away!

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Posted 29 January 2019 - 03:23 PM

What is this weedkiller murder and Mecatolian ambitions nonsense? The Jol-Nar are peaceful, loving squids who wish only to do maths and arrange kelp flowers into golden ratios.

View Postworrywort, on 14 September 2012 - 08:07 PM, said:

I kinda love it when D'rek unleashes her nerd wrath, as I knew she would here. Sorry innocent bystanders, but someone's gotta be the kindling.

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Posted 29 January 2019 - 03:50 PM

Ooo ooo I almost forgot, I need to share a revelation with everyone:

We've been playing with the wrong Direct Hit

The text for the action cards we're using was pulled from a reference spreadsheet, but it looks like some of those cards' exact wording was not quite right, probably having been taken from TI3 and not all updated perfectly. In most cases it hasn't made any difference, but for Direct Hit the text said it could only be played during battle.

But the TI4 Direct Hit action card actually makes no such restriction:


So we'll need to update that for this game and going forward.

View Postworrywort, on 14 September 2012 - 08:07 PM, said:

I kinda love it when D'rek unleashes her nerd wrath, as I knew she would here. Sorry innocent bystanders, but someone's gotta be the kindling.

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Posted 29 January 2019 - 03:53 PM

What's the difference?

Edit: ie, are we talking about PDS fire and stuff like that?

This post has been edited by Tattersail_: 29 January 2019 - 03:54 PM

Apt is the only one who reads this. Apt is nice.

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Posted 29 January 2019 - 04:01 PM

Sounds like
I don't know what I'm doing but it sounds good.

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Posted 29 January 2019 - 04:03 PM

View PostTattersail_, on 29 January 2019 - 03:53 PM, said:

What's the difference?

Edit: ie, are we talking about PDS fire and stuff like that?

Yeah, basically you can't safely take PDS hits or any "before a space battle" effects on your capital ships without fear of Direct Hit anymore.

View Postworrywort, on 14 September 2012 - 08:07 PM, said:

I kinda love it when D'rek unleashes her nerd wrath, as I knew she would here. Sorry innocent bystanders, but someone's gotta be the kindling.

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Posted 29 January 2019 - 04:04 PM

I'm on a work trip these next couple of days. I'll try my best to be active, but can't promise anything.
Take good care to keep relations civil
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Posted 29 January 2019 - 04:04 PM

View PostMorgoth, on 29 January 2019 - 04:04 PM, said:

I'm on a work trip these next couple of days. I'll try my best to be active, but can't promise anything.

It's your turn to pick a SC though - Warfare or Imperial

View Postworrywort, on 14 September 2012 - 08:07 PM, said:

I kinda love it when D'rek unleashes her nerd wrath, as I knew she would here. Sorry innocent bystanders, but someone's gotta be the kindling.

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Posted 29 January 2019 - 04:07 PM

We are just absorbing information for the minute

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Posted 29 January 2019 - 04:13 PM

@IH, I am not ceding a system that borders my own homeworld. I am however willing to find a compromise. Remember though, D'reks claims to the contrary, the TG ability is not nearly as dangerous as you seem to think. I have 2 goods to trade, the cost of using the ability. Which means that if I chose to use it more than once or twice I give up any realistic chance of claiming the high resource objectives, or the TG objectives, that'll probably appear once we enter phase 2. It is a deterrent, not an ability I can chose to use at my leisure. This also means that regular plundering will be a real pain. How about we exchange SftT, you do not steal from me for as long as it's active, and I give you my PN on the promise that it's not used against me.

@Gnaw, if you agree to letting me expand along the western edge of the supernova without conflict from you, I'll give you no contest for the nebula planet (I dont have access to the map right now). In return I am willing to send a destroyer your way when I have one available. In addition I am open for trade, and other exchanges of PNS once we become neighbours. This way we both get access to the centre without exhausting ourselves fighting each other, and you'll get a free tech in the bargain.
Take good care to keep relations civil
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Posted 29 January 2019 - 04:14 PM

As-salaam 'alaykum, efendim!

The Hacan Emirates are honoured to accomodate trade arrangements between ourselves and your noble house, or even on your behalf with third parties. Unfortunately, certain rules do apply.
It is only proper if I lay these out for our collective understanding and mutual benefit.

