I have to say that while I found this to be a much more exciting story than Night of Knives (which frankly I found unbelievably boring, considering my interest in the events it was detailing) I'm still not all that convinced of Esslemont, comparatively at any rate. I mean don't get me wrong it's still a Malazan novel, and by that attribute alone it stands above alot I've read in the genre, but quite honestly I feel the series is in far more capable hands with Erikson than ICE. The whole novel felt rather too long as well for me, and I very rarely say that, being susceptible to rambling myself I usually disregard criticisms of the 'verbal diarrhoea' ilk, but I can't ignore my thoughts that this novel was simply overlong.
One thing that this novel really brought to the fore in my mind is the concept of relative power levels, disregarding how the Seguleh really tear up any proposed rulebook on these things, there are others in this novel that really got me wondering as well. Tayschrenn, just how bloody powerful is this guy? I mean we have a pretty well informed Avowed mage (Lor-SInn, Opal, Shell, one of those I forget which) bringing up Pale and saying that Tayschrenn stood against Anomander, and when she is told Anomander held back she isn't entirely convinced. She at least then is in awe enough to believe that his standing against Rake is at least possible. Frankly, prior to this novel, while I knew he was a High Mage, I never got the impression that he was so much more powerful than say Quick Ben or others, as this would suggest, even during the enfilade at Pale.
Skinner and Cowl, does anyone else share my belief that ICE falls into the trap of telling and not really showing with these two? We are led to believe by the narrative that they are ridiculously powerful, simply by who they are compared to, Dassem and Dancer respectively. Not once do they really show anything that entirely suggests these levels of power, Cowl is kept at bay by Topper who before that scene I would have had lower than Kalam and closer to Possum in my mind. Skinner really relies on his armor to go as long as he did with Dassem/Dessembrae - while admittedly this is him holding his own with an ascendant, universally recognised as one of if not the best swordsmen alive, I still feel as though it's not really enough in the show department. As for Rell the self-exiled Seguleh, he holds off Ryllandaras by himself, a feat only Dassem is said to have been able to do in the past, and we have no idea how high he actually got amongst the Agatii, how would he fair against Dassem or Skinner do you think? How would Mok or the 2nd or the 1st fair for that matter?
Dassem Vs Skinner Vs Segueh 1st Vs Karsa Orlong, Fatal 4 Way, who wins???

I do realise that in a series so massive the relative, who'd beat who will become a mire that for the most part isn't worth travelling through in the context of serious scholarly pursuit, thus the questions above are somewhat tongue in cheek. I do believe that ICE failed to show enough of Skinner and Cowl though, and I'm also genuinely upset that it SEEMS (bold for emphasis) we won't be seeing anymore of the enigmatic Tayschrenn, who quietly became one of my favourite characters actually.
P.S. I REALLY, REALLY, FUCKIN' DESPISE MALLICK REL!!!!!! Ages ago I made the stupid decision to read the blurbs for all the novels, as such I knew the Malazan Empire found a new emperor, i.e. I knew Laseen died. Even so I read this entire book attempting to convince myself it wasn't going to happen, right up until the moment it did, and I felt for Possum right there I honestly did. The entire book, I kept hoping, 'Naw, there's no way Mallick can pull off something so freaking audacious, someone'll get him, the new emperor must be someone else' even though I knew it was childish dreams. I really hate him, like Nurse Ratched from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest levels of hate going on here!!!!