However, this is not what I was expecting at all.
The hints in MBotF were very intriguing
Way back when Lanas Tog first washed up on shore all beat up and said the T'lan Imass were losing to HUMANS in Assail, it perked my interest.
Iron Bars talking about barely escaping, and not wanting to talk about it--even more
Then somewhere they talk about "the tyrants and the games they play in Assail" (no idea the exact quote or where..but I've been pondering it for 2 years now)
And I'm not sure but I thought there was something about trying to ascend by conquest or something? Not sure on that one (maybe confusing with Blood and Bone?)
Anyway, that just is NOT what we have here.
1. Humans were not destroying T'lan Imass as far as I can see.
2. The only tyrants I saw (Mist and the crazy mages) were extremely isolated. The Sharrs were indeed playing crazy games, but only with each other.
3. Nobody on the whole continent seemed to have seen TI before. The only TI on the continent were 10000 years ago in the prologue
4. I'm pretty sure Iron Bars would have been perfectly safe anywhere on the continent except in the Sharrs court. Yes, those were the ones he was fighting. But they would not have followed him to the surf as he escaped the continent. So it's hard to imagine how it was so hard for him.
5. I expected Kallor to have something to do with the Thel Akai--though I guess his story took him elsewhere and our friendly Thel had other matters to attend to.
As far as what actually happened, I liked the final conjunction, especially the very poignant amber-appearance of an extinct Thel Akai that turned the tables. It was like the FA were caught in a moment of compassion and Silverfox jumped on it before they could get back to their devious ways. However I have a couple of other issues with the final scene.
5. The forkrul (how many? 4?) would not have been able to destroy the continent. Come on! We've seen them already, and some have been taken down by single humans (I AM THE WATCH!!!) Powerful, but not weapons of mass destruction. These were a different incarnation of FA from TCG. THere were only a few of them, but they also had armies of mixed blood FA with them.
6. Why would the FA have any interest/ability to grant a weapon? They are not gods or smiths, yet that is how Jethiss was treating them. They don't even use weapons themselves. Very weird (and stupid) idea.
7. The whole TI thing was weird--it's pretty obvious these were not the last Jaghut on the planet, so why would they think exterminating the continent would finish anything?
8. I get the feeling Fisher is STILL a bit more than he appears....
This post has been edited by gandrin: 08 March 2015 - 04:12 AM