Cause, on 22 September 2014 - 11:03 AM, said:
My first legendary engram gave me an exotic heavy machine gun! though I could also say that my only legendary engram gave me an exotic heavy machine gun!
What guns do you guys prefer? I prefer full auto primary (scout rifle gets me more headshots but full auto gets me more kills in general), heavy machine gun as the heavy (rockets seems oddly underpowered) and find that its necessary to carry both a fusion and sniper rifle under special.
Tough question. I love Hand Canons for the feel and one-shot-ness, but I tend to go for Auto Rifles as they have plenty deep mags and, once upgraded with a Fitted Stock, handle excellently, and most of mine also have mid-range scopes on them, too. I do like Scout Rifles, but they just aren't as easy to use. That being said, I have a Hand Canon with explosive rounds...that's fun. And it has an 11-round mag (how...HOW??! XD) so it's pretty cool.
Special weapons...I keep one of each on hand. Snipers see rare use, unless I *know* I'm going into an outdoorsy boss battle or something, but I like to keep one around. Fusion Rifles are OP if you use them right, and it's probably my default go-to Special. However, I have this auto shotgun that I'm REALLY partial to. It has become my "OHSHIT" gun, my "Goodbye, Boss..."'s brilliant. On paper, it's not that strong - only 178 damage, compared with my Fusion and Sniper which are hitting in the low 220-240 range - but the fact that it puts four rounds rapid into the face of whatever is in my sights...yeah, I can't count the number of boss battles that have been won, barely, because I pulled that one out as a finisher. XD
(I accidentally dismantled my first one - then I was stuck with one that was full auto, but had half the fire rate...even though it had 220 damage, it was nowhere near the potency, as its DPS was drastically lower. I was overjoyed when I found a replacement version of my earlier shotgun! Now I keep it around. You know, for close encounters.
Heavy...I currently am using a Legendary Machine Gun called 'Zombie Apocalypse'. I keep a Whisper Rocket Launcher on standby for when I need direct explosive punch, though - I, for one, feel that RLs have seen a huge upgrade since the beta, where they really, really felt underpowered. And the last one I used was pretty effective at taking down bosses, too. Velocity is really important for them, though - as much as good aim is useful, it gets wasted when the enemy has a teleport ability and just blinks out of the way, or when their shield *just* edges between the rocket and your target. Also pretty good for groups, when my Super isn't charged or I'm saving it for a boss.