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Watch-and-read through of Game of Throne and ASoIaF Gradual Spoilers Rate Topic: -----

#301 User is offline   Nevyn 

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Posted 16 November 2015 - 02:12 PM

7. Aemon was the mad king's uncle if I recall.

This post has been edited by Nevyn: 16 November 2015 - 02:12 PM

Tatts early in SH game: Hmm, so if I'm liberal I should have voted Nein to make sure I'm president? I'm not that selfish

Tatts later in SAME game: I'm going to be a corrupt official. I have turned from my liberal ways, and now will vote against the pesky liberals. Viva la Fascism.
When Venge's turn comes, he will get a yes from Mess, Dolmen, Nevyn and Venge but a no from the 3 fascists and me. **** with my Government, and i'll **** with yours

#302 User is offline   Andorion 

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Posted 16 November 2015 - 05:11 PM

View PostBriar King, on 16 November 2015 - 06:26 AM, said:

I'm having trouble remembering if Stannis was even present in bk at BW. I think it was just Davos?

Stannis was present but with the land army. Since its mostly Davos and Tyrions PoV we dont see Stannis but get told he was there

#303 User is offline   Zerv 

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Posted 16 November 2015 - 09:47 PM

Actually, Aemon is the mad king's great-uncle in the books. His brother is Aegon V (aka the Unlikely, also Egg), whose son, Jaeherys II, is the mad king's father. Jaeherys is cut out of the show though, so in that continuity Aemon is indeed Aerys II's uncle.
(Yes, Aemon is really, really old.)

#304 User is offline   TheRetiredBridgeburner 

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Posted 17 November 2015 - 06:50 AM

View PostZerv, on 16 November 2015 - 09:47 PM, said:

Actually, Aemon is the mad king's great-uncle in the books. His brother is Aegon V (aka the Unlikely, also Egg), whose son, Jaeherys II, is the mad king's father. Jaeherys is cut out of the show though, so in that continuity Aemon is indeed Aerys II's uncle.
(Yes, Aemon is really, really old.)

Yup. In the show they do make the nod to Aegon V (even if they've skipped a generation) - "Egg, I am old"

This post has been edited by TheRetiredBridgeburner: 17 November 2015 - 06:50 AM

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#305 User is offline   Andorion 

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Posted 19 November 2015 - 10:44 AM

I am on the verge of the Red Wedding in Storm of Swords. At least I think I am.

The differences between the book and the show become ever more clear.

1. The entire King's Landing storyline - Tyrions wedding to Sansa coming a lot faster than I thought it would, Cersei and Willas? He wasn't even there! And that got cancelled. The Tyrells get significantly lesser screentime. I think Joffrey dies in this book

2. Arya spends a lot more time with the Brother hood than with the Hound. I wonder how their dynamic is going to evolve in the later books. Wylla is mentioned again but maybe a lie

3. Jaime and Brienne have a similar storyline with a few variations. Jaime is a lot more moving in the text. And I am getting more and more curious about Rhaegar

4. There is no Talisa. Huh. Instead there is Jeyne Westerling. But she isn't with Robb and isn't pregnant so I guess she doesn't die. Edmure remains an idiot in both the book and the show

5. MIssendei is a 10 year old girl? Well at least that means no romance for her.

6. Jon's story changes a little and there is a lot more of the "You know Nothing Jon Snow" going on.

7. Sam's is probably the strangest. Why did hundreds of ravens attack the wights and who is the guy in the cloak that rescues them? No hint of this in the show

The biggest surprises:

1. No Theon. None in the entire book. Book 4 for him and Ramsay I suppose

2. Balon Greyjoy dies. How could the show skip this?

3. Gendry does not get taken by Melisandre, the boy Edric is used instead,

4. Who is the old crone who talks about her dreams to Beric? Are those dreams important? A giant in a castle of snow?

Sidenote: My brother has started watching GoT. He is upto Season 2 episode 5. He thinks Joff, Theon and Robb will all die in this season. Wonder how he is going to react

#306 User is offline   Andorion 

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Posted 20 November 2015 - 03:50 AM

So, finished Storm of Swords

1. Catelyn is alive as zombie Catelyn? Seriously? WTF? I was strolling to my bed with the book as I was almost done and it was time to get some sleep and I almost dropped the book.