First, the Hacan will not bank for or trade with our enemies.
This of course calls for a description of who we label our enemy, and when.
Anyone who enters or controls one or more of the Emirates' core systems (our home of Hercant, Kamdorn and Arretze, Daemon, Aarinam/Meer and Lodor) is counted as our enemy.
Our enemies are excluded from trade with or through the Hacan up until such a time as we have re-established control over our core territory and received a heartfelt apology from the offender.

The Emirs do declare that any losses we suffer outside of our core territory are considered to be a polite disagreement between our mighty houses conveyed by martial means, and not a cause to label the other party our enemy.

Second, the Hacan are willing to act as an intermediary for the exchange of action cards for all but our enemies
We do so out of courtesy and do not charge a fee: the information of which cards change hands is enough for us. However, Imperial our accountants have always insisted on transparancy and we see no reason to change this practice.
When two parties deal favours to one another through the Emirates' offices, we expressedly reserve the right to publish which cards have changed hands.
In addition, each transaction is executed during the turn of the Hacan.

Third, trade with the Emirates
While discussing the exact size of our fortune is beneath us, there is no denying that the Hacan are afluent. We are open for trade with anyone, our enemies excepted.
We only exchange equal values of commodities or trade goods. As an additional requirement, each transaction is executed during the turn of the Hacan unless stated otherwise.

Fourth, loans by the Emirates to your noble house
The sinews of war are unlimited reserves of money, a wise man once wrote. We recognize that sometimes enterprises require larger funds than one can raise by themselves.
In these cases, the Hacan are, as a special favour, willing to entertain the notion of extending a loan. We will always require one or more PNs and one or more Action Cards as a token of goodwill, to be returned when said loan is paid back.

Fifth, support by the Emirates
Generosity begets its own rewards. In our not too distant future, the Hacan will have the benefit of our splendid hanging gardens, also known as Production Biomes. The Hacan cannot save all of their yields for themselves, so the escess yield will exclusively be used to support the weak against the strong and to reward mutually beneficial actions by the other houses. Sometimes these may be awarded spontaneously, sometimes they will be granted in return for an asked for course of action.
Everyone is entitled to his own wrong opinion. - Lizrad

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Posted 29 January 2019 - 04:14 PM

View PostD, on 29 January 2019 - 04:04 PM, said:

View PostMorgoth, on 29 January 2019 - 04:04 PM, said:

I'm on a work trip these next couple of days. I'll try my best to be active, but can't promise anything.

It's your turn to pick a SC though - Warfare or Imperial

bah.. Imperial for me then.
Take good care to keep relations civil
It's decent in the first of gentlemen
To speak friendly, Even to the devil

#18 User is offline   Imperial Historian 

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Posted 29 January 2019 - 04:20 PM

Warfare for me obviously if we need to get started, morgoth will respond when I get time.

#19 User is offline   D'rek 

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Posted 29 January 2019 - 04:25 PM

View PostTapper, on 29 January 2019 - 04:14 PM, said:

As-salaam 'alaykum, efendim!

The Hacan Emirates are honoured to accomodate trade arrangements between ourselves and your noble house, or even on your behalf with third parties. Unfortunately, certain rules do apply.
It is only proper if I lay these out for our collective understanding and mutual benefit.

Wa ʿalaykumu s-salām!

We are honoured to share the galaxy with the steadfast Khalifa Emirs of Ishktar Hacan and pray for prosperity upon each of our houses. Thankfully, there's no Yin in sight to trigger endless Hajj caravans to the Norther Desert :)

View Postworrywort, on 14 September 2012 - 08:07 PM, said:

I kinda love it when D'rek unleashes her nerd wrath, as I knew she would here. Sorry innocent bystanders, but someone's gotta be the kindling.

#20 User is offline   Morgoth 

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Posted 29 January 2019 - 04:43 PM

We are the Barony. We own our noble title to the blessing of God. By divine right we rule. By divine decree we claim that which are our demenses by right. All that we are, all that we will be, is by Gods will. Impede us and you spit at the feet of God. Our demenses is God and we are Its blood. Attack us and you spill Its blood. Penetrate our demenses and you penetrate God.

We are the Barony. We return to spread the Word. We return to impose the Will. It is ordained. It is required.

We are the Barony. We remember those that aid us in our work. We remember those whom try to impede us. The Will is unstopable, but the Will does not Forgive.

We are the Barony. We are instruments of God. We impose the Will. Through us is born the Plan.
Take good care to keep relations civil
It's decent in the first of gentlemen
To speak friendly, Even to the devil

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