twelve, on 07 November 2014 - 03:48 PM, said:
Imperial Historian, on 07 November 2014 - 02:28 PM, said:
twelve, on 07 November 2014 - 12:41 AM, said:
upgrade Dreadnaught. Add two gluon computers over default hulls
Can you hear me laughing in america about how little your dreadnought scares me
Gnaw/Tatts, I can either go full offensive and send in two dreads to try and take your homeworld back Gnaw, but twelve will most likely escape the trap i've set for him, and has a reasonable chance of taking 1 world or I can send in one dread and be pretty confident that twelve isn't going anywhere soon. I prefer the second option but i thought i'd ask you guys first.
In either case Gnaw I'd like you to move your cruiser from twelves homeworld to zeta chamelontis soon (should be able to do this in one move I think), then tatts and I can pass through and we'll have two dreads in sigma draconis, and you can take zeta chameleontis (I think your cruiser should win that fight with d'reks inty)
so either provisional
move dread mu cassiopuae to sigma draconis or
upgrade interceptor with plasma cannon over ion cannon, upgrade starbase with positron computer over ion cannon, and may as well put the jump drive on my cruiser.
You sir are a dick. (
Yeah two dreadnoughts would have been an issue, one is not so scary. You can still do some damage though i think
Since no feedback is forthcoming I guess I'll play safe and:
upgrade interceptor with plasma cannon over ion cannon, upgrade starbase with positron computer over ion cannon, and may as well put the jump drive on my cruiser.
Can you beat d'rek with just an interceptor Gnaw? it's a 2pt hex (3 for d'rek) so we want to take it if we can.