2. I am very confused about how the two remaining books are going to progress, mainly because a lot of season 4 storylines have been resolved here.

3. Storylines:

a. Bran: Elk, coldhands... I suppose no captivity at Crasters as a sally from the wall would be pointless now. I suppose more Children of the Forest material?

b. Jon: Lord Commander, but is there a Hardhome here? So realtions with Stannis, Melisandre? I don't see how Jon is going to die as its Stannis letting the wildlings in.

c. Stannis: I don't see how he can march south without the Ramsay storyline being set up.

d. Theon and Ramsay: I suppose this is going to take up a major part of book 4.

e. Arya: Braavos?

f. Sansa: Absolutely no clue, but maybe eventually linked to Ramsay?

g. Tyrion: Travel to Dany and Meeren. I think this is going to be drawn out. I don't know what Varys is going to do.

h. Jaime: Dorne misadventure

i. Cersei: Sparrows

j. Dany: Meeren. But her dragons are nowhere near big enough fo rthe endgame so I suppose this is going to be drawn out as well.

Also Fake Arya?

About Book 3

1. Bolton's involvement in the Red Wedding was shown more subtly.
2. Greatjon and other vassals captives, not dead?
3. Catelyns logic continued to confuse me. It seemed she alone suspected that they maybe at risk of bodily harm and so she insisted on bread and salt to claim guest rights. But in book 1 itself, a guest at Winterfell pushed Bran off. Jaime confessed to her. What made her think guest rights would be respected if someone actually wanted to hurt them?
4. Arya's warging of Nymeria is so cool . That Wolf seems to have taken over the Riverlands wilds.
5. Bran's stories about the Night King were very interesting. I wonder if this will be touched upon later
6. The Wall has its own magic. I look forward to seeing it in action
7. Book Sansa is actually more annoying than show Sansa. I kept on wanting to yell grow up at her.
8. The Tyssha twist made Tyrion's actions even more poignant. He truly has burnt all his bridges now.

#307 User is offline   Andorion 

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Posted 20 November 2015 - 05:41 AM

Forgot to add:

GRRM has a thing with food doesn't he? Sooo much food description everywhere!

#308 User is offline   worry 

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Posted 20 November 2015 - 05:44 AM

Yup. There's actually an official cook book.
They came with white hands and left with red hands.

#309 User is offline   Andorion 

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Posted 20 November 2015 - 06:32 AM

View PostBriar King, on 20 November 2015 - 06:07 AM, said:

I was wondering how you would take UnCat lol. People were expecting her and Cold Hands to show up in S3. I still don't know if it was good to cut her or not. I could very well have turned viewers off but when didn't show up in 3-5 we were kinda like wtf? Oh well the show is still fun even the alt Uni s5. I highly doubt we'll ever see her in show now since its been to long and it would throw people off now.

Any ideas kicking in your head who Cold Hands is?

Yes Hardhome shows up.

Coldhands.... I don't know... an envoy of the children...Benjen Stark....he disappeared and never showed up so maybe?

This resurrection thing is annoying. The way it is, if a person is not actually decapitated, he can be brought back to life. I wonder how often this mechanic is going to be used. On the other hand I can see a lot of bad things happening to the Freys now

I am very confused about the North storyline now. There is Val with the baby, Jon Snow isn't inviting the wildlings in, its Stannis, the entire Bolton-Ramsay-Theon-Sansa thing is up in the air, also there is a fake Arya.

And what exactly is Brienne supposed to do?

#310 User is offline   worry 

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Posted 20 November 2015 - 06:47 AM

Well you're in luck. Or I was in luck, at least, since Brienne is my favorite character. Book 4 is her at her best imo.
They came with white hands and left with red hands.

