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Destiny Series Gather Guardians and prepare yourselves

#341 User is offline   Khellendros 

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Posted 06 December 2018 - 09:47 AM

View PostBriar King, on 06 December 2018 - 02:09 AM, said:

Started on Black Armory Quest last night and am utterly baffled by the lvl suggestion to do 1st mission. It’s at 610 which is well out of my reach on all 3 toons. I’m only in 580/70’s so it’s still going to be weeks away before I ll be able to do this shit.

Not sure why they did this at that steep of an opening climb. Even for 600’s that’s probably pretty hard.

Yeah, I haven't tried it myself yet but I saw that people are getting angry about paying for something and then not actually being able to do it straight away once it came our. However, Bungie have said that the BA is an 'endgame activity' so it's sort of assumed you'd be around level 600. At this point, they've clearly decided to focus on the hardcore audience (a hard U-turn from the way vanilla Destiny 2 was all about trying to please casual players), which is why BA essentially contains no story whatsoever, just grinding for new guns.
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Posted 12 December 2018 - 06:02 PM

Vex milk. A healthy alternative to Cabal milk and works great for your Dawning cookie recipes. One drawback though; it's a lot harder to latch on to them titties. I've heard more then once: "is it actually their titties you're milking".Posted Image Posted ImagePosted Image

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Posted 18 December 2018 - 04:05 PM

Got some Dawning cookies baked for a stupid bird, the asshole who rewards you for Crucible dumb shit. and the shit face who turns your stupid orb puzzles into worthless gear. I hate myself for playing a crap game. Should I seek therapy?

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Posted 18 December 2018 - 05:28 PM

If you think Destiny 2 is a crap game you probably do need therapy.

#345 User is offline   Khellendros 

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Posted 18 December 2018 - 07:58 PM

View PostMalankazooie, on 18 December 2018 - 04:05 PM, said:

Got some Dawning cookies baked for a stupid bird, the asshole who rewards you for Crucible dumb shit. and the shit face who turns your stupid orb puzzles into worthless gear. I hate myself for playing a crap game. Should I seek therapy?

I just got the sleigh sparrow yesterday. Obviously I cheated and looked up all the recipes, no way was I going to waste time experimenting. Generally people seem to be favourable to this Dawning, but I don't think it's particularly good (it's just better than last year's micro transaction-driven one). I do like the addition of extra lore though.
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Posted 18 December 2018 - 09:15 PM

View PostKhellendros, on 18 December 2018 - 07:58 PM, said:

View PostMalankazooie, on 18 December 2018 - 04:05 PM, said:

Got some Dawning cookies baked for a stupid bird, the asshole who rewards you for Crucible dumb shit. and the shit face who turns your stupid orb puzzles into worthless gear. I hate myself for playing a crap game. Should I seek therapy?

I just got the sleigh sparrow yesterday. Obviously I cheated and looked up all the recipes, no way was I going to waste time experimenting. Generally people seem to be favourable to this Dawning, but I don't think it's particularly good (it's just better than last year's micro transaction-driven one). I do like the addition of extra lore though.

It's better than last year's Dawning event for sure. That was outright shit. But still, this event is pretty crappy, tbh. There just isn't enough fun stuff to do. Grinding public events and other similar activities (that are nauseatingly boring) to get cookie ingredients to drop is just more 'been there done that' nonsense that I'm tired of devoting time to.

About the cookie recipes, I thought that old lady you get them from was going to release new ones with every week's reset during the Dawning? Am I incorrect in assuming that? I guess maybe I need to look them up myself then.

