Lock, on 13 March 2014 - 07:01 PM, said:
I think gamewise we need to figure out where to go from here.
We may get more fun out of this if we looked deeper at the scenes or atleast discussed them a lil?
Heres my take on scenes so far:
We (being the bridgeburner unit), now down one sapper, need to figure out one wild card Sorry aswell as a damn claw. What are the odds they'd be working together? I'm curios if we have a Tats claw combo and a Sorry ST combo...
Also this new talk on cards...I get a good feeling about the card talk. Fiddler being finder sounds cool. I got Kalam and quick roles pegged. I'm curious to know if Whiskeyjack turns up roled aswell!
Characters might have some on thread prerequisites which I'm looking forward to! All in all this is MALAZAN so we can go a bit nit pick crazy on the scene dumps...is all I'm saying

Just briefly reading this - why are we "down one sapper"? Hairlock was a mage in the 2nd's cadre. Fiddler and Hedge are doing shit in the scenes you mentioned. Also, where is the talk of a Claw coming from? Further, why would there be a "Tats claw combo" based on the scenes so far and what we know of GotM? This is really odd.
Second, from the scene where Tattersail reads the Deck for Tays, I'm wondering if Shadowthrone is even in this game, as his appearances are pretty minor and Tattersail clearly says the Rope is on his own in this game. So that would imply to me that maybe Shadowthrone isn't around. Just my thoughts though.