#311 User is offline   Andorion 

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Posted 20 November 2015 - 08:54 AM

Another thing I forgot to add:

the infamous Cersei Jaime "rape" scene: It does not exist. Jaime arrives, kisses Cersei, je can no longer hold back, whatever little she said was bout how they might be seen in the sept, and they have sex Very shortly she is encouraging him on.

Why they had to take this and turn it into that abomination in the show, I do not know.

#312 User is offline   Nevyn 

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Posted 20 November 2015 - 11:38 PM

View PostAndorion, on 20 November 2015 - 03:50 AM, said:

2. I am very confused about how the two remaining books are going to progress, mainly because a lot of season 4 storylines have been resolved here.

The remaining two books are like one big book, in a way. As we told you before, GRRM ran into scope issues.


3. Catelyns logic continued to confuse me. It seemed she alone suspected that they maybe at risk of bodily harm and so she insisted on bread and salt to claim guest rights. But in book 1 itself, a guest at Winterfell pushed Bran off. Jaime confessed to her. What made her think guest rights would be respected if someone actually wanted to hurt them?

Im not following you.
Tatts early in SH game: Hmm, so if I'm liberal I should have voted Nein to make sure I'm president? I'm not that selfish

Tatts later in SAME game: I'm going to be a corrupt official. I have turned from my liberal ways, and now will vote against the pesky liberals. Viva la Fascism.
When Venge's turn comes, he will get a yes from Mess, Dolmen, Nevyn and Venge but a no from the 3 fascists and me. **** with my Government, and i'll **** with yours

#313 User is offline   Andorion 

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Posted 21 November 2015 - 01:09 AM

View PostNevyn, on 20 November 2015 - 11:38 PM, said:

View PostAndorion, on 20 November 2015 - 03:50 AM, said:

2. I am very confused about how the two remaining books are going to progress, mainly because a lot of season 4 storylines have been resolved here.

The remaining two books are like one big book, in a way. As we told you before, GRRM ran into scope issues.


3. Catelyns logic continued to confuse me. It seemed she alone suspected that they maybe at risk of bodily harm and so she insisted on bread and salt to claim guest rights. But in book 1 itself, a guest at Winterfell pushed Bran off. Jaime confessed to her. What made her think guest rights would be respected if someone actually wanted to hurt them?

Im not following you.

It seemed to me that guest rights had already been violated in the story and so Catelyn putting so much trust into them seemed strange to me

#314 User is offline   worry 

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Posted 21 November 2015 - 01:31 AM

Well, people naturally don't expect the exception to the rule; two exceptions is downright crazy.
They came with white hands and left with red hands.

#315 User is offline   Andorion 

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Posted 21 November 2015 - 01:53 AM

View Postworry, on 21 November 2015 - 01:31 AM, said:

Well, people naturally don't expect the exception to the rule; two exceptions is downright crazy.

Yes, but since the first exception had so directly affect Cat, wouldn't it be normal for her to be a bit wary?

I mean she alone suspects real danger of harm, Why does she not talk to Rob? Why does she not insist for more of their own men inside? Why not ask Rob to wear mail under his doublet?

#316 User is offline   worry 

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Posted 21 November 2015 - 02:01 AM

All good hindsight-is-20/20 questions.
They came with white hands and left with red hands.

#317 User is offline   acesn8s 

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Posted 21 November 2015 - 02:05 AM

View PostAndorion, on 21 November 2015 - 01:09 AM, said:

View PostNevyn, on 20 November 2015 - 11:38 PM, said:

View PostAndorion, on 20 November 2015 - 03:50 AM, said:

2. I am very confused about how the two remaining books are going to progress, mainly because a lot of season 4 storylines have been resolved here.

The remaining two books are like one big book, in a way. As we told you before, GRRM ran into scope issues.


3. Catelyns logic continued to confuse me. It seemed she alone suspected that they maybe at risk of bodily harm and so she insisted on bread and salt to claim guest rights. But in book 1 itself, a guest at Winterfell pushed Bran off. Jaime confessed to her. What made her think guest rights would be respected if someone actually wanted to hurt them?

Im not following you.