Oh, and about my comment about D2 being crap. I'm still playing vanilla, and there is general consensus out there that D2 is pretty much crap until they released Foresaken. Go look up articles and reviews on your go to sites to get confirmation. So, sure I need therapy for playing a crap game, but not for thinking D2 is crap, know what I sayin' ? Posted Image

#347 User is offline   Khellendros 

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Posted 22 December 2018 - 12:59 AM

Heh, I got the Malfeasance quest in Gambit in just my tenth match, seems pretty lucky ;)

It was pretty close, for a while it looked like the other team might kill the boss who drops the quest first. One surprising thing I've found is that I'm actually good at invading. I was certain I would be terrible at that mechanic, but I usually manage to kill half the opposing team. And my Crucible performance is *slightly* picking up now that I'm finally giving hand cannons a chance. They've been buffed something ridiculous.
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Posted 08 February 2019 - 07:11 PM

Haven't played D2 in quite awhile (think the last time was during the 'The Dawning', Christmas event early on). Will probably jump back in for a few hours next week, because they are rolling out the week long Valentine's Day event - Crimson Days. I played that event last year and had some fun times with the two man team pvp Crucible play. Oh man, one session me and my team mate totally dominated the other teams. It was quite a throttling we laid down at every match. Looks like this go around, non-DLC players can attain a bow - is that true? (I sure hope so, I'm still on vanilla D2). Doubt I'll stay in long enough to do sufficient grinding to attain it though.

Does anyone else think 'Crimson Days' sounds like some kind of feminist, menstrual rites activist march? (or something similar?). Don't @ me haters #ToxicMasculinity Posted Image

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Posted 03 April 2019 - 07:04 PM

###### First up, some house keeping: changed the title of this thread so discussion can carry forward for future titles released in the series #########

Ok. Some Destiny 3 rumors have been leaking out. How legit they are, I don't know, so keep that in mind.

First though, before the Destiny 3 rumor, I guess there is not going to be a final big expansion/DLC update for D2 (like D1 'Rise of Iron'). Instead more of their 'annual pass' bullshit.

Ok, regarding Destiny 3.

One big rumor is Crucible and straight PvP may be going away. I actually wouldn't hate that and would hope that instead, they poured more effort into campaign and public event and end game story fun activities to do.

The other fascinating rumor is a new race will be introduced in Destiny 3. They will be like us (guardians) except for darkness. They are supposed to be bad-ass and not easily dealt with. I'll belive it when I see it, but I love the idea. Hopefully they can improve the enemy AI so it at least gives you somewhat of a feeling you are fighting intelligent foes that are more then peek out and cover, bullet sponges.

Big Potential 'Destiny 3' Leaks Have Arrived, New Locations, New Enemy Race

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Posted 04 April 2019 - 12:30 AM

As dead to me as Destiny is (here's hoping Bungie wasn't irreparably ruined by Activision and can now recover), I would really like it if these Darkness guardians were players. Normal guardians corrupted by the Darkness, spurred by the events of D2 with the loss of Light making them disillusioned and bitter.

I've said from D1 that the Traveller doesn't seem like the benevolent savior, more of an entity that managed to piss off multiple other species and manipulated humanity into protecting it, to the point where the rumour that the Hive knew how to actually permanently kill a Guardian caused the Cabal to make a suicidal raid on the Dreadnought to try and find out the secret because Guardians terrify them. (We were definitely meant to be villains in the original plot, I swear...)

Would love to see this explored in the plot, giving guardians the chance to turn to the Darkness, and thus creating dynamic PvP in the open world with effectively two campaigns going separately from the decision to rebel that comes fairly early on.

And for the love of god deliver on the promises made about D1 with the huge Patrol maps that are actually engaging and dynamic instead of small pockets of recurring encounters linked by what are effectively empty corridors.

But hey, it won't happen. They're too committed to their boring story now that they already soft rebooted it once. Really wish they hadn't lost Staten.

Shinrei said:

<Vote Silencer> For not garnering any heat or any love for that matter. And I'm being serious here, it's like a mental block that is there, and you just keep forgetting it.


#351 User is offline   Khellendros 

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Posted 04 April 2019 - 01:03 AM

I’m still playing D2 pretty regularly, and I have to grudgingly admit that the game is in a pretty good place at the moment. They’ve done some pretty interesting things with the second bit of the annual pass, introducing a new ‘Reckoning’ mode which is throwing light on the mysterious Nine whilst also being a fun activity.

