Episodes 6-10
The Wall and Beyond
1. Maester Aemons death really hit me hard. I really liked him as a character and I thought the acting was excellent.
2. Sam finally has sex

I thought that was never going to happen
3. The whole Hardhome sequence was epic and beyond epic. Ice Zombie rampage, and the WW out in force. The crowned guy is their king right?
I have a question though: can lny the king raise the dead and turn babies into WW?
4. John dies. I expected something like this, frankly I expected Olly to shoot him. But we get a very Caesarean death. At least, Edd didn't stab him and Jon didn't say You too Edd?
My principal concern is how are they going to carry on the Wall plotline without Jon? Seasons 4 and 5 had him as the primary protagonist.
The North
1. This show is very educational. I didn't know you could unlock doors with corkscrews. And then Sansa dropped it. I really thought she was going to try to stab Ramsey with it, but of course not.
2. Ramsey has a team of superpowered ninjas working for him. There is no other explanation. 20+1 men
burnt the food and supplies of an army of 6000 in the middle of a blizzard? There was no mention of Wildfyre or sorcery, they had no accelerants like petrol, how did they start the fire? How did they get it to spread? it had to be a lengthy process, and nobody noticed? Were the guards on drugs?
For some reason Ramsey is being superpowered and it makes no sense.
3. Stannis agrees to burn Shireen. For me this was the low point of the series. I found it disgusting and had trouble watching it. My principal objection is the way it butchers Stannis' character. A couple of episodes back he had finally expressed his love for his daughter, he had rebuffed all attempts by Mel to agree to a sacrifice, he had consistently reprimanded Selyse for her treatment of Shireen, And he burns her. This isn't Stannis. He doesn't sacrifice his beliefs so easily.
4. I think it was clear that the deserters had taken all the horses. So where did Mel get one to ride back to Castle Black? Even Stannis was walking.
5. So Mel's god failed? The snow melted and the blizzard stopped, but Stannis lost.
6. Sansa and Theon should be dead. They fell from the top of Winterfells wall, and the snow had recently been reduced. It seemed to me that the snow at the base of the wall was around 2-3 feet. no way is that enough cushioning.
7. Stannis is probably dead. I believe this is the first time Brienne actually does something this season,
I really hope this is one storyline that diverged from the book
This plotline continues to make no sense. Arya kills Meryn Trant which is cool. Mace Tyrell sings opera which is absurd. Arya goes blind and I am totally unsure about who is who. And I am sorry but the unmasking thing reminded me of a Scooby Doo gag.
I had an idea that Myrcella wouldn't be allowed home free so easily, and I was very relieved to see that the earlier cringeworthy striptease and poisoning had some purpose to it. But seriously did that girl whisper "bad pussy" to Bronne, or was their something wrong with my audio equipment?
I confess to being utterly baffled by the Sand snakes. Three adolescent(?) girls one of whom is in slut mode and are quite frankly mediocre fighters. They detracted from Ellarias dark avenging anger.
Kings Landing
1. I am assuming that Cersei was arrested on Lancel's testimony? Who else could be Petyrs 'young man'
2. Major power brokers continue to be unable to overpower the Sept. This had to be intentional. (I hope)
3. Cersei's walk of shame. I wouldn't be surprised if she went insane after this especially when she hears of Myrcellas death. And now thatshe has the new improved Mountain I think the faith of the Sparrows will be interesting to watch.
1. Jorah and Tyrion very conveniently debut at a rather low grade fight which Dany has come to watch. Why did the large warrior cut Tyrions chain?
2. All of Tyrions scenes are excellent. He enlivens a rather dull storyline.
3. Why were there only a handful of Unsullied guarding Dany? 100 should have been minimum
4. I had though Hizdar may have been linked to the Harpies, but apparently not
5. Why did that idiotic dragon land and fight? if it had continued to fly, no one could have hit it.
6. Can Dany communicate with dragons or not? This has to be clarified
7. Why did Dany drop the ring? Was it a marriage ring?
8. Varys and Tyrion ruling Meeren. Well, it could be worse.
Given the rather noticeable drop in quality this season and the fact that I will have finished the books before season 6 premiers, I am a bit unsure about whether I will watch season 6