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Mafia 138.5: Evil Twins

#161 User is offline   Okaros 

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Posted 13 January 2017 - 12:11 AM

Whoops, got distracted without actually finishing this.

Serc's behaviour is really standing out to me, both around the time of yesterday's lynch, and today.

Serc votes Fanderay after I vote Kessobahn, putting them both at two each. It's only after Ultama votes Kesso and puts him at L-2 that Serc changes their vote. The cryptic comments and the lack of justification for either vote makes it look like Serc is trying to distract from Kesso, and then votes to distance when Kesso's lynch becomes more likely.

View PostSerc, on 12 January 2017 - 05:02 AM, said:

View PostFanderay, on 12 January 2017 - 03:04 AM, said:

View PostSerc, on 12 January 2017 - 02:38 AM, said:

Mafia is like poker. Scum tell stories and Townies holler "Deal!"

Vote Fanderay

Huh? And Serc is playing twister.
This little teamwork thing you and Ultama have going is not changing my opinion much, but I'm starting to wonder if the attention Kesso has garnered struck a nerve with you. I'll decide before bed.

Ha! Twister! Good one!

Kesso? Kesso who? Tell ya what...

Remove Vote

Vote Kessobahn

I don't have a Kesso nerve to strike. Do you?

View PostSerc, on 12 January 2017 - 09:40 PM, said:

Yes, it doesn't look good and coming in a few minutes after Candy hammered didn't help either. But I also share you suspicions about Lock, whose "y'all" comment glowed in the dark when I read it. I'm leaning toward him at the moment.

View PostLock, on 12 January 2017 - 04:04 PM, said:

View PostSerc, on 12 January 2017 - 03:20 PM, said:


"Y'all?" Not "we?" Interesting.

Yeah, as in, the people who lynched him, the people who were on the train that I missed. I can't say WE because I wasn't on that train.

Still, not being on the train shouldn't discourage Town from saying 'we' when Scum is rooted out. One for all and all for one, amirite?

View PostFanderay, on 12 January 2017 - 06:45 PM, said:


Yeah, he has followed you a bit close. What do you make of Lock?

You tried to connect my vote for you as distracting from the Kesso train (a train you were not even on). But that failed when I called your bluff and gladly switched my vote to Kesso. Now you claim I was mindlessly following Ultama, when it's plain that my vote switch was prompted by none other than YOU.

Today, Serc's been focusing on the "yall" "slip", which looks like trying to be a good townie and make cases, while not actually being all that useful. The second underlined section reads really weirdly to me, like Serc is saying that they changed their vote to Kesso due to Fanderay's suggestion that Serc and Kesso were linked, rather than to get a vote or because Serc thought Kesso was scummy.

View PostSerc, on 12 January 2017 - 09:56 PM, said:

View PostFanderay, on 12 January 2017 - 09:47 PM, said:

[I don't think anyone has "jumped" on the y'all thing other than Telas, although your reaction to him sounds a bit too defeatist. As Kaschan said, there is plenty of time left to day, so I think it's a bit early to be dropping my vote just yet.

It hasn't been jumped on, but it's been mentioned. And by you, too. Or where you just mindlessly following me? I'm kinda creeped out by that (not really).

And here, Serc says "it's been mentioned", like it's not them doing most of the mentioning.

#162 User is offline   Serc 

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Posted 13 January 2017 - 12:47 AM

View PostFanderay, on 12 January 2017 - 10:15 PM, said:

View PostSerc, on 12 January 2017 - 10:05 PM, said:

View PostFanderay, on 12 January 2017 - 10:00 PM, said:

View PostSerc, on 12 January 2017 - 09:56 PM, said:

View PostFanderay, on 12 January 2017 - 09:47 PM, said:

[I don't think anyone has "jumped" on the y'all thing other than Telas, although your reaction to him sounds a bit too defeatist. As Kaschan said, there is plenty of time left to day, so I think it's a bit early to be dropping my vote just yet.

It hasn't been jumped on, but it's been mentioned. And by you, too. Or where you just mindlessly following me? I'm kinda creeped out by that (not really).

I guess you are deliberately misreading. I think Telas is the only one that has voted for Lock, no?

Voting for Lock and "jumping" on the "y'all" comment are two different things. So, no, I'm not misreading, deliberately or otherwise.