The Drifter has become by far the most interesting character in the game and they recently had an ‘Allegiance’ quest where you had to side with either the Drifter or the Vanguard, and (supposedly) your choice will have other consequences later on down the line.

The lore is getting super interesting and there’s a ton of new pieces they’re dropping. With the Drifter and Gambit, they are clearly setting up a ‘Guardians using the power of the Darkness’ thing, and your own character is supposed to be teetering in a grey area between Light and Dark. I would not be at all surprised if in D3 you can use Dark abilities.

I think Bungie actually learned a lot of positive lessons with the Dreaming City, which is tied on a 3-week cycle which actually has a cool, ongoing lore explanation, and other content released since then has also been tied firmly into lore, which itself is going more down the grimdark route which Destiny should have embraced from the outset.

(The exception to this is Black Armory, which was very disappointing, except for the Last Word quest).

I’d like to see them do more things like The Shattered Throne, a great dungeon or mini-raid which you can actually complete solo (though it’s very hard!).
"I think I've made a terrible error of judgement."

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Posted 11 April 2019 - 01:46 AM

So, a event new to Destiny called The Revelry will kick off next week. It's an event to celebrate the coming of Spring to the Destiny universe. Not sure what all will be new, but I did catch that there will be something called the Verdant Forest, which I guess is this celebration's version of the Haunted Forest from Festival of the Lost event. I'm still rockin' with vanilla D2 (no CoO or Warmind or Forsaken, and certainly none of that annual pass bullshit that is for suckers/easy marks), so I'm guessing I will be locked out of most of the new stuff. Anyway, the last time I was in D2 was during the Valentine's event (Crimson Days), I checked out the holiday decorations and played a few rounds of the 2 man pvp. Got bored real quick though, and logged out and haven't been in since. I think I'll check things out for this event, I was able to play the Haunted Forest, so hopefully I will get to try out this thing called Verdant Forest. And I'll just cruise around checking out the Spring themed decorations (if there are any), I anticipate there will be flower petals and similar such 'spring-like' eye candy. Any you Guardians gonna jump on?

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Posted 20 April 2019 - 12:57 AM

It's ... it's ... beautiful! It will make your heart soar! Probably the best yet. You guardians been or no?

You know that old axiom - stop and smell the roses? Well, keep that in mind if you do try, it could pay off big time. Posted Image

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Posted 29 May 2019 - 11:15 PM

I haven't been paying much attention to what has been going on with this of late. Although I think I read a headline about a 'Season of Opulence' or something starting up soon. I haven't bought any DLC and will never pay for that seasonal pass nonsense that suckers get pulled into. So, I'm still rocking vanilla D2, and they don't give vanilla players much except mostly window dressing. There was the Nightmare Forest/Verdant Forest activities for when those events were live.

Anyway, any you guardians keep up with anything going on? Any announcement planned at E3 about a potential "Destiny 3"? Or they still on road-map to continue releasing content for D2?

And may the lost secrets of the taint hair of Brewgoulernazzit forever stay hidden and never assault your olfactory system, lest the universe be undone.


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Posted 30 May 2019 - 11:39 AM

I'm still playing but honestly very much running out of steam. I think I was a bit disheartened when a few weeks ago I almost completed The Shattered Throne solo but just ran out of time with the weekly reset. There's also not much left for me to do. Yes, I have a few exotic quests, but to what end? Another gun I'll use for five minutes and then throw in the vault?

Having said that, the new Zero Hour secret quest has been terrific, and I think that's available to everyone, season pass or no. You should check it out if you fancy playing. You can access it by picking up a data transponder hidden in an area on Titan, and it links back to the best adventure in the game, the Enemy of my Enemy quest with the friendly Fallen at the end. In the Zero Hour final mission, you go back to the old Tower from D1.

Ultimately, I will check out the new season, but I think my days with D2 are winding down. They said they would announce some new info for D2 specifically (rather than the Destiny series) after the new season drops, but I can't really summon any interest for it.

