Andorion, on 24 August 2016 - 01:46 PM, said:
Dolmen 2.0, on 24 August 2016 - 12:24 PM, said:

New stuff on the way,
Started with Kyle and Grey. I'm trying a Maori Viking mix for Kyle. Greymane is looking somewhat badass father christmas but I'm happy with it.
Started a sketch of Spindle and another of Baruk in portrait. Colouring them before I post. Maybe I'll get a chance this friday. My professional exam study schedule kicks into high gear this weekend so no promises. after October I'll have a ton of stuff to post from all my procrastination doodles.

Greymane looks intimidating!
So a blizzard of art in October?
More like a drizzle?
Finished art I find takes me alot longer than most artists because I change my mind about things a gazillion times every sitting.
but expect doodles. tons and tons of doodles.
This post has been edited by Dolmen 2.0: 24 August 2016 - 03:18 PM