Studlock, on 14 July 2014 - 08:57 AM, said:
There is a freeze on hiring white pilots. It discriminates against white people and it purpose is to aid black people. You can't just ignore any argument that disagrees with you. True the average white person is still better off than the average black person in my country. I won't/can't deny that. You can't compare the earnings of people with university degrees to people who never passed high school. Again I know full well they never got educated because of Apartheid at the end of the day though companies pay salaries according to skill. If you want to know the real crime its that its been 20 years since apartheid ended. That means a women fell pregnant after two years, her child grew up over the next six and started school 8 years after apartheid ended. He was educated in a free and democratic South Africa for 12 years after that and will be lucky if he made it to Matric (I don't have the statistics at hand but the drop out rate is embarrassing), if he did make it to Matric the highest pass rate percentage he can expect is around 78% (if he is lucky enough to study in Gauteng or cape town) even though a passing grade is 33% on his tests. You can be legally required to hire someone as a Dr, lawyer or sales assistant. It won't mean they suddenly have the requisite skills. Still such a child only started school 8 years after apartheid ended! Well last year an entire province of my country (1/9th of the country) went without text books for approx 8 months. You would expect the minister of education to resign or be fired, not here. As I said its easier to garner votes by promising jobs in the short term than it is to tackle the real problems over many years. Did you know the teachers strike every year just before exams to demand higher wages? My current minister of education when she lead the teachers union once promised to harm students if their demands were not meant? Government tried to make teaching an essential service (illegal to strike) but the resistance was too high. Did you know that when government wanted to put in a system to monitor teachers attendance (you know that they actually do their jobs) they striked? Which do you think is more detrimental to black people today? Apartheid from 20 years ago or an education system as bad if not worse than what they had under apartheid today?
Would it surprise you to know that often its black people who point out the injustices of affirmative action and Black economic empowerment? The quotas for entrance into medical school favour black students, but a system meant to empower the disadvantaged really helps most those black children who can afford private education. They have the advantage of having the best marks and also being black. My university wants to change the system so that rather than automatically classifying anyone whose black as disadvantaged it works on money, and also favours students from rural areas. Your more likely to find the same black executive sit on 20 boards then the intended effect of having 20 black people promoted to an executive position.
Its not just racism when it crosses some threshold of degree, its not only theft when the person stolen for actually feels the loss.
To be clear I don't think white people have it as bad in SA today as black people had in South Africa, still as things stand discrimination is discrimination and how far must we swing the pendulum beofre we need to swing it back? Or before South Africa becomes Zimbabwe.
In any case an argument about affirmative action is complex and off topic. Instead the perfect example of what I wished to discuss is the comic I posted one page back. How can a (white) cartoonist be called racist for saying my (black) presidents head is up his ass (he never said this) but it was not racist only insightful and funny when he in fact said (white) presidents bush's head is up his ass.
Also I may be white but I'm also Jewish. If you want to go tit for tat and tally the racist scorecard we can; Ill match you genocide for genocide, ghetto for ghetto, pogrom for pogrom and intolerance for intolerance. Seriously no body wins in such games. Suffering is suffering.
Oh and because the point is too easy to score. If you want a case of black people contributing to a prejudiced system that systematically attacks people. Lets look at black Africans and Gay people. Ill mention Uganda, but I will also mention that my president does not feel its his place to interfere in Ugandan sovereignty and tell them what they are doing is wrong. The ANC asked the world to pressure SA that apartheid was wrong but Uganda is within its rights to oppress Gay people. He also has no problem telling Israel off either. If you want to know the difference its because he himself has stated that in his youth if a gay person dared to stand before him he would beat him. My countries constitution was once attacked as well for giving gay people equal rights, I think the move was championed by the 'traditional leaders' of my country. If you are gay I also strongly suggest you not tell anyone in the Sudan, Mauritania, Nigeria, Tanzania or Sierra Leone. Ill leave out the Arab countries to stay brief.
This post has been edited by Cause: 14 July 2014 - 12:03 PM