No need to hide spoilers. (I haven't read all ICE books, but I don't mind spoilers for those either.)
Question: What is he doing / trying to achieve? Het carved into his lintel stone 'there will be peace'. Sounds like threat to me - is this his goal? The Tiste have run out of resources, they're an old rotten civilization and there have been a few wars recently. Civil war seems likely under those circumstances - did Draconus arrive to prevent that (if so, he's doing a lousy job), to accelarate the process, to influence the outcome, or what?
Question: Why did he suddenly leave Kharkanas to go on a long trip? Can't he use his powers to travel faster if it's so dangerous to be away?
Background: There was this woman who (a very rare event) rose from lesser noble to higher noble, then she kept that position for 500 years. She seems to have no other family (Q: could this woman also have been an Azathanai?). An unspecified time ago she adopts Draconus as her son. This is how Draconus (who came from nowhere) enters Tiste society. Ten years ago, around the time of the Forkrul war, she 'dies suddenly' and Draconus inherits Dracons hold. Nobody likes or trusts him. He intimidates (and charms?) his way into the chair beside Mother Dark, who appears to be a high priest and Queen of the Tiste. It isn't clear if she did much governing before, but recently she's left all that stuff for Draconus, she 'puts him between herself and everyone else'. This appears to be what Draconus wants, but why? It works very well as a way to destabilize Tiste society.
Theory 1: Good but clumsy Draconus. Draconus wants peace for his 'children' the Tiste. He's trying to help the Tiste but he's very bad at it, being an extremely unsubtle type of person who's no good at politics or any kind of relationships and so he makes it worse and worse ttrying to fix things.
Theory 2: Responsible Draconus. Draconus made the Tiste or is in some other fashion responsible for them. The other Azathanai have told him he needs to fix his mess (all the recent wars, the pollution of the world, etc.) He's doing this, probably by causing civil war to reduce the Tiste number and reduce the civilization in general. (It's getting out of hand, though.)
Theory 3: Draconus didn't choose this. Mother Dark summoned him, because she wanted someone to help her govern, so she could go away to explore chaos or whatever it is she wants. So he finds himself among the Tiste, bound to Mother Dark, and he's trying to do something about it? Or he fell for her genuinely / agrees with her goals and is trying to help her?
He's capable, smart, strong both physically and mentally. Yet he completely lacks self-confidence and considers himself such an embarrassing disappointment that he keeps chewing off his fingertops. An interesting combination. There is the mystery of his mother, most probably another Azathanai. There's the mystery of who or what he later becomes (as it's hinted thet he is in the Malazan books). He's associated with water and ice, he's a natural swordsman, he has empathy even for unsympathetic people like Sagander or his sisters, and for animals. He seems to have a deep-buried hatred for his father, though.
Question: Is he actually older than Spite/Envy/Malice? Or does he only believe that? What could that mean for who his mother is?
It is mentioned there is an 'odd tilt to her eyes', unlike her brother. Is she possibly not a full Tiste either? Making later mixing of bloods even more interesting?