It seemed to me that guest rights had already been violated in the story and so Catelyn putting so much trust into them seemed strange to me

And maybe as a result of Jamie violating guest right, he lost his hand, his father, his eldest son...
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#318 User is offline   Andorion 

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Posted 21 November 2015 - 05:02 AM

View PostBriar King, on 21 November 2015 - 04:42 AM, said:

View PostAndorion, on 20 November 2015 - 08:54 AM, said:

Another thing I forgot to add:

the infamous Cersei Jaime "rape" scene: It does not exist. Jaime arrives, kisses Cersei, je can no longer hold back, whatever little she said was bout how they might be seen in the sept, and they have sex Very shortly she is encouraging him on.

Why they had to take this and turn it into that abomination in the show, I do not know.

Yeah the fan outrage to that was felt by them big time. They wound up putting the blame strictly on the director if I remember right. It was obvious they tanked that issue and had to put it on someone rather then admitting it was a writing blunder. Idk how they did it like that not expecting outrage.

And now I see how all those discussion spiralled out about consent and stuff and its idiotic. The book gives no rape vibe at all. That scene was just another part of an epically screwed up relationship. If the writer had lived in the GoT universe he would have been flogged.

#319 User is offline   Nevyn 

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Posted 22 November 2015 - 05:35 PM

View PostAndorion, on 21 November 2015 - 01:53 AM, said:

Yes, but since the first exception had so directly affect Cat, wouldn't it be normal for her to be a bit wary?

I mean she alone suspects real danger of harm, Why does she not talk to Rob? Why does she not insist for more of their own men inside? Why not ask Rob to wear mail under his doublet?

Cat never talks to Bran again. Ned sort of figures out what happened to him, but Cat does not know Jaime pushed him unless I am forgetting something.

She thinks/thought Tyrion tried to have him murdered after (although also after leaving Winterfell). So whether she was aware of it being violated is very up in the air.

Also, there is a difference between a hidden act not commonly known and a regicide. The guest right is a taboo. You might expect that the gods would punish violators, but the real power is in what other people think of someone who would do it.

And finally, think of her action almost like a superstition. They have to go to the wedding regardless. They need the Freys regardless. She has a bad feeling and is trying to make herself feel better. It doesn't make then totally safe, but it feels like the thing she can do to make it feel safer.
Tatts early in SH game: Hmm, so if I'm liberal I should have voted Nein to make sure I'm president? I'm not that selfish

Tatts later in SAME game: I'm going to be a corrupt official. I have turned from my liberal ways, and now will vote against the pesky liberals. Viva la Fascism.
When Venge's turn comes, he will get a yes from Mess, Dolmen, Nevyn and Venge but a no from the 3 fascists and me. **** with my Government, and i'll **** with yours

#320 User is offline   Andorion 

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Posted 23 November 2015 - 01:48 AM

View PostNevyn, on 22 November 2015 - 05:35 PM, said:

View PostAndorion, on 21 November 2015 - 01:53 AM, said:

Yes, but since the first exception had so directly affect Cat, wouldn't it be normal for her to be a bit wary?

I mean she alone suspects real danger of harm, Why does she not talk to Rob? Why does she not insist for more of their own men inside? Why not ask Rob to wear mail under his doublet?

Cat never talks to Bran again. Ned sort of figures out what happened to him, but Cat does not know Jaime pushed him unless I am forgetting something.

She thinks/thought Tyrion tried to have him murdered after (although also after leaving Winterfell). So whether she was aware of it being violated is very up in the air.

Also, there is a difference between a hidden act not commonly known and a regicide. The guest right is a taboo. You might expect that the gods would punish violators, but the real power is in what other people think of someone who would do it.

And finally, think of her action almost like a superstition. They have to go to the wedding regardless. They need the Freys regardless. She has a bad feeling and is trying to make herself feel better. It doesn't make then totally safe, but it feels like the thing she can do to make it feel safer.

But Jaime does confess to her that he pushed Bran off the tower.

I understand the other points but I still don't get why Robb could not have worn chain mail underneath like the Freys were wearing.

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