I really didn't think jokes could fall more flat than Luke's, but apparently tough crowd. Poor Steve Cotton. Is it just me, or does anyone else feel like there was some Activision employee sitting off-stage with a gun held to these guy's families, telling them to get out there and deliver the damn talking points and sprinkle in some terrible attempts at self-deprecating humour? O.o
"Of course we have a brand new raid." - Oh. A. Singular. One. Guess you guys really put extra effort into this one, huh?
No more orbit. Oh, really, you finally figured out that extra loading screen was idiotic? Congratulations. It only took you four years. I appreciate the applause, because it's a great QoL improvement, but I kinda feel like that should have been met with stony silence, and then one guy just going "took you long enough" down the back.
NPCs in the world + Adventures, Lost Sectors, and Treasure Maps sound good. Hopefully there are literally thousands of them over a huge map...oh, wait, this is Bungie, yeah right. Guarantee these will be recycled in the same vein as missions. OH HEY GUYS, THEY FIGURED OUT AN IN-GAME MAP MIGHT BE A GOOD IDEA. HOLY FUCKING SHIT.
(Side note: I still remember when all this stuff was more or less promised to be in Destiny 1. Good grief.)
FOUR BRAND NEW WORLDS. One of them is Earth. Now, I know, it's a new region. But dude. Come on. XD
Also, are they serious? Four worlds. Apparently in direct exchange for the ones we already had? So no more Cosmodrome, Moon, Venus, or Mars? This does not surprise me, but it does rather undermine the excitement of new places to explore.
Also; tiny maps confirmed - European Dead Zone, "easily the largest space we've ever built, maybe even by a factor of two". So, like, double the size of Mars. Cool. Tiny. With maybe fifty point of interest tops, if you don't count endlessly reoccurring beacons and Public Events. Joy of joys. Really outdoing yourselves here guys.
Also, apparently they completed ignored the feedback on bullet sponge bosses.
Oh, cool, Clans. Again, one of the most basic features of any MMO game, four years late.
Wow. Still trying to justify the idiocy of not having any matchmaking for Raids and other end-game content. Seriously? Aaaaaaaaand your solution is to only allow this through Clans? JUST FUCKING SUCK IT UP AND PUT MATCHMAKING IN THERE. I'm not going to complain that it's in there, but this is such a half-way measure it's almost worse. Almost.
But seriously, it bugs me that the trailer has more emotion than the actual cinematic it is derived from.
Oh hey, looks like more exclusive content coming to PS4....fffffffuuuu~.
Lol. "We believe that it's always better to play together. You've made this one of the most engaged and wonderful communities ever, in no time flat." - But we still don't trust you to play nicely together if we give you normal matchmaking. LOL GET REKT.
OK, I really tried to be more positive for this half of the show, but frankly what I saw was a whole bunch of "we didn't want to change anything much, but here, have some features that should have already been in the original game, also let's see if we can get another three years out of minimal content releases". Utterly disappointed in Bungie right now. They need to stop letting Activision call the shots and actually make a game that their staff can be excited about when they get up on stage.