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Posted 30 May 2019 - 12:27 PM

I stopped playing Destiny 2 long ago now but not out of any animosity, I could jump in right now and enjoy it but I just played enough. There's other games and books and TV, etc.

I'll be there day 1 for Destiny 3.

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Posted 30 May 2019 - 01:37 PM

View PostGalactic Council, on 30 May 2019 - 11:39 AM, said:

I'm still playing but honestly very much running out of steam. I think I was a bit disheartened when a few weeks ago I almost completed The Shattered Throne solo but just ran out of time with the weekly reset. There's also not much left for me to do. Yes, I have a few exotic quests, but to what end? Another gun I'll use for five minutes and then throw in the vault?

Having said that, the new Zero Hour secret quest has been terrific, and I think that's available to everyone, season pass or no. You should check it out if you fancy playing. You can access it by picking up a data transponder hidden in an area on Titan, and it links back to the best adventure in the game, the Enemy of my Enemy quest with the friendly Fallen at the end. In the Zero Hour final mission, you go back to the old Tower from D1.

Ultimately, I will check out the new season, but I think my days with D2 are winding down. They said they would announce some new info for D2 specifically (rather than the Destiny series) after the new season drops, but I can't really summon any interest for it.

I guess I missed out on a lot, having never played any DLC, huh?

They just pissed me off so much with the crap they pulled early on in D2's life that I couldn't give them anymore money to validate their practices. I'm hoping the split from Activision will mean those days are behind them, but I've my doubts, because press about all of that didn't leave Bungie cast in the best of light. I personally wouldn't mind if they really knuckled down and took their time on Destiny 3 and delivered something that blows away expectations from fans of the series.

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Posted 04 June 2019 - 10:26 PM

The new 6-player activity, The Menagerie, is like nothing else in Destiny 2. I’m seriously impressed. Admittedly I’ve only played it once so far, but it is not the wave-based horde mode I thought it would be (or rather, it’s a new spin on that). It takes way longer to complete than I expected, 20 minutes +, and consists of about 5 (randomly-selected?) activities from a larger pool. You complete one, then you have to run to where the next activity takes place. The area is huge, and probably full of secrets (it gives you 300 seconds after you’ve completed the activity to just run around and explore before it kicks you out). Because different parts take place in different rooms, it means a variety of different challenges can be had. While they all consist of killing hundreds of enemies, you also had to perform specific tasks. In one, you had to light lanterns while fending off Vex, in another you had to work out how to destroy crystals, another had you feeding light into specific nodes, another put you in a tight corridors with hundreds of Hive thralls rushing you and giant sword-wielding Knights one-shotting you. The end boss also had a cool mechanic.

It was also very challenging as it’s above 700 power, which was the old max coming into this season. Interestingly, you don’t have to complete the challenges before the timer on each runs out. If you don’t finish, you just move on to the next challenge. We didn’t manage to complete any on my first run. I imagine you get rewards for each if you do succeed - we only got the end boss chest.

This post has been edited by Galactic Council: 04 June 2019 - 10:27 PM


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Posted 06 June 2019 - 10:13 AM

Vanilla Destiny players: The first two expansions, Curse of Osiris and Warmind, have been made free to everyone, if you want to check them out.

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Posted 06 June 2019 - 04:29 PM

I was wondering what that was about. I got the 7GB update and then logged in quickly and looked around. I screwed around a little in the EDZ on Earth and I noticed I picked up weapons and gear that was above my current level. I was all like - "what the frick'". Then I checked out the map and saw that to go to Mars and (forget the other planet), it will kick off a mission. In other words, can't just go there and screw around like I used to, instead, have to iniate the mission first and play through at least the first part (I guess?). Anyway, this gives me something do do in Destiny now. If I feel like playing it. Usually summer is slow for video gaming, I like to do a fun and different 'indie' type game during the summer, but I'll probably putz around in D2 and see what these DLCs are about.

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