QuickTidal, on 26 April 2016 - 01:39 PM, said:
Nevyn, on 26 April 2016 - 01:22 PM, said:
Abyss, on 26 April 2016 - 04:55 AM, said:
It doesn't mean that, but you still are
He's really not.
Ok, ok, everyone settle down, we can agree to disagree.
....Also, I'm right.
Andorion, on 26 April 2016 - 04:40 AM, said:
As expected, Dorne was a mess. Literally everyone of the SS are bastards. Who rules Dorne? How did the two SS get into the ship with Trystane? Why the hell was he still in the ship? None of this made any sense.
Doran gasped out Trystane 's name when he died. Best guess he had come back already. But yeah, that was wildly vague.
But why would Trystane come back? That whole story makes zero sense. In Season 5 Myrcell dies in In Jaime's arms. J isn't an idiot, he knew the Dornish had something to do with it. At this point T is on the same damn ship. So J has two courses of action - take T to KL and use him a hostage against Doran or kill him. Why would he send him back? If he did take T to KL why was T still in the ship?
Yeah, there they really needed one scene of Jaime being all 'wah she's dead but she loved you so go home and i'll kill you later' or something.
Ok, I got nothing, it was a plotting hack job .
Andorion, on 26 April 2016 - 10:12 AM, said:
blackzoid, on 26 April 2016 - 10:04 AM, said:
I have questions on that opener.
1: Has Cersei and the showrunners forgotten about her black haired 4th child? It seems like they have.
1. No clue
2. Tyrion was a part of her inner council. I don't thin he is ruling it alone, I think they are doing it as a group.
Wait, what fourth kid? - Wasn't he stillborn I the books and never in the show?
Werthead, on 26 April 2016 - 12:51 PM, said:
... Thorne and co not dealing with Jon's body right there and then; ...
I suspect the point was to send a message to those still loyal to Jon, but yeah, bad plan is bad.
Yeah, the Dorne stuff in the books was decent. The only major complaint I'd voice about that is that George shouldn't have faffed around with the POVs. Just have Arianne as the only POV in that story and not mess around with Areo and Arys Oakheart and you'd have a stronger and more focused storyline. The way it was handled was pretty good, setting them up to ally with Dany but now moving them towards Aegon (and that'll become certain with news of Quentyn's death).
The Dorne storyline on TV, on the other hand, has been a complete and unmitigated disaster since Oberyn's death. Why the hell cast an actor as talented as Alexander Siddig as Doran Martell if you are not going to give him his best material from the books and then kill him after he's only had about ten lines in the whole series? And in the TV show House Martell has just been rendered extinct. Are the other Dornish houses going to fall into civil war? They'll never follow Ellaria or her children as rulers (they have no legal rights of inheritance under Dornish law).
All true but easily handwaved. If they want the SSnakes leading Dorne to war (or whatever), they can make it happen as easily as a spear to the face.
Nevyn, on 26 April 2016 - 01:09 PM, said:
QuickTidal, on 26 April 2016 - 10:37 AM, said:
blackzoid, on 26 April 2016 - 10:04 AM, said:
I have questions on that opener.
3: Why didnt the Sandsnakes kill Jaime on the boot too?
As noted upthread, they WANT war with the Lannisters. They left him be becasue they want him to go home and rile the home forces.
Ok, that's just silly. They can't have their war if they kill another Lannister? Sure they can.
And why do they want war? Because they want revenge. One of their best outcomes for a war would be
killing Lannisters
True. Jaime isn't quite at the top of his game any more tho', and they needed the coup to happen.
Look, that's what I got.