Gnaw, on 02 October 2015 - 04:49 PM, said:
Andorion, on 02 October 2015 - 04:30 PM, said:
I am curious. From the above comments it seems that a mental culture of gun-ownership as a means of self worth exists in the US. Is this a holdover form frontier culture, or is it a deliberate cultural construct?
My quick answers would be that the culture is gun ownership in place of self-worth. That's judging by my family and friend's ownership of multiple firearms. And it's mostly a cultural construct of the myths of frontier culture. They praise the guns as tamers of the cowtowns and mining camps without ever acknowledging that the first things most of the town taming lawmen did was outlaw carrying guns within city limits.
You are forgetting the massive deification of the 'founding fathers' that has happened recently, along with an utter corruption of what those founding fathers were attempting to do, wrote, and said, to support the viewpoint that clearly everything was better back in the day.
Sadly, there is a large bloc with a lot of money that are able to push the whole 'gun rights/hate government/just be a totally cool independent person because you don't need anyone' thought down the throats of people who are worried about 'dem immigrants' who are just here to make this country worse, clearly.
It's become an entire subculture and the problem is that one of the political parties (of which we have 2 major ones) is embracing/pushing this view to try to galvanize their old, tired, expiring base of racists and idiots.
I work with a number of people who think universal background checks or being forced to report any stolen weapons are bad ideas. These are the same people who think all teachers should be armed because then no one would shoot up a school. Ignore the facts that there were at least (people who have admitted to it) six people in the Aurora Theater shooting who were armed, beyond the shooter, and they didn't magically stop any fucking thing. The thought that 'the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun' needs to be taken out back and beaten with a sack full of used shell casings.
This is the same party that compares macro economics to 'your household checkbook', and suggests that if a law/solution/proposal doesn't fix 100% of the problem, 100% of the time, it isn't worth doing.
Baby Boomers are literally tearing down the structures that allowed them to succeed then telling their kids to shut the fuck up because they were able to make it happen.
If you want to see the US Military deployed to Iran, North Korea, and Mexico, go ahead and vote for any of the GOP candidates.
If you want to see the US Military on Mars, convince them we found terrorists hiding oil there. Problem fucking solved.
I'm totally not ranting because this hasn't been messing with my groove for years.
Anyone thinking that the Second Amendment of the US constitution (yes, it CAN be changed!) means that private citizens should be able to have as many/whatever weapons as they want is willfully blind and needs to take a basic English class.
Also messing with my groove today, just how terrible the south is still being to any minorities, as evidenced by what is going on with the removal of the voting rights requirements from southern states because it just isn't fair. (The fucking thing shouldn't have been removed, it should have been applied to all states).