'Rand Paul: Democrats "steal" elections by "convincing potential voters" in a "legally valid way"
Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) [...]
"How to steal an election," Paul commented, before quoting from the article that Democrats' plans involved "seeding an area heavy with potential Democratic votes with as many absentee ballots as possible, targeting and convincing potential voters to complete them in a legally valid way, and then harvesting and counting the results."
"Convincing potential voters to cast legal ballots is the how you win elections in a democracy," commented CNN reporter John Harwood.
"They really believe it's a scandal to help legal voters who might oppose them to participate in democracy," wrote Georgetown University political scientist Donald Moynihan.
"This is what we call— wait for it— voting," replied Georgia State Law professor Anthony Michael Kreis'
'Mindfulness Is What's Missing From the Political Arena
Imagine a virtuous person. How will she behave? What trains of character will she embody? Philosophers and theologians have debated those questions for eons, but it's possible to establish a broadly acceptable basic sketch: A virtuous person will be ethical, mindful, and wise. Yet our political sphere tells us to be precisely the opposite, provides us with strong incentives to do so, and then celebrates and rewards those among us who stray the furthest from that virtuous ideal.
Let's start with ethics. In our interactions with others, the two most basic rules, taught in kindergartens around the world, are "don't hit people" and "don't take their stuff." While we should also seek to help each other, at the minimum we should avoid causing harm or taking from others what they haven't given freely. Yet the political sphere fundamentally depends on rejecting both mandates. The state's power comes from its ability to bring violence to bear, and everything the state does is paid for with resources its citizens were forced to turn over.'
- 'Reason', libertarian propaganda magazine
(If we were all mindful we would remember what we learned in kindergarten---taxation is theft, and theft is Evil! We learned it in kindergarten, Q.E.D.)
In case that didn't convince you (also from 'Reason'):
'Harry Potter Knew the Fake News Media Is the Enemy of the People'
'Right-wing anti-vaxxer Candace Owens is pushing a bogus cure that turns skin blue'
Why be Black or white when we can be Orange or blue?...
'UFC star B.J. Penn pushes unproven COVID treatment, vows to end pandemic if elected
"I just had coronavirus for the second time. I'm unvaxed. [...] I know I'm not a doctor, I know I'm not a scientist. I took oregano oil and I breathe oregano oil. There's a lot of people with a lot of different ways to do it. My friend did something like Joe Rogan did. But I always choose oregano oil, I love that stuff."
He had been vocal against the "unconstitutional" lockdowns imposed by the government in 2020. One of his campaign promises is to not only get rid of vaccine passports in Hawaii but to end the pandemic "as soon as my foot steps into the Governor's office."
"Enough is enough already!!! Penn for Governor and the pandemic in Hawaii ends forever," Penn wrote.
Penn is a former [...] UFC champion who was unceremoniously released in 2019 following a series of very concerning street fights, arrests, and legal issues that only continued after. He ended his UFC tenure after having just one win in his last 11 fights.'
'The Right Wants to Make Disabled Veterans Into the New "Welfare Queens"'
'Peter Navarro reveals new shocking detail about his and Steve Bannon's role in Trump 2020 election plot
"We spent a lot of time lining up over 100 congressmen, including some senators. It started out perfectly. At 1 p.m., Gosar and Cruz did exactly what was expected of them, [...] It was a perfect plan. And it all predicated on peace and calm on Capitol Hill. We didn't even need any protestors, because we had over 100 congressmen committed to it."
"Steve Bannon's role was to figure out how to use this information—what he called 'receipts'—to overturn the election result. That's how Steve had come up with the Green Bay Sweep idea,"
"We are right on the cusp of victory," Bannon said on the show. "It's quite simple. Play's been called. Mike Pence, run the play. Take the football. Take the handoff from the quarterback. You've got guards in front of you. You've got big, strong people in front of you. Just do your duty."
[... Navarro:] "It was better for me to spend that morning working on the Green Bay Sweep. Just checking to see that everything was in line, that congressmen were on board, [...] It was a pretty mellow morning for me. I was convinced everything was set in place."''