Favoured Tragic Death
Posted 08 August 2005 - 01:15 AM
next in an ongoing series of polls, everything else should be obvious

Posted 08 August 2005 - 02:31 AM
Felisin. As I've said time and time again, by the far the most emotional death I've "gone" through in a novel.
<div align='center'>You must always strive to be the best, but you must never believe that you are - Juan Manuel Fangio</div>
Posted 08 August 2005 - 06:19 PM
"I almost cried when Coltaine died *sniff*"
I had the same with Whiskeyjack. When Coltaine died however I felt more angry than sad.
I had the same with Whiskeyjack. When Coltaine died however I felt more angry than sad.
Posted 09 August 2005 - 05:32 AM
tough to really narrow it down, but i chose itkovian. he was such a good person, and he died for his compassion, it was sweet but full of sorrow for me.
whiskeyjacks death hit me pretty hard a little later, when i read the part about how everyone had to keep an eye on mallet, because he kept trying to kill himself
brys' death was also quite sad, and coltaine was so desperate.
i also though harllo (gruntle and stonny's friend) was very traumatic because it was such a true expression of friendship, but since he wasent a major char i understand his lacking from this poll
whiskeyjacks death hit me pretty hard a little later, when i read the part about how everyone had to keep an eye on mallet, because he kept trying to kill himself
brys' death was also quite sad, and coltaine was so desperate.
i also though harllo (gruntle and stonny's friend) was very traumatic because it was such a true expression of friendship, but since he wasent a major char i understand his lacking from this poll
Posted 09 August 2005 - 09:03 AM
Felisin's death is perhaps the most tragic; I was also moved by Itkovian's end, and also Brukhalian.
Coltaine's death was quite a shock, but I felt like crying when I thought Duiker was dead.
Coltaine's death was quite a shock, but I felt like crying when I thought Duiker was dead.
Posted 09 August 2005 - 10:20 AM
I always think that Itkovian's death is one of the best moments in all the books:)
O xein', angellein Lakedaimoniois hoti tรชde; keimetha tois keinon rhรฉmasi peithomenoi.
#8 Guest_BAD_*
Posted 09 August 2005 - 11:20 AM
caladanbrood said:
I always think that Itkovian's death is one of the best moments in all the books:)
I agree. O_O The actual line where he dies, well not to pun, but it's killer.

Posted 09 August 2005 - 11:55 AM
Baudin's death by far for myself. True symbol of duty and courage there, dying to protect someone who hates him and wants to kill him. Touched me that did.
Posted 09 August 2005 - 11:56 AM
I'm doing a re-read of the books atm and just finished MoI, and I was crying at the end again, Whiskeyjacks death was tragic, as he was a much loved character, but for me it has to be Itkovians death that is the most tragic, and then when all the T'lan Imass honour him at his funeral, followed by whats left of the two armys, well it brings tears to my eyes again....
#11 Guest_little lord fonty_*
Posted 09 August 2005 - 08:51 PM
Although this is not actually a death when reading Midnight tides, the whole Tegol getting a beating from the Tiste Edur, and having his head crushed was truely my most emotional death. I know he didn't die but I had presumed he had and actually had too take a moment out from reading the book. So I had to chose other on this poll...
Posted 10 August 2005 - 09:50 AM
Coltaine. Had me blinking away tears, sniff... It is not only his death though, but the whole scene at the walls of Aren.
Posted 10 August 2005 - 04:12 PM
ya, when tehol got beaten up i honestly couldnt believe it. i just refused, in my head i was like, tahts not tehol, or he has some secret ace up his sleeve, he cannot die
#14 Guest_Klipper_*
Posted 12 August 2005 - 04:54 AM
Coltaine. To go all that way and not make it it's terrible.
#15 Guest_Scorpino_*
Posted 23 August 2005 - 09:51 AM
The Ceda Kuru Qan I felt the most sorry for. He was a good character in MT and sometimes annoying - "Relevant? Yes, I think so". He did so much (e.g. tricking the water spirit) and deserved to beat Hannan Mosag, if it wasn't for the stupid Errant...

Posted 04 September 2005 - 03:02 AM
Itkovian takes it. Trying to ease the pain of others ends up killing him. Nearly brought a tear to my eye.

#17 Guest_Cardo_*
Posted 08 September 2005 - 08:09 AM
Coltaine, Death by betrayal, saving the people who would be instrumental in his final demise. Who could portray a more tragic death?
No offence intended to Shield anvil Itkovian, who died easing the pain of thousands!
No offence intended to Shield anvil Itkovian, who died easing the pain of thousands!
Posted 08 September 2005 - 10:24 PM
Something about Felisin snapping out of Dryjha's spell, recognizing her sister, and then promptly being kebab'd by Tavore really speaks of tragedy to me.
Sure, the others are tragic in various ways, but they were all soldiers or wizards engaged in battles of some sort. Felisin, at that moment, was really more of a victim.
- Abyss, prefers Homerian tragedies to Oedipian. Yes, those are words.
Sure, the others are tragic in various ways, but they were all soldiers or wizards engaged in battles of some sort. Felisin, at that moment, was really more of a victim.
- Abyss, prefers Homerian tragedies to Oedipian. Yes, those are words.
Posted 11 September 2005 - 10:03 PM
without exagerrating i was continually stunned at how erikson took us through these deaths. i freely admit to being completely unaware of everything else while reading those pages and am unashamed to say a couple of (very manly
) tears fell with whiskeyjack, itkovian and especially coltaine. coltaine just edges it for me like people have said for the tragedy of betrayal and the courage of sacrifice shown....... im going to start again in a minute 
*goes off for a bit of a whinge*
@abyss - man those sticker ideas are fan-bloody-tastic you really should get to manufacturing them! love the tiste edur got it made in the shade - genius

*goes off for a bit of a whinge*
@abyss - man those sticker ideas are fan-bloody-tastic you really should get to manufacturing them! love the tiste edur got it made in the shade - genius
#20 Guest_Captain Ganoes Paran_*
Posted 14 September 2005 - 08:01 AM
The deaths of Whiskeyjack, Felisin Paran, Brukhalian and Itkovian were indeed very tragic, but I personally found Coltaine's death the most tragic of all. I so much wanted him to survive and I hoped that after all he would manage to escape death and this is why his death almost brought me to tears. It was the most tragic death I have ever read of.