Because you are slow, I have underlined the connection above. I clearly related "jumping on" with "voting". Of course, for you, "jumping" could be something else entirely.

"Slow" am I? Since you have stooped to insults let me respond by saying that you are a fucking liar, and a poor liar at that. You did not relate jumping on with voting. You said Telas was jumping on the y'all comment (which he wasn't), made no mention of his vote, and then in the next sentence you said you weren't ready to drop your own vote just yet. If you meant something else you should have said something else.

This, coupled with your other fabrication about me following Ultama when my vote switch to Kesso was meant to prove false your claim that I was deflecting from Kesso by voting for you. I put the ball in your court and you (eventually) hammered.

You've so far put words in my, Ultama's, and Telas's mouths. Your twisting of reality reeks to me of scum.

#163 User is offline   Telas 

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Posted 13 January 2017 - 01:58 AM

Wait, what?

View PostPath-Shaper, on 11 January 2017 - 11:38 PM, said:

I miscalculated the time by 1 hour, but not gonna change this now with the timeout relatively soon. So y'all got additional 60 minutes on the house.

I will resolve when I wake up.

Clock: 7h 3m
Players not voted: Okaros, Serc, Omtose, Lock

1 Omtose: Kessobahn
2 Fanderay: Ultama, Telas
1 Ultama: Fanderay
2 Kessobahn: Kaschan, Gamelon

6 votes to lynch, 5 votes to night.

View PostTelas, on 12 January 2017 - 12:45 AM, said:

View PostPath-Shaper, on 11 January 2017 - 11:38 PM, said:

I miscalculated the time by 1 hour, but not gonna change this now with the timeout relatively soon. So y'all got additional 60 minutes on the house.

I will resolve when I wake up.

Clock: 7h 3m
Players not voted: Okaros, Serc, Omtose, Lock

1 Omtose: Kessobahn
2 Fanderay: Ultama, Telas
1 Ultama: Fanderay
2 Kessobahn: Kaschan, Gamelon

6 votes to lynch, 5 votes to night.

Considering all the other people heading to sleep, this is not encouraging. I'll be asleep @ timeout.

should be around in 3 h or so, will figure out where I want to leave my vote then

View PostOkaros, on 12 January 2017 - 01:53 AM, said:

In the interests of getting a lynch, I had a look at Fanderay and Kessobahn (with a whole two votes each, woo...)
Fanderay has a fair amount of spam, but there wasn't a lot going on on thread at that point, and I don't think day one spam is inherently scummy. Fanderay stopped the spam once serious discussion got underway, and has continued with relatively high posting, which makes me think the spam wasn't simply to drive up their post count without posting anything of substance.

Looking back through Fanderay's posts, this is the thing that stood out the most to me:

View PostFanderay, on 11 January 2017 - 09:48 PM, said:

View PostUltama, on 11 January 2017 - 09:41 PM, said:

Directly after that he goes on to attack both me and Lock for the lack of content in our posts thus far.

(snipped Fanderay's posts)

With that in mind, and following on Serc's thought to look at the spammers for scum I think I'm going to place my vote here. It's really the only stand-out scummy thing I've seen so far in the game.

Vote Fanderay

Well fuck. I guess whenever I get cast as RI I should just not post anything and coast like everyone else. Apparently my tactic of interacting with other players has been completely the wrong way to play the last 2 games.

Oh and

vote Ultama

Not entirely as an OMGUS. I think you are trying too hard to make up for your lack of posts thus far.

They say it's not entirely OMGUS, but that is what it looks like. Also, the mention of being RI always gets my hackles up.

Kessobahn starts off with a low poster hunt:

View PostKessobahn, on 11 January 2017 - 04:59 PM, said:

Let's hear something from the lower end of the table shall we.

Vote Omtose

Is it just me, or is that particular alt always at the bottom of the pile?

Which to me always looks like they're trying to be helpful, but without actually putting much effort into it.

Kesso comes back long enough to say they're around, and then not around. If anything looks like artificial post inflation, this is it.

View PostKessobahn, on 11 January 2017 - 10:24 PM, said:

Back from badminton, I am liking the way the thread has picked up. Not sure if I am going to be around towards day end at all, and there is nothing solid as of yet. Got to go do my clash of clans war attack. Back soon.

View PostKessobahn, on 11 January 2017 - 10:55 PM, said:

Not going to have enough time to play this tonight, shattered and I am up at 6. I see I have a couple of votes but have no vigor to try and see why properly.
One is off Kaschan as a possible retaliation to my earlier barbed vote. The other Gamelon who looks like he just wants anyone but him lynched. I'll look more closely at them if I am alive day two.

Out of the two, I think Kesso looks more scummy, so

Vote Kessobahn.

However, I'll still be around until the end of the day, or close to, to talk about stuff.

View PostSerc, on 12 January 2017 - 02:38 AM, said:

Mafia is like poker. Scum tell stories and Townies holler "Deal!"

Vote Fanderay

Does no one read anymore?

Okaros, you were third vote on Kesso, putting him ahead. Then Serc voted Fandy to make trains equal again.

I agree that Serc's shift is a tad weird (almost like reads like "I double dog dare you" of some kind by its tone), but get your facts straight, otherwise you're undermining your own case.

#164 User is offline   Serc 

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Posted 13 January 2017 - 03:24 AM

View PostTelas, on 13 January 2017 - 01:58 AM, said:

I agree that Serc's shift is a tad weird (almost like reads like "I double dog dare you" of some kind by its tone), but get your facts straight, otherwise you're undermining your own case.

How is it weird? Even a tad? Spamfester said I was deliberately deflecting from Kesso by voting for him. What better reply than to immediately switch to Kesso? That Kesso was scum was a nice surprise, but my previous vote on Candyass would have stayed had he not trotted out the bullshit he trotted out. I'll be delighted to vote for him again. It'd serve him right for hammering his partner.

#165 User is offline   Ultama 

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Posted 13 January 2017 - 04:06 AM

The more I've about it today I've become less and less convinced that Fandy is scum. Yes she hammered Kesso, but that isn't enough for me today. Not when there is another huge question mark floating around this thread in the form of Telas. That play at EOD was bad enough even he admitted he needed lynched to clear that sit up.

Also, Omtose where the fuck are you?

#166 User is offline   Omtose 

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Posted 13 January 2017 - 04:17 AM

View PostUltama, on 13 January 2017 - 04:06 AM, said:

The more I've about it today I've become less and less convinced that Fandy is scum. Yes she hammered Kesso, but that isn't enough for me today. Not when there is another huge question mark floating around this thread in the form of Telas. That play at EOD was bad enough even he admitted he needed lynched to clear that sit up.

Also, Omtose where the fuck are you?

On thread the entirety of today, waiting for someone to notice that I only have two posts in almost 60 hours.

Thanks for noticing.

#167 User is offline   Ultama 

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Posted 13 January 2017 - 04:20 AM

In fact I think it might be a solid idea to shed Omtose today. So far he has contributed nothing to town. I think there is a chance that he could be the scum partner hiding. If nothing else it gives us more time to chew over the clusterfuck of finger pointing that has been happening between those of us actually around and participating.

Vote Omtose

#168 User is offline   Omtose 

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Posted 13 January 2017 - 04:31 AM

View PostUltama, on 13 January 2017 - 04:20 AM, said:

In fact I think it might be a solid idea to shed Omtose today. So far he has contributed nothing to town. I think there is a chance that he could be the scum partner hiding. If nothing else it gives us more time to chew over the clusterfuck of finger pointing that has been happening between those of us actually around and participating.

Vote Omtose

That's actually a great idea!

#169 User is offline   Ultama 

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Posted 13 January 2017 - 04:42 AM

View PostOmtose, on 13 January 2017 - 04:31 AM, said:

View PostUltama, on 13 January 2017 - 04:20 AM, said:

In fact I think it might be a solid idea to shed Omtose today. So far he has contributed nothing to town. I think there is a chance that he could be the scum partner hiding. If nothing else it gives us more time to chew over the clusterfuck of finger pointing that has been happening between those of us actually around and participating.

Vote Omtose

That's actually a great idea!

Unless of course you have anything to add? You've been sitting out so far so you should have an outside view of this clusterfuck.

#170 User is offline   Omtose 

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Posted 13 January 2017 - 04:44 AM

View PostUltama, on 13 January 2017 - 04:42 AM, said:

View PostOmtose, on 13 January 2017 - 04:31 AM, said:

View PostUltama, on 13 January 2017 - 04:20 AM, said:

In fact I think it might be a solid idea to shed Omtose today. So far he has contributed nothing to town. I think there is a chance that he could be the scum partner hiding. If nothing else it gives us more time to chew over the clusterfuck of finger pointing that has been happening between those of us actually around and participating.

Vote Omtose

That's actually a great idea!

Unless of course you have anything to add? You've been sitting out so far so you should have an outside view of this clusterfuck.

Actually I'm going over the thread right now and trying to figure out what the hell is going on. I gotta admit it feels like a novel written by a delusional paranoid.

#171 User is offline   Okaros 

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Posted 13 January 2017 - 05:08 AM

View PostTelas, on 13 January 2017 - 01:58 AM, said:

Wait, what?

View PostPath-Shaper, on 11 January 2017 - 11:38 PM, said:

I miscalculated the time by 1 hour, but not gonna change this now with the timeout relatively soon. So y'all got additional 60 minutes on the house.

I will resolve when I wake up.

Clock: 7h 3m
Players not voted: Okaros, Serc, Omtose, Lock

1 Omtose: Kessobahn
2 Fanderay: Ultama, Telas
1 Ultama: Fanderay
2 Kessobahn: Kaschan, Gamelon

6 votes to lynch, 5 votes to night.

View PostTelas, on 12 January 2017 - 12:45 AM, said:

View PostPath-Shaper, on 11 January 2017 - 11:38 PM, said:

I miscalculated the time by 1 hour, but not gonna change this now with the timeout relatively soon. So y'all got additional 60 minutes on the house.

I will resolve when I wake up.

Clock: 7h 3m
Players not voted: Okaros, Serc, Omtose, Lock

1 Omtose: Kessobahn
2 Fanderay: Ultama, Telas
1 Ultama: Fanderay
2 Kessobahn: Kaschan, Gamelon

6 votes to lynch, 5 votes to night.

Considering all the other people heading to sleep, this is not encouraging. I'll be asleep @ timeout.

should be around in 3 h or so, will figure out where I want to leave my vote then

View PostOkaros, on 12 January 2017 - 01:53 AM, said:

In the interests of getting a lynch, I had a look at Fanderay and Kessobahn (with a whole two votes each, woo...)
Fanderay has a fair amount of spam, but there wasn't a lot going on on thread at that point, and I don't think day one spam is inherently scummy. Fanderay stopped the spam once serious discussion got underway, and has continued with relatively high posting, which makes me think the spam wasn't simply to drive up their post count without posting anything of substance.

Looking back through Fanderay's posts, this is the thing that stood out the most to me:

View PostFanderay, on 11 January 2017 - 09:48 PM, said:

View PostUltama, on 11 January 2017 - 09:41 PM, said:

Directly after that he goes on to attack both me and Lock for the lack of content in our posts thus far.

(snipped Fanderay's posts)

With that in mind, and following on Serc's thought to look at the spammers for scum I think I'm going to place my vote here. It's really the only stand-out scummy thing I've seen so far in the game.

Vote Fanderay

Well fuck. I guess whenever I get cast as RI I should just not post anything and coast like everyone else. Apparently my tactic of interacting with other players has been completely the wrong way to play the last 2 games.

Oh and

vote Ultama

Not entirely as an OMGUS. I think you are trying too hard to make up for your lack of posts thus far.

They say it's not entirely OMGUS, but that is what it looks like. Also, the mention of being RI always gets my hackles up.

Kessobahn starts off with a low poster hunt:

View PostKessobahn, on 11 January 2017 - 04:59 PM, said:

Let's hear something from the lower end of the table shall we.

Vote Omtose

Is it just me, or is that particular alt always at the bottom of the pile?

Which to me always looks like they're trying to be helpful, but without actually putting much effort into it.

Kesso comes back long enough to say they're around, and then not around. If anything looks like artificial post inflation, this is it.

View PostKessobahn, on 11 January 2017 - 10:24 PM, said:

Back from badminton, I am liking the way the thread has picked up. Not sure if I am going to be around towards day end at all, and there is nothing solid as of yet. Got to go do my clash of clans war attack. Back soon.

View PostKessobahn, on 11 January 2017 - 10:55 PM, said:

Not going to have enough time to play this tonight, shattered and I am up at 6. I see I have a couple of votes but have no vigor to try and see why properly.
One is off Kaschan as a possible retaliation to my earlier barbed vote. The other Gamelon who looks like he just wants anyone but him lynched. I'll look more closely at them if I am alive day two.

Out of the two, I think Kesso looks more scummy, so

Vote Kessobahn.

However, I'll still be around until the end of the day, or close to, to talk about stuff.

View PostSerc, on 12 January 2017 - 02:38 AM, said:

Mafia is like poker. Scum tell stories and Townies holler "Deal!"

Vote Fanderay

Does no one read anymore?

Okaros, you were third vote on Kesso, putting him ahead. Then Serc voted Fandy to make trains equal again.

I agree that Serc's shift is a tad weird (almost like reads like "I double dog dare you" of some kind by its tone), but get your facts straight, otherwise you're undermining your own case.

Calm your farm, I said two votes instead of three.

#172 User is offline   Okaros 

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Posted 13 January 2017 - 05:09 AM

View PostOmtose, on 13 January 2017 - 04:17 AM, said:

View PostUltama, on 13 January 2017 - 04:06 AM, said:

The more I've about it today I've become less and less convinced that Fandy is scum. Yes she hammered Kesso, but that isn't enough for me today. Not when there is another huge question mark floating around this thread in the form of Telas. That play at EOD was bad enough even he admitted he needed lynched to clear that sit up.

Also, Omtose where the fuck are you?

On thread the entirety of today, waiting for someone to notice that I only have two posts in almost 60 hours.

Thanks for noticing.

Yeah, that doesn't really inspire confidence in you...

#173 User is offline   Omtose 

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Posted 13 January 2017 - 05:49 AM

I have seven people I need to look at (what with the two dead we have and me looking at me being unseemly).

Our of these 7, I believe two to be VPI.

Kaschan laid down the first vote on Kess yesterday and built a case that was too strong and well thought out to be a distancing attempt, specially for day 1. Because of that I'm not considering him a suspect for scum unless something major happens. No one mentioned him today on thread, which leads me to believe most people agree with this.

Telas changed his vote from Fanderay to Lock while Fanderay and Kess were both on 3 votes, this made Kess more likely to be lynched. Unless Kess and Fand are both scum and Telas is their symp (something I find very unlikely based on the number of players and the twin theme) there is no logical way of sticking scum to Telas, therefore I consider him VPI as well.

I believe Okaros to be PI, as he was the person to put Kess on 3 votes and make him a serious lynch candidate. Although I don't have any read on him beyond that.

Lock shouldn't be lynched today, no respectable scum would miss the chance to vote for their partner as they are getting lynched on the first day, I would suggest looking at Lock again tomorrow (and I will probably do so myself as well), because his play today was rather panicky.

Ultama again puts Kesso in the lead while the Fand and Kess were both on 3 votes, PI or possible distancing. I'm keeping an eye on him, but he isn't a good candidate for now.

Now the clusterfuck of Fanderay versus Serc:

Fanderay being the hammer versus Serc putting on the L-1 votes doesn't seem to make much distinction between them:

Serc makes this horrible post to equalize the votes at 3 after Okaros puts Kesso at 3 votes:

View PostSerc, on 12 January 2017 - 02:38 AM, said:

Mafia is like poker. Scum tell stories and Townies holler "Deal!"

Vote Fanderay

This can turn out horrible if your partner gets lynched and people jump on you for defending them, but it can possibly save the partner as well.

Furthermore, even though Fanderay was a serious contender for being lynched, she didn't immediately vote Kess to try to force the lynch the other way. The existence of the OMGUS self serving vote doesn't tell me much (because it makes sense for both town and scum to do it), but when someone doesn't act that way it's significant for me. It means that there is something peculiar going on:
1. It can be a townie who doesn't want to rush into a lynch and is not afraid of dying.
2. It could be that the alternative is your scum partner.

Option 1 may be more probable later in the game, but I find that sort of thinking rather unlikely when the thread is just looking for a random to kill on day 1. This line of evidence suggest that Fanderay is more likely than Serc to be scum.

Between Serc and Fanderay, the former has been acting far worse on day 2 than the latter. Serc was the one that mentioned Lock's supposed slip for the first time and he kept trying to direct people towards it, possibly in order to shed some heat from himself. Furthermore, he even got offended when Fanderay dared to assert that not many people are taking the slip thing seriously.

View PostSerc, on 12 January 2017 - 10:05 PM, said:

View PostFanderay, on 12 January 2017 - 10:00 PM, said:

View PostSerc, on 12 January 2017 - 09:56 PM, said:

View PostFanderay, on 12 January 2017 - 09:47 PM, said:

[I don't think anyone has "jumped" on the y'all thing other than Telas, although your reaction to him sounds a bit too defeatist. As Kaschan said, there is plenty of time left to day, so I think it's a bit early to be dropping my vote just yet.

It hasn't been jumped on, but it's been mentioned. And by you, too. Or where you just mindlessly following me? I'm kinda creeped out by that (not really).

I guess you are deliberately misreading. I think Telas is the only one that has voted for Lock, no?

Voting for Lock and "jumping" on the "y'all" comment are two different things. So, no, I'm not misreading, deliberately or otherwise.

Fanderay's possible scum behavior on day 2 has been limited to being too agreeable and allegedly (allegations brought by none other than Serc) being a lying little shit. I find this behavior rather normal.

At the end of the day, I prefer Serc over Fand for today's lynch. Because while both of them have done scummy shit so far, Serc has been noticeably worse (both of them have compromised positions in the day1 lynch train, while only Serc can be reasonably accused of acting scum on day 2).

We have 8 people left in the game, based on the twin theme only 1 of the remaining people is scum. Considering that, we have at least 2 more lynches (not counting today's) to get rid of Fand if Serc doesn't pan out.

Vote Serc

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Posted 13 January 2017 - 07:39 AM


Finally some input from omtose, and very well thought out (if somewhat irritatingly forthright in places) input.

Given their spat I'd agree that randy/serc needs looking at and I will be doing just that once I get everyone started at work here.

#175 User is offline   Path-Shaper 

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Posted 13 January 2017 - 08:55 AM

Clock: 11h 6m
Players not voted: Kaschan, Okaros, Serc, Fanderay, Lock

1 Lock: Telas
1 Omtose: Ultama
1 Serc: Omtose

5 votes to lynch, 4 votes to night.
Only someone with this much power could make this many frittatas without breaking any eggs.

#176 User is offline   Kaschan 

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Posted 13 January 2017 - 01:05 PM

Ok, we're down to about 7? Hours and now that the pissing matches between lock/telas and candy/serc have died off (possibly due to online times?) The thread has died. I'm as guilty as the rest, but have been quite busy at work.

I've taken another quick sketch through the thread there and I think the telas/lock is just two people pissing each other off Tbh, and see more in candy/serc.
Of the two I serc is more suspect from their reaction to the Kesso votes coupled with their vote position , over just position on candy.

I'm going to vote serc for now

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Posted 13 January 2017 - 01:14 PM

I'm off to work. I'll be back several hours before time out.

Apologies for the tone (but not the content) of my last couple of posts. I was pissed.

#178 User is offline   Serc 

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Posted 13 January 2017 - 01:19 PM

Just rechecked the time-stamp on P-S's post. I should be back with an hour or two to spare if I haven't been lynched by then. I'm not scum, so happy hunting after I'm gone.

#179 User is offline   Telas 

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Posted 13 January 2017 - 02:11 PM

View PostSerc, on 13 January 2017 - 03:24 AM, said:

View PostTelas, on 13 January 2017 - 01:58 AM, said:

I agree that Serc's shift is a tad weird (almost like reads like "I double dog dare you" of some kind by its tone), but get your facts straight, otherwise you're undermining your own case.

How is it weird? Even a tad? Spamfester said I was deliberately deflecting from Kesso by voting for him. What better reply than to immediately switch to Kesso? That Kesso was scum was a nice surprise, but my previous vote on Candyass would have stayed had he not trotted out the bullshit he trotted out. I'll be delighted to vote for him again. It'd serve him right for hammering his partner.

Quite frankly, your tone seemed almost too angry. Leaving me to question whether it was genuine, or acting.

That being said, I find you far less suspicious then Lock right now.

#180 User is offline   Path-Shaper 

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Posted 13 January 2017 - 03:03 PM

Clock: 4h 58m
Players not voted: Okaros, Serc, Fanderay, Lock

1 Lock: Telas
1 Omtose: Ultama
2 Serc: Omtose, Kaschan

5 votes to lynch, 4 votes to night.
Only someone with this much power could make this many frittatas without breaking any eggs.

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