Then there was a snag.
Uki President declared a "unilateral cease fire" in an effort to commence negotiations. There were actually several rounds of talks--with OSCE and Russia reps, with Ukraine's second president Kuchma (the father of the current oligarchic political system) representing Ukrainian governent (a move that raised quite a few eyebrows), and an incredibly odious duo of Nestor Shufrych (a Party of Regions MP) and Viktor Medvedchuk (oligarch, Kuchma's head of Administration, and godfather to Putin's child) as mediators--the latter move causing outright anger and incomprehension. The "negotiations" were veiled in secrecy, and quite ineffective as far as the average person could tell--despite the ceasefire, terrorists continued attacking govt forces.
On June 27th, the last day of ceasefire, Ukraine officially signed the Association Agreement with EU. Same day the ùnilateral ceasefire`was extended for days, giving terrorists a chance to lay down their arms, at which point the govt was willing to begin negotiations with the regions. During these 3 days, Terrorists shot down another helicopter. This led to a lot of (predictable) anger amongst Pro-unity people, with another rally on Sunday the 29th, which included soldiers from the volunteer battalions, most notably from "Donbass". The main message was unequivocal: "This is going to be the last time we rally peacefully for you to deal with terrorists".
So, President Poroshenko found himself between his own angry supporters who wanted results, and EU and US (mostly EU), which urged for "peace and negotiation". He made a wise choice in choosing the people in nearest proximity.
On June 30th, he announced the unilateral ceasefire will not be continued. Same night, shelling and arial bombardment of terrorist checkpoints began.
On Tuesday, June 1st, ATO forces began a massive offensive in several directions
-From the west, they have engaged DNR terrorists on the outskirts of Donetsk around the villages of Karlivka and Maryinka
-Fighting resumed around Severodonetsk and Lysychansk
-along the south-East border between Russia and Ukraine, ATO forces took back control over border crossing "Dolzhanskyy"-one of hte 3 border crossings that were controlled by terrorists.
-Heavy fighting resumed around Slovyansk and sough of Krasnyj Liman (which was liberated prior to the ceasefire)
In addition, more infighting happened in Donetsk, where a portion of DNR terrorists attempted to storm the police HQ (technically still held by Ukrainian govt), while another portion of the DNR tried to protect the HQ. reports vary on who was where.
On Wednesday June 2nd, ATO forces made serious gains.
-around Slov'ynask, ATO took control over several villages south of Krasnyj Liman. The area between Krasnyj Liman and Slovyansk was heavily wooded, so the going was slow, but ATO made gains, cutting off additional supply lines for the Slovyansk-based DNR group led by Strelkov. In addition ATO secured a bridge village of Zakitne, gaining access to the road towards Artemivsk with the potential to completely surround and cut off Slovyansk. ATO also destroyed and secured Terrorist checkpoint onthe outskirts of the village of Mykolaivka (village next to slovyansk). During the night, Mykolayivka was taken.
-There was a lot of controversy concerning a shelling/bombing of the town of Stanytsa Luganskaya, just east of Luhansk. Russian media painted it as "Aerial bombing of civilians by Kyyv Fashists". The official response was a denial and a number of unconvincing explanations (Terrorists used artillery to make a pretty picture/terrorists took out a radar station, which allowed Russian warplanes to bomb the town undetected) I'm unsure which side to believe here.
Thursday, June 3
-ATO troops took control of the Border crossing "Izvarino" next to the city of Krasnodon. Terrorists remain in control of only one border crossing along the major highway "Rostov-Kharkiv"
-New Minister of Defence promises a victory parade in "Ukrainian Sevastopol" in Crimea, hinting that Ukraine will not accept the annexation of Crimea.
-There were also a number of reports about terrorists approaching the Russian border with the intent to cross it, where Russian border guards opened fire. Russia denied these allegations.
-Continued fighting around Slov'yansk led to mass desertions maongs DNR supporters--the main reason why DNR abandoned Mykolayivka. This information was confirmed by DNR spokesperson, and in the separatist social media.
-Towards the evening, ATO forces from Metalist, including the battalion "Aydar" advanced into the city of Luhansk, retaking a military unit in the western suburb that was captured by LNR terrorists earlier. A paratrooper division remains under siege in the Luhansk airport in the southern part of the city.
Friday, June 4th-relatively quiet day
-Fighting resumed around Western approaches to Donetsk near Karlivka
-Strelkov, leader of DNR terrorists in Slovyansk accused Russia of inaction and stated that unless Russia interferes, "Novorossiya will be lost within 2 weeks".
-There was a massive rumour campaign that Russia will bring in its troops as "peacekeepers" in the next 2 days.
-ATO forces completely overran the town of Mykolayivka, cutting off Slovyansk from access to the Rostov-Kharkiv highway.
-in the evening, a group of ATO troops and in partikular volunteer battalion "Artemivsk" performed a reconnaisaince raid into the city of Artemivsk on 2 ATP. Using grenade launchers, they have demolished DNR HQ in the city before retreating back north.
-In the southern part of the Donetsk oblast, around Snizhne-Torez-SHahktarsk city complex, ATO selling completely obliterated an ATO firebase on a strategically important hill, undermining their defences in the area.
Saturday, June 6th
-DNR terrorists evacuated Slov'yansk. Due to the threat of complete encirclement, terrorist leader Strelkov ordered the terrorists to abandon the city. There are numerous reports of DNR terrrorist abandoning their checkpoints.
-Slovyansk was captured by ATO forces. locall police were arrested for collaborating with terrorists. Columns of terrorists flee to Donetsk.
-Following the capture of slovyansk, ATO forces enter Artemivsk, meeting no resistance. Kramatorsk was also abandoned by DNR.
As a result of the week's activity, ATO has restored control over the northern part of Donetsk oblast, made significant gains in restoring control over the border with Russia, and entered the city of Luhansk. Civilian casualties were kept to a minimum.
Good day. Ukrainian forces are picking up momentum, and despite intense pressure from Russia through EU, the Pres knows he can't turn back, because his career depends on being able to handle the massive demand for the end of Russian intervention. If he takes a step back, he will be taken out by those willing to carry on the fight. He has to ride the wave and master it, or be swept aside.
This post has been edited by Mentalist: 05 July 2014 - 07